test_that("dtm_stats returns expect output", { # simplified, base R dtm out <- dtm_stats(dtm.bse, richness = TRUE, distribution = TRUE, central = TRUE, character = TRUE, simplify = TRUE ) expect_equal(dim(out), as.integer(c(1L, 26L))) expect_type(out, "list") expect_equal(unlist(out$n_docs), nrow(dtm.bse)) expect_equal(unlist(out$n_types), ncol(dtm.bse)) expect_equal(unlist(out$n_tokens), sum(dtm.bse)) # not simplified, base R dtm out <- dtm_stats(dtm.bse) expect_equal(length(out), 5L) expect_equal(dim(out[[1]]), as.integer(c(5L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[2]]), as.integer(c(4L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[3]]), as.integer(c(10L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[4]]), as.integer(c(4L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[5]]), as.integer(c(3L, 2L))) expect_type(out, "list") expect_equal(as.character(out[[1]][1, 2]), as.character(nrow(dtm.bse))) expect_equal(as.character(out[[1]][3, 2]), as.character(ncol(dtm.bse))) expect_equal(as.character(out[[1]][4, 2]), as.character(sum(dtm.bse))) # simplified, dgCMatrix R dtm out <- dtm_stats(dtm.dgc, richness = TRUE, distribution = TRUE, central = TRUE, character = TRUE, simplify = TRUE ) expect_equal(dim(out), as.integer(c(1L, 26L))) expect_type(out, "list") expect_equal(unlist(out$n_docs), nrow(dtm.bse)) expect_equal(unlist(out$n_types), ncol(dtm.bse)) expect_equal(unlist(out$n_tokens), sum(dtm.bse)) # not simplified, dgCMatrix R dtm out <- dtm_stats(dtm.dgc) expect_equal(dim(out[[1]]), as.integer(c(5L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[2]]), as.integer(c(4L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[3]]), as.integer(c(10L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[4]]), as.integer(c(4L, 2L))) expect_equal(dim(out[[5]]), as.integer(c(3L, 2L))) expect_type(out, "list") expect_equal(as.character(out[[1]][1, 2]), as.character(nrow(dtm.bse))) expect_equal(as.character(out[[1]][3, 2]), as.character(ncol(dtm.bse))) expect_equal(as.character(out[[1]][4, 2]), as.character(sum(dtm.bse))) }) test_that("dtm_stats returns basic output alone", { out <- dtm_stats( dtm = dtm.bse, richness = FALSE, distribution = FALSE, central = FALSE, character = FALSE, simplify = FALSE ) expect_type(out, "list") expect_equal(length(out), as.integer(1L)) expect_equal(dim(out[[1]]), as.integer(c(5L, 2L))) }) test_that("dtm_melter works on both base and sparse", { out_a <- dtm_melter(dtm = dtm.bse) out_b <- dtm_melter(dtm = dtm.dgc) expect_type(out_a, "list") expect_type(out_b, "list") expect_equal(ncol(out_a), as.integer(3L)) expect_equal(ncol(out_b), as.integer(3L)) expect_equal(out_a, out_b) expect_equal(sum(out_a$freq), sum(dtm.bse)) expect_equal(sum(out_b$freq), sum(dtm.dgc)) }) test_that("dtm_builder produces identical dtm to cast_dtm", { # example 1 dtm.a <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(clean_text, doc_id) # example 2 dtm.b <- dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text = clean_text, doc_id = doc_id) expect_identical(dim(dtm.a), dim(dtm.b)) expect_identical(dim(dtm.a), dim(dtm.tm)) expect_identical(sum(dtm.a), sum(dtm.b)) expect_identical(sum(dtm.a), sum(dtm.tm)) expect_identical( as.vector(colnames(dtm.a)), as.vector(colnames(dtm.b)) ) expect_identical( as.vector(sort(colnames(dtm.a))), as.vector(sort(colnames(dtm.tm))) ) }) test_that("dtm_builder error/message if last row is blank", { my_corpus <- data.frame( my_text = c( "I hear babies crying I watch them