context("texreg family functions")
model1 <- lm(Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width, data = iris)
test_that("custom.header argument works", {
# screenreg
sr1 <- screenreg(list(model1, model1, model1, model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "def" = 4:6))
expect_match(sr1, "\n ab def \n ---------------------- ----------------------------------\n Model 1")
sr2 <- screenreg(list(model1, model1, model1, model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "def" = 4:6),
custom.columns = list("first" = c("one", "two"), "second" = c("three", "four")),
custom.col.pos = c(1, 6))
expect_match(sr2, " ---------------------- ")
expect_match(sr2, " ------------------------------------------\n")
expect_match(sr2, "- -")
expect_match(sr2, "\nfirst Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 second Model 5 Model 6 \n")
sr3 <- screenreg(list(model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "defghijklmnopqrstuvxwyz" = 3),
single.row = TRUE, groups = list("Group 1" = 1, "Group 2" = 2))
expect_match(sr3, " defghijklmnopqrst\n")
expect_match(sr3, "\n Petal.Width")
# texreg
tr1 <- texreg(list(model1, model1, model1, model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "def" = 4:6))
expect_match(tr1, "\\n \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}\\{c\\}\\{ab\\} \\& \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{3\\}\\{c\\}\\{def\\} \\\\\\\\\\n\\\\cline\\{2-3\\} \\\\cline\\{5-7\\}\\n")
tr2 <- texreg(list(model1, model1, model1, model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "def" = 4:6),
custom.columns = list("first" = c("one", "two"), "second" = c("three", "four")),
custom.col.pos = c(1, 6))
expect_match(tr2, "\\n & & \\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}\\{c\\}\\{ab\\} \\& \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{4\\}\\{c\\}\\{def\\} \\\\\\\\\\n\\\\cline\\{3-4\\} \\\\cline\\{6-9\\}\\n")
tr3 <- texreg(list(model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "defghijklmnopqrstuvxwyz" = 3),
single.row = TRUE, groups = list("Group 1" = 1, "Group 2" = 2),
booktabs = TRUE, longtable = TRUE, siunitx = TRUE)
expect_match(tr3, "\\n\\\\toprule\\n \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}\\{c\\}\\{ab\\} \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{1\\}\\{c\\}\\{defghijklmnopqrstuvxwyz\\} \\\\\\\\\\n\\\\cmidrule\\(lr\\)\\{2-3\\} \\\\cmidrule\\(lr\\)\\{4-4\\}\\n")
expect_error(texreg(list(model1, model1), custom.header = c("a", "b")), "must be a named list of numeric vectors")
expect_error(texreg(list(model1, model1), custom.header = list("ab" = c(1, NA))), "NA values are not permitted in 'custom.header'")
expect_error(texreg(list(model1, model1), custom.header = list("ab" = c(1, 1.5))), "must be provided as integer values")
expect_error(texreg(list(model1, model1), custom.header = list("ab" = c(1, 3))), "must be between 1 and the number of models")
expect_error(texreg(list(model1, model1), custom.header = list("ab" = c(2, 1))), "must be strictly increasing")
expect_error(texreg(list(model1, model1, model1), custom.header = list("ab" = c(1, 3))), "must have strictly consecutive column indices")
# htmlreg
hr1 <- htmlreg(list(model1, model1, model1, model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "def" = 4:6),
inline.css = FALSE)
expect_match(hr1, "
\\n\\ <\\/th>\\n | ab<\\/th>\\n | \\ <\\/th>\\n | def<\\/th>\\n<\\/tr>")
hr2 <- htmlreg(list(model1, model1, model1, model1, model1, model1),
custom.header = list("ab" = 1:2, "def" = 4:6),
custom.columns = list("first" = c("one", "two"), "second" = c("three", "four")),
custom.col.pos = c(1, 6), inline.css = FALSE, body.tag = TRUE)
expect_match(hr2, " |
\\n\\ <\\/th>\\n | \\ <\\/th>\\n | ab<\\/th>\\n | \\ <\\/th>\\n | def<\\/th>\\n<\\/tr>")
test_that("ci.test argument works", {
mr <- matrixreg(list(model1, model1), ci.force = TRUE, ci.test = 3.3)
expect_match(mr[2, 2], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[2, 3], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 2], " -0.21 \\* ")
expect_match(mr[4, 3], " -0.21 \\* ")
mr <- matrixreg(list(model1, model1), ci.force = TRUE, ci.test = 0)
expect_match(mr[2, 2], " 3.31 \\* ")
expect_match(mr[2, 3], " 3.31 \\* ")
expect_match(mr[4, 2], " -0.21 \\* ")
expect_match(mr[4, 3], " -0.21 \\* ")
mr <- matrixreg(list(model1, model1), ci.force = TRUE, ci.test = NA)
