test_data <- tibble(text = c( "I would not eat them here or there.", "I would not eat them anywhere.", "I would not eat green eggs and ham.", "I do not like them, Sam-I-am." )) rec <- recipe(~., data = test_data) test_that("sequence encoding is done correctly", { rec <- rec %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, sequence_length = 10) obj <- rec %>% prep() baked_data <- bake(obj, new_data = NULL) expect_equal(dim(baked_data), c(nrow(test_data), 10)) expect_true(all(vapply(baked_data, function(x) all(is.integer(x)), FUN.VALUE = logical(1) ))) expect_equal( dim(tidy(rec, 2)), c(1, 4) ) expect_equal( dim(tidy(obj, 2)), c(length(unique(unlist(tokenizers::tokenize_words(test_data$text)))), 4) ) }) test_that("padding and truncating works correctly", { data <- tibble(text = c( "a b c d e f g", "a b c", "" )) pad_trunc <- function(seq_length, padding, truncating) { recipe(~text, data = data) %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, sequence_length = seq_length, padding = padding, truncating = truncating ) %>% prep() %>% bake(new_data = NULL, composition = "matrix") %>% unname() } expect_equal( pad_trunc(5, "pre", "pre"), matrix(c( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) ) expect_equal( pad_trunc(5, "post", "pre"), matrix(c( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) ) expect_equal( pad_trunc(5, "pre", "post"), matrix(c( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) ) expect_equal( pad_trunc(5, "post", "post"), matrix(c( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, rec %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, padding = "not pre") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, rec %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, truncating = "Wrong") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, rec %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, padding = c("pre", "pre")) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, rec %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, truncating = "Wrong") ) }) test_that("check_name() is used", { dat <- test_data dat$seq1hot_text_1 <- dat$text rec <- recipe(~., data = dat) %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, prep(rec, training = dat) ) }) test_that("bad args", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_sequence_onehot(padding = "yes") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_sequence_onehot(truncating = "yes") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_sequence_onehot(sequence_length = -4) %>% prep() ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_sequence_onehot(prefix = NULL) %>% prep() ) }) # Infrastructure --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("bake method errors when needed non-standard role columns are missing", { tokenized_test_data <- recipe(~text, data = test_data) %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% prep() %>% bake(new_data = NULL) rec <- recipe(tokenized_test_data) %>% update_role(text, new_role = "predictor") %>% step_sequence_onehot(text) %>% update_role(text, new_role = "potato") %>% update_role_requirements(role = "potato", bake = FALSE) trained <- prep(rec, training = tokenized_test_data, verbose = FALSE) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, bake(trained, new_data = tokenized_test_data[, -1]) ) }) test_that("empty printing", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_sequence_onehot(rec) expect_snapshot(rec) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_snapshot(rec) }) test_that("empty selection prep/bake is a no-op", { rec1 <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec2 <- step_sequence_onehot(rec1) rec1 <- prep(rec1, mtcars) rec2 <- prep(rec2, mtcars) baked1 <- bake(rec1, mtcars) baked2 <- bake(rec2, mtcars) expect_identical(baked1, baked1) }) test_that("empty selection tidy method works", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_sequence_onehot(rec) expect <- tibble( terms = character(), vocabulary = character(), token = integer(), id = character() ) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) }) test_that("keep_original_cols works", { new_names <- paste0("seq1hot_text_", 1:100) rec <- recipe(~text, data = test_data) %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, keep_original_cols = FALSE) rec <- prep(rec) res <- bake(rec, new_data = NULL) expect_equal( colnames(res), new_names ) rec <- recipe(~text, data = test_data) %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text, keep_original_cols = TRUE) rec <- prep(rec) res <- bake(rec, new_data = NULL) expect_equal( colnames(res), c("text", new_names) ) }) test_that("keep_original_cols - can prep recipes with it missing", { rec <- recipe(~text, data = test_data) %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text) rec$steps[[2]]$keep_original_cols <- NULL expect_snapshot( rec <- prep(rec) ) expect_no_error( bake(rec, new_data = test_data) ) }) test_that("printing", { rec <- rec %>% step_tokenize(text) %>% step_sequence_onehot(text) expect_snapshot(print(rec)) expect_snapshot(prep(rec)) })