test_that("tf_rebase.tfd preserves args & evals and transfers attributes", { set.seed(11331) x <- tf_rgp(5, arg = 301L) |> tf_smooth() |> tfd(evaluator = tf_approx_fill_extend) |> suppressMessages() names(x) <- letters[1:5] l <- list( x_2 = tfd(as.matrix(x), resolution = tf_resolution(x) * 2), x_sp = tf_sparsify(x, dropout = .1), x_ir = tf_sparsify(x, dropout = .1) |> tf_jiggle(amount = .05), b = tfb(x, k = 45, verbose = FALSE), b2 = tfb(x, k = 15, bs = "tp", sp= .1, verbose = FALSE), bu = tfb(x, k = 15, penalized = FALSE, verbose = FALSE), bg = tfb(x, k = 5, global = TRUE, verbose = FALSE), fpc = tfb_fpc(x, pve = 1), fpc_low = tfb_fpc(x, pve = .95) ) for (i in seq_along(l)) { # cat(i) x_rebase <- tf_rebase(x, l[[i]], verbose = FALSE) expect_equal( x_rebase |> tf_evaluations(), l[[i]] |> tf_evaluations(), tolerance = .01 ) expect_equal( x_rebase |> tf_arg(), l[[i]] |> tf_arg() ) expect_true( compare_tf_attribs(x_rebase, l[[i]], check_attrib = FALSE) |> all() ) expect_equal(names(x_rebase), names(x)) # try(c(x_rebase, l[[i]])) #!! see #77 } }) test_that("tf_rebase.tfb_spline preserves args & evals and transfers attributes", { set.seed(1133111) x <- tf_rgp(5, arg = 301L) |> tf_smooth() |> tfd(evaluator = tf_approx_fill_extend) |> suppressMessages() names(x) <- letters[1:5] b <- tfb(x, k = 45, verbose = FALSE) l <- list( x = x, x_sp = tf_sparsify(x, dropout = .1), x_ir = tf_sparsify(x, dropout = .1) |> tf_jiggle(amount = .2), b2 = tfb(x, k = 15, bs = "tp", sp = .1, verbose = FALSE), bu = tfb(x, k = 15, penalized = FALSE, verbose = FALSE), bg = tfb(x, k = 5, global = TRUE, verbose = FALSE), fpc = tfb_fpc(x, pve = 1), fpc_low = tfb_fpc(x, pve = .95) ) for (i in seq_along(l)) { # cat(i) x_rebase <- tf_rebase(b, l[[i]], verbose = FALSE) expect_equal( x_rebase |> tf_evaluations(), l[[i]] |> tf_evaluations(), tolerance = .01 ) expect_equal( x_rebase |> tf_arg(), l[[i]] |> tf_arg() ) expect_true( compare_tf_attribs(x_rebase, l[[i]], check_attrib = FALSE) |> all() ) expect_equal(names(x_rebase), names(x)) # c(x_rebase, l[[i]]) # !! see #77 } }) test_that("tf_rebase.tfb_fpc preserves args & evals and transfers attributes", { set.seed(1133111) x <- tf_rgp(5, arg = 301L) |> tf_smooth() |> tfd(evaluator = tf_approx_fill_extend) |> suppressMessages() names(x) <- letters[1:5] fpc <- tfb_fpc(x, pve = 1) l <- list( x = x, x_sp = tf_sparsify(x, dropout = .1), x_ir = tf_sparsify(x, dropout = .1) |> tf_jiggle(amount = .2), b = tfb(x, k = 45, verbose = FALSE), b2 = tfb(x, k = 15, bs = "tp", sp= .1, verbose = FALSE), bu = tfb(x, k = 15, penalized = FALSE, verbose = FALSE), bg = tfb(x, k = 5, global = TRUE, verbose = FALSE), fpc_low = tfb_fpc(x, pve = .95) ) for (i in seq_along(l)) { x_rebase <- tf_rebase(fpc, l[[i]], verbose = FALSE) expect_equal( x_rebase |> tf_evaluations(), l[[i]] |> tf_evaluations(), tolerance = .01 ) expect_equal( x_rebase |> tf_arg(), l[[i]] |> tf_arg() ) expect_true( compare_tf_attribs(x_rebase, l[[i]], check_attrib = FALSE) |> all() ) expect_equal(names(x_rebase), names(x)) # c(x_rebase, l[[i]]) # !! see #77 } })