expect_match(mr[2, 2], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[2, 3], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 2], " -0.21 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 3], " -0.21 ")
mr <- matrixreg(list(model1, model1), ci.force = TRUE, ci.test = c(0, 3.3))
expect_match(mr[2, 2], " 3.31 \\* ")
expect_match(mr[2, 3], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 2], " -0.21 \\* ")
expect_match(mr[4, 3], " -0.21 \\* ")
mr <- matrixreg(list(model1, model1), ci.force = TRUE, ci.test = c(NA, 3.3))
expect_match(mr[2, 2], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[2, 3], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 2], " -0.21 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 3], " -0.21 \\* ")
mr <- matrixreg(list(model1, model1), ci.force = TRUE, ci.test = c(NA, NA))
expect_match(mr[2, 2], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[2, 3], " 3.31 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 2], " -0.21 ")
expect_match(mr[4, 3], " -0.21 ")
# check multiple NA values
sr <- screenreg(list(model1, model1),
custom.model.names = c("Model 1", "Model 2"),
ci.force = TRUE,
ci.test = c(NA, NA)
expect_false(grepl("[*]", sr))
sr2 <- screenreg(list(model1, model1),
custom.model.names = c("Model 1", "Model 2"),
ci.force = TRUE,
ci.test = c(NA, 0)
expect_equal(attr(regexpr("[*]", sr2), "match.length"), 1)
test_that("threeparttable and custom.note arguments work in the texreg function", {
tr <- texreg(model1, threeparttable = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\usepackage\\{threeparttable\\}\\n\\n")
expect_match(tr, "\\\\begin\\{center\\}\\n\\\\begin\\{threeparttable\\}\\n\\\\begin\\{tabular\\}", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\\\end{tabular}\\n\\\\begin\\{tablenotes\\}\\[flushleft\\]\\n\\\\scriptsize\\{.+\\}\\n\\\\end\\{tablenotes\\}\\n\\\\end\\{threeparttable\\}\\n\\\\caption", perl = TRUE)
tr <- texreg(model1, threeparttable = TRUE, custom.note = "\n\\item %stars.\\\\\n\\item Second item.\n")
expect_match(tr, "\\\\end{tabular}\\n\\\\begin\\{tablenotes\\}\\[flushleft\\]\\n\\\\scriptsize\\{\\n.+\\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\\\\\n\\\\item Second item\\.\\n\\}\\n\\\\end\\{tablenotes\\}", perl = TRUE)
tr <- texreg(model1, threeparttable = TRUE, sideways = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\\\begin\\{sidewaystable\\}\\n\\\\begin\\{center\\}\\n\\\\begin\\{threeparttable\\}\\n\\\\begin\\{tabular\\}", perl = TRUE)
tr <- texreg(model1, threeparttable = TRUE, longtable = TRUE, caption.above = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\usepackage\\{threeparttablex\\}\\n\\n")
expect_match(tr, "\\\\hline\\n\\\\insertTableNotes\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\endlastfoot", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\\\begin\\{TableNotes\\}\\[flushleft\\]\\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\\\begin\\{ThreePartTable\\}\\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_warning(texreg(model1, threeparttable = TRUE, siunitx = TRUE), "Switching off 'siunitx'.")
test_that("siunitx argument works in the texreg function", {
tr <- texreg(list(model1, model1), single.row = TRUE, siunitx = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list(abc = c("abcdefg hijklmn", "abc")))
expect_match(tr, "\\& 3\\.31 \\\\; \\(0\\.06\\)\\^\\{\\*\\*\\*\\} \\&", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "l S\\[table-format=3\\.11\\]", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\n\\\\usepackage\\{siunitx\\}\\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "abc \\& \\{abcdefg hijklmn\\} \\& \\{abc\\}", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\n\\\\sisetup\\{parse-numbers=false, table-text-alignment=right\\}\\n", perl = TRUE)
tr <- texreg(list(model1, model1), siunitx = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list(abc = c("abcdefg hijklmn", "abc")))
expect_match(tr, "l S\\[table-format=3\\.5\\]", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(tr, "\\{Model 1\\}", perl = TRUE)
expect_warning(texreg(model1, siunitx = TRUE, dcolumn = TRUE), "The dcolumn and siunitx packages cannot be used at the same time. Switching off 'dcolumn'.")
expect_warning(texreg(model1, siunitx = TRUE, bold = TRUE), "The siunitx package and the 'bold' argument cannot be used at the same time. Switching off 'siunitx'.")
