context("coherence") # generation of test data ------------------------- #library(text2vec) #data("movie_review") N = 500 tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review[1:N])) it = itoken(tokens, progressbar = FALSE) v = create_vocabulary(it) v = prune_vocabulary(v, term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max = 0.2) dtm = create_dtm(it, vocab_vectorizer(v)) n_topics = 100 n_top_terms = 10 lda_model = text2vec::LDA$new(n_topics = n_topics) fitted = lda_model$fit_transform(dtm) top_terms = lda_model$get_top_words(n = n_top_terms, topic_number = 1L:n_topics) topic_word_distribution = lda_model$topic_word_distribution # ------------------------------------------------- test_that("coherence, general functionality", { # intrinsic reference tcm from corpus for testing general functionality tcm_intrinsic = Matrix::crossprod(sign(dtm)) coherence_res = coherence(x = top_terms ,tcm = tcm_intrinsic, n_doc_tcm = nrow(dtm)) expect_true(inherits(coherence_res, "matrix")) expect_equal(typeof(coherence_res), "double") expect_true(setequal(colnames(coherence_res), c("mean_logratio", "mean_pmi", "mean_npmi", "mean_difference", "mean_npmi_cosim", "mean_npmi_cosim2"))) expect_equal(nrow(coherence_res), n_topics) # different smoothing constants coherence_res_adapted_smooth = coherence(x = top_terms ,tcm = tcm_intrinsic, n_doc_tcm = nrow(dtm), smooth = .01) expect_false(sum(as.vector(coherence_res)) == sum(as.vector(coherence_res_adapted_smooth))) # incomplete input tcm_err = tcm_intrinsic[1:2,1:2] tcm_err[1,2] = 0 tcm_err[2,1] = 0 expect_warning({coherence_err = coherence(x = top_terms, tcm = tcm_err, n_doc_tcm = nrow(dtm))}) expect_true(all( }) test_that("coherence, vectorized vs. mapply loop calculation of PMI", { #1. some simple toy data---------------------------- tcm = matrix(rbind(c(40, 1, 2, 3), c(1, 30, 4, 5), c(2, 4,20, 6), c(3, 5, 6,10)), ncol = 4) #pmi nonvectorized #to make it easy take all indices of tcm idxs = 1:ncol(tcm) #one index with preceeding indices combinations idxs_combis = t(combn(idxs,2, FUN = function(x) sort(x, decreasing = TRUE))) pmi = mapply(function(x,y) {log2((tcm[x,y]) + 1e-12) - log2(tcm[x,x]) - log2(tcm[y,y])} ,idxs_combis[,1], idxs_combis[,2]) #pmi vectorized res = as.matrix(tcm[idxs, idxs]) res[upper.tri(res)] = res[upper.tri(res)] + 1e-12 d = diag(res) res = res/d res = res %*% diag(1 / d) res = res[upper.tri(res)] pmi_vect = log2(res) expect_equal(sort(pmi), sort(pmi_vect)) #2. some real data and several arbitrary subsets----- tcm = Matrix::crossprod(dtm) for (i in 1:10) { set.seed(i) idxs = sample(1:ncol(tcm), 4) #one index with preceeding indices combinations idxs_combis = t(combn(idxs,2, FUN = function(x) sort(x, decreasing = TRUE))) pmi = mapply(function(x,y) {log2((tcm[x,y]) + 1e-12) - log2(tcm[x,x]) - log2(tcm[y,y])} ,idxs_combis[,1], idxs_combis[,2]) #pmi vectorized res = as.matrix(tcm[idxs, idxs]) res[upper.tri(res)] = res[upper.tri(res)] + 1e-12 d = diag(res) res = res/d res = res %*% diag(1 / d) res = res[upper.tri(res)] pmi_vect = log2(res) expect_equal(sort(pmi), sort(pmi_vect)) } }) test_that("coherence, results of text2vec vs other packages", { #textmineR: difference metric via function CalcProbCoherence: #stm: adapted UMass via the function semCoh1beta: # definition/copy of functions from other packages ------------------ # apart from some slight changes of the stm function to allow direct comparison # marked via "<<<<<<<<<<< NOTE FROM TEXT2VEC" # below functions are simply a copy from the other packages CalcProbCoherence <- function(phi, dtm, M = 5){ # phi is a numeric matrix or numeric vector? if( ! is.numeric(phi) ){ stop("phi must be a numeric matrix whose rows index topics and columns\n", " index terms or phi must be a numeric vector whose entries index terms.") } # is dtm a matrix we can work with? if( ! is.matrix(dtm) && ! inherits(dtm, 'Matrix')){ stop("dtm must be a matrix. This can be a standard R dense matrix or a\n", " matrix of class CsparseMatrix, TsparseMatrix, RsparseMatrix, or dgeMatrix") } # is M numeric? If it is not an integer, give a