grow", "They'll learn much more than I'll ever know", "And I think to myself", "What a wonderful world", "Yes I think to myself", "What a wonderful world" ), line_id = paste0("line", seq_len(6)) ) my_corpus$my_text[6] <- "" expect_error( expect_message(dtm_builder(my_corpus, my_text, line_id)) ) }) test_that("dtm_builder works with vocab", { vocab <- vocab_builder(jfk_corpus, text) new.vocab <- vocab[!vocab %in% c("moon")] expect_identical( dim(dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_id, vocab = new.vocab )), as.integer(c(10, 43)) ) expect_identical( dim(dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_id, vocab = new.vocab, chunk = 4L )), as.integer(c(19, 43)) ) expect_identical( dim(dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_id, vocab = new.vocab )), as.integer(c(10, 43)) ) expect_error( expect_message( dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_ids, vocab = c( "hear", "babies", "world", "picklespit" ) ) ) ) expect_error( expect_message( dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_ids, vocab = new.vocab, chunk = 5L ) ) ) expect_error( expect_message( dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_ids, vocab = new.vocab ) ) ) }) test_that("dtm_builder error/message if doc_id is wrong...", { my_corpus <- data.frame( my_text = c( "I hear babies crying I watch them grow", "They'll learn much more than I'll ever know", "And I think to myself", "What a wonderful world", "Yes I think to myself", "What a wonderful world" ), line_id = paste0("line", seq_len(6)) ) expect_error( expect_message( dtm_builder(my_corpus, my_text, doc_id = line_ids) ) ) }) test_that("dtm_builder chunks correctly", { chunk <- 3L dtm.e <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, doc_id, chunk = chunk) expect_equal(sum(dtm.e[1, ]), chunk) dtm.f <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, doc_id) expect_equal(sum(dtm.e), sum(dtm.f)) chunk <- 100L dtm.g <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, doc_id, chunk = chunk) expect_equal(sum(dtm.g[1, ]), sum(dtm.f)) }) test_that("dtm resampler creates DTM of the same dimensions", { out <- dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc, alpha = 0.2) expect_s4_class(out, "dgCMatrix") expect_identical(dim(out), dim(dtm.dgc)) expect_equal(sum(out), sum(dtm.dgc) * 0.2, tolerance = 0.1) out <- dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc, alpha = 0.5) expect_s4_class(out, "dgCMatrix") expect_identical(dim(out), dim(dtm.dgc)) expect_equal(sum(out), sum(dtm.dgc) * 0.5, tolerance = 0.1) out <- dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc, alpha = 0.7) expect_s4_class(out, "dgCMatrix") expect_identical(dim(out), dim(dtm.dgc)) expect_equal(sum(out), sum(dtm.dgc) * 0.7, tolerance = 0.1) out <- dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc, alpha = 1) expect_s4_class(out, "dgCMatrix") expect_identical(dim(out), dim(dtm.dgc)) expect_equal(sum(out), sum(dtm.dgc) * 1, tolerance = 0.1) out <- dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc, n = 20) expect_s4_class(out, "dgCMatrix") expect_true(all(rowSums(out) == 20)) out <- dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc) expect_s4_class(out, "dgCMatrix") expect_true(all(rowSums(out) == rowSums(dtm.dgc))) expect_equal(sum(out), sum(dtm.dgc)) expect_warning(dtm_resampler(dtm.dgc, alpha = 0.5, n = 20)) }) # tests for internal functions test_that(".convert_mat_to_dgCMatrix convert all dtms to dgCMatrix", { ## base R matrix ## expect_s4_class(.convert_mat_to_dgCMatrix(dtm.bse), "dgCMatrix") ## dgCMatrix matrix ## expect_s4_class(.convert_mat_to_dgCMatrix(dtm.dgc), "dgCMatrix") ## dfm//dgCMatrix matrix ## expect_s4_class(.convert_mat_to_dgCMatrix(dtm.dfm), "dgCMatrix") ## tm//simple_triplet_matrix matrix ## expect_s4_class(.convert_mat_to_dgCMatrix(dtm.tm), "dgCMatrix") ## TermDocumentMatrix // tm//simple_triplet_matrix matrix ## expect_s4_class(.convert_mat_to_dgCMatrix(dtm.tdm), "dgCMatrix") }) test_that("dtm resampler works on output of .prep_cmd_INPUT", { ## dgCMatrix matrix ## out <- .prep_cmd_INPUT( dtm = dtm.dgc[, seq_len(35)], cw = cw.oov, cv = NULL, wv = fake_word_vectors_oov, missing = "stop" ) dtm.samp <- dtm_resampler(out$DTM, alpha = 1) expect_s4_class(dtm.samp, "dgCMatrix") expect_equal(nrow(dtm.samp), nrow(out$DTM)) expect_equal(ncol(dtm.samp), ncol(out$DTM)) }) test_that("compare dtm dense and sparse", { dtm_sp <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, doc_id, dense = FALSE) dtm_de <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, doc_id, dense = TRUE) expect_s4_class(dtm_sp, "dgCMatrix") expect_identical( class(dtm_de), c("matrix", "array") ) expect_equal(nrow(dtm_sp), nrow(dtm_de)) expect_equal(ncol(dtm_sp), ncol(dtm_de)) # compare with vocab vocab <- vocab_builder(jfk_corpus, text) new.vocab <- vocab[!vocab %in% c("moon")] dtm_sp <- dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_id, vocab = new.vocab, dense = FALSE ) dtm_de <- dtm_builder(jfk_corpus, text, doc_id, vocab = new.vocab, dense = TRUE ) expect_s4_class(dtm_sp, "dgCMatrix") expect_identical( class(dtm_de), c("matrix", "array") ) expect_equal(nrow(dtm_sp), nrow(dtm_de)) expect_equal(ncol(dtm_sp), ncol(dtm_de)) }) test_that("works w/o doc_id", { dtm1 <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, doc_id, dense = FALSE) dtm2 <- jfk_corpus %>% dtm_builder(text, dense = FALSE) expect_equal(nrow(dtm1), nrow(dtm2)) expect_equal(ncol(dtm1), ncol(dtm2)) }) test_that("dtm functions with one document", { dtm1 <- dtm_builder(jfk_corpus[1, ], text, doc_id, dense = FALSE) expect_identical(dim(dtm1), as.integer(c(1, 6))) dtm2 <- dtm_stopper(dtm1, stop_list = c("we", "moon")) expect_identical(dim(dtm2), as.integer(c(1, 4))) expect_identical( dim(dtm_melter(dtm1)), as.integer(c(6, 3)) ) dtm_c <- dtm_builder(jfk_corpus[1, ], text, chunk = 1L, dense = FALSE) expect_identical(dim(dtm_c), as.integer(c(7, 6))) expect_identical( dim(dtm_melter(dtm_c)), as.integer(c(7, 3)) ) }) test_that("seq_builder", { out1 <- seq_builder(my_corpus, text, line_id) out2 <- seq_builder(my_corpus, text = text, doc_id = line_id, vocab = vocab_builder(my_corpus, text) ) out3 <- seq_builder(my_corpus, text, line_id, maxlen = 5L) out4 <- seq_builder(my_corpus, text, line_id, matrix = FALSE) out5 <- seq_builder(my_corpus, text = text, doc_id = line_id, maxlen = 5L, vocab = vocab_builder(my_corpus, text) ) out6 <- seq_builder(my_corpus, text) expect_identical(dim(out1), c(6L, 8L)) expect_identical(dim(out3), c(6L, 5L)) expect_identical(length(out4), 6L) expect_identical(length(out4$line1), 8L) expect_identical(dim(out5), c(6L, 5L)) expect_identical(dim(out6), c(6L, 8L)) expect_equal( length(attr(out1, "dic")), max(out1) ) expect_equal( length(attr(out2, "dic")), max(out2) ) expect_equal( length(attr(out3, "dic")), max(out3) ) expect_equal( length(attr(out4, "dic")), max(unlist(out4)) ) expect_identical(out1, out2) expect_identical( rownames(out6), c( "doc_1", "doc_2", "doc_3", "doc_4", "doc_5", "doc_6" ) ) })