expect_warning(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, bold = TRUE), "The dcolumn package and the 'bold' argument cannot be used at the same time. Switching off 'dcolumn'.")
test_that("NA values in custom.coef.names are interpreted correctly", {
mr <- matrixreg(model1, custom.coef.names = c("abc", NA))
expect_match(mr[2, 1], "abc")
expect_match(mr[4, 1], "Petal.Width")
mr <- matrixreg(model1, custom.coef.names = c("abc", "abc"))
expect_match(mr[2, 1], "abc")
expect_match(mr[4, 1], "abc")
test_that("duplicate row labels in custom.coef.names are merged when feasible", {
model.1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
model.2 <- lme(distance ~ Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)
screenreg(list(model.1, model.2), custom.coef.names = c("Intercept", "sex", "sex"))
expect_equivalent(dim(matrixreg(list(model.1, model.2))), c(12, 3))
expect_equivalent(dim(matrixreg(list(model.1, model.2),
custom.coef.names = c("Intercept", "sex", "sex"))),
c(10, 3))
test_that("LaTeX code is escaped in GOF labels", {
skip_if_not_installed("lme4", minimum_version = "1.1.34")
skip_if_not_installed("Matrix", minimum_version = "1.6.1")
iris$species_variable <- iris$Species
fit <- lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + (1 | species_variable), data = iris)
regexp = "Num. groups: species\\\\_variable",
perl = TRUE)
regexp = "Num. groups: species_variable",
perl = TRUE)
test_that("no stars, single.row, and dcolumn work together", {
single.row = TRUE,
dcolumn = TRUE,
stars = numeric()),
regexp = "l D{\\)}{\\)}{9\\)0}}",
perl = TRUE)
test_that("table and tabular arguments work in texreg function", {
tr <- texreg(model1, table = FALSE)
expect_match(tr, "^\\n\\\\begin\\{tabular")
tr <- texreg(model1, table = FALSE, tabular = FALSE)
expect_match(tr, "^\\n\\\\hline")
expect_warning(texreg(model1, tabular = FALSE), "Setting 'table = FALSE'")
test_that("sanity checks and arguments work in texreg function", {
expect_warning(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, bold = 0.05),
"cannot be used at the same time. Switching off 'dcolumn'. You should also consider setting stars = 0.")
expect_warning(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, bold = 0.05, stars = 0), "cannot be used at the same time. Switching off 'dcolumn'.$")
expect_warning(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, bold = 0.05, stars = numeric()), "cannot be used at the same time. Switching off 'dcolumn'.$")
expect_warning(texreg(model1, longtable = TRUE, sideways = TRUE), "Switching off 'sideways'.$")
expect_match(texreg(model1, longtable = TRUE), "\\\\usepackage{longtable}\n\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, longtable = TRUE, float.pos = "tbhp"), "\\\\begin{longtable}\\[tbhp\\]{l c}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, scalebox = 0.5), "\\\\usepackage{graphicx}\n\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, scalebox = 0.5), "\\\\scalebox{0.5}{", perl = TRUE)
expect_warning(texreg(model1, longtable = TRUE, scalebox = 0.5),
"'longtable' and 'scalebox' are not compatible. Setting scalebox = NULL.$")
expect_match(texreg(model1, sideways = TRUE), "\\\\usepackage{rotating}\n\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, sideways = TRUE), "\\\\begin{sidewaystable}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, booktabs = TRUE), "\\\\usepackage{booktabs}\n\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, booktabs = TRUE), "\\\\toprule\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, booktabs = TRUE), "\\\\midrule\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, booktabs = TRUE), "\\\\bottomrule\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, ci.force = TRUE), "& \\$ \\[ 3.19; 3.43\\]\\$ \\\\\\\\\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, ci.force = TRUE, single.row = TRUE),
"\\(Intercept\\) & \\$3.31 \\\\; \\[ 3\\.19; 3\\.43\\]\\^{.}\\$ \\\\\\\\\n",
perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, center = FALSE), "\\\\end{table}$", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, float.pos = ""), "\\\\begin{table}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, float.pos = "tb"), "\\\\begin{table}\\[tb\\]\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "footnotesize"), "\\\\begin{footnotesize}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "footnotesize"), "\\\\end{footnotesize}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "footnotesize"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\tiny{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "normalsize"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\scriptsize{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "large"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\footnotesize{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "Large"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\small{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "LARGE"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\normalsize{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "huge"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\large{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "Huge"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\Large{", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, fontsize = "footnotesize", longtable = TRUE), "\\\\begin{footnotesize}\n\\\\begin{longtable}", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, caption.above = TRUE), "\\\\begin{table}\n\\\\caption{Statistical models}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, custom.note = "my new note"), "\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\scriptsize{my new note}}", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, custom.note = ""), "\\\\hline\n\\\\end{tabular}\n", perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, custom.note = "my new note", longtable = TRUE),
"\\\\multicolumn\\{2\\}{l}{\\\\scriptsize{my new note}}\\\\\\\\\n",
perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, longtable = TRUE, caption.above = TRUE),
"\\\\begin{longtable}{l c}\n\\\\caption{Statistical models}\n",
perl = TRUE)
suppressMessages(texreg(model1, file = "../files/temp.txt"))
fs <- file.size("../files/temp.txt")
}, 400)
expect_error(texreg(model1, file = 12), "The 'file' argument must be a character string.")