warning. if( ! is.numeric(M) | M < 1){ stop("M must be an integer in 1:ncol(phi) or 1:length(phi)") } if(length(M) != 1){ warning("M is a vector when scalar is expected. Taking only the first value") M <- M[[1 ]] } if(floor(M) != M){ warning("M is expected to be an integer. floor(M) is being used.") M <- floor(M) } # dtm has colnames? if( is.null(colnames(dtm))){ stop("dtm must have colnames") } # Names of phi in colnames(dtm) if( ! is.matrix(phi) ){ if(sum(names(phi)[ 1:M ] %in% colnames(dtm)) != length(1:M)){ stop("names(phi)[ 1:M ] are not in colnames(dtm)") } }else if(sum(colnames(phi)[ 1:M ] %in% colnames(dtm)) != length(1:M)){ stop("colnames(phi)[ 1:M ] are not in colnames(dtm)") } # Declare a function to get probabilistic coherence on one topic pcoh <- function(topic, dtm, M){ terms <- names(topic)[order(topic, decreasing = TRUE)][1:M] dtm.t <- dtm[, terms] dtm.t[dtm.t > 0] <- 1 count.mat <- Matrix::t(dtm.t) %*% dtm.t <- nrow(dtm) p.mat <- count.mat/ # result <- sapply(1:(ncol(count.mat) - 1), function(x) { # mean(p.mat[x, (x + 1):ncol(p.mat)]/p.mat[x, x] - Matrix::diag(p.mat)[(x + # 1):ncol(p.mat)], na.rm = TRUE) # }) # mean(result, na.rm = TRUE) result <- sapply(1:(ncol(count.mat) - 1), function(x) { p.mat[x, (x + 1):ncol(p.mat)]/p.mat[x, x] - Matrix::diag(p.mat)[(x + 1):ncol(p.mat)] }) mean(unlist(result), na.rm = TRUE) } # if phi is a single topic vector get that one coherence if( ! is.matrix(phi) ){ return(pcoh(topic = phi, dtm = dtm, M = M)) } # Otherwise, do it for all the topics apply(phi, 1, function(x){ pcoh(topic = x, dtm = dtm, M = M) }) } semCoh1beta_adapted <- function(mat, M, beta) { #Get the Top N Words top.words <- apply(beta, 1, order, decreasing=TRUE)[1:M,] wordlist <- unique(as.vector(top.words)) mat <- mat[,wordlist] mat = sign(mat) #do the cross product to get co-occurences cross <- tcrossprod(t(mat)) #create a list object with the renumbered words (so now it corresponds to the rows in the table) temp <- match(as.vector(top.words),wordlist) labels <- split(temp, rep(1:nrow(beta), each=M)) #Note this could be done with recursion in an elegant way, but let's just be simpler about it. sem <- function(ml,cross) { m <- ml[1]; l <- ml[2] #The following commented line is the original line from stm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NOTE FROM TEXT2VEC #log(.01 + cross[m,l]) - log(cross[l,l] + .01) #it was adapted allow direct comparison with text2vec implementation by #(i) removing smoothing from diagonal values #this is not done in text2vec since any(diag(res) == 0) is FALSE or in other words) #(ii) using smaller smoohting value to log(1e-12 + cross[m,l]) - log(cross[l,l]) } result <- vector(length=nrow(beta)) for(k in 1:nrow(beta)) { grid <- expand.grid(labels[[k]],labels[[k]]) colnames(grid) <- c("m", "l") #corresponds to original paper grid <- grid[grid$m > grid$l,] calc <- apply(grid,1,sem,cross) #The following commented line is the original line from stm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NOTE NOTE FROM TEXT2VEC result[k] <- sum(calc) #it was adapted allow direct comparison with text2vec implementation by #(i) using the mean insted of the sum to result[k] <- mean(calc, na.rm = TRUE) } return(result) } # intrinsic reference tcm from corpus as used in the other packages tcm_intrinsic = Matrix::crossprod(sign(dtm)) coherence_text2vec = coherence(x = top_terms ,tcm = tcm_intrinsic, n_doc_tcm = nrow(dtm) #select the corresponding metrics for testing against other packages ,metrics = c("mean_difference", "mean_logratio")) #calculate coherence scores with other packages logratio_stm_adapted = semCoh1beta_adapted(mat = dtm, M = n_top_terms, beta = topic_word_distribution) mean_difference_textmineR = CalcProbCoherence(phi = topic_word_distribution, dtm = as.matrix(dtm), M = n_top_terms) #compare results compare = cbind(coherence_text2vec, mean_difference_textmineR, logratio_stm_adapted) expect_equal(sort(compare[,"mean_logratio"]), sort(compare[,"logratio_stm_adapted"])) expect_equal(sort(compare[,"mean_difference"]), sort(compare[,"mean_difference_textmineR"])) })