custom.columns = list("column 1" = c("yes", "no"),
c(11, 13)),
custom.col.pos = c(1, 2)),
"column 1 & & & Model 1 \\\\\\\\\n",
perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(list(model1, model1),
custom.columns = list("column 1" = c("yes", "no"),
c(11, 13)),
custom.col.pos = c(1, 3)),
"column 1 & & Model 1 & & Model 2 \\\\\\\\\n",
perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(list(model1, model1),
custom.columns = list("column 1" = c("yes", "no"),
c(11, 13)),
custom.col.pos = c(1, 3)),
"yes & \\(Intercept\\) & \\$3.31\\^{.{3}}\\$ & 11 & \\$3\\.31\\^{.{3}}\\$ \\\\\\\\\n",
perl = TRUE)
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.columns = list("column 1" = 1:2)),
" & column 1 & \\\\multicolumn\\{1\\}{c}{Model 1} \\\\\\\\\n",
perl = TRUE)
expect_match(capture.output(print(texreg(model1)))[22], "\\\\end\\{table\\}")
# custom.gof.rows with correct dcolumn width and without dollar signs for text
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = 12345)), "Fixed effects \\& 12345 \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = 12345)), "\\\\begin[{]tabular[}][{]l D[{]\\.[}][{]\\.[}][{]5\\.5[}][}]")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = FALSE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = 12345)), "Fixed effects \\& \\$12345\\$ \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = FALSE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = TRUE)), "Fixed effects \\& TRUE \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = FALSE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = "yes")), "Fixed effects \\& yes \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = TRUE)), "Fixed effects \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{1\\}\\{c\\}\\{TRUE\\} \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = TRUE)), "3\\.5")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = "yes")), "Fixed effects \\& \\\\multicolumn\\{1\\}\\{c\\}\\{yes\\} \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = "yes")), "3\\.5")
expect_match(texreg(model1, dcolumn = TRUE, custom.gof.rows = list("Fixed effects" = 1234567)), "7\\.5")
# groups
expect_match(texreg(model1, groups = list("First group" = 1, "Second group" = 2), single.row = FALSE),
"Second group \\& \\\\")
expect_match(texreg(model1, groups = list("First group" = 1, "Second group" = 2), single.row = FALSE),
"\n\\\\quad Petal\\.Width")
test_that("arguments work in screenreg function", {
expect_error(screenreg(model1, outer.rule = TRUE), "outer.rule must be a character.")
expect_error(screenreg(model1, outer.rule = "=="), "outer.rule must be a character of maximum length 1.")
expect_match(screenreg(model1, outer.rule = ""), "^\n ")
expect_error(screenreg(model1, inner.rule = TRUE), "inner.rule must be a character.")
expect_error(screenreg(model1, inner.rule = "--"), "inner.rule must be a character of maximum length 1.")
expect_match(screenreg(model1, inner.rule = ""), "Model 1 \n\\(Intercept")
expect_match(screenreg(model1, custom.note = ""), "==\n$")
expect_match(screenreg(model1, custom.note = "my note"), "==\nmy note\n$")
expect_match(screenreg(model1, custom.note = "%stars. my note"), "0.05. my note\n$")
expect_error(screenreg(model1, file = TRUE), "The 'file' argument must be a character string.$")
suppressMessages(screenreg(model1, file = "../files/temp.txt"))
fs <- file.size("../files/temp.txt")
}, 300)
expect_match(screenreg(list(model1, model1),
custom.gof.rows = list(test = c("yes", "no"),
"test 2" = 4:5,
"test 3" = c(2.4, 3.7))),
"--\ntest\\s+yes\\s+no\\s+\ntest 2\\s+4\\s+5\\s+\ntest 3\\s+2.40\\s+3.70\\s+\nR\\^2")
# groups
expect_match(screenreg(model1, groups = list("First group" = 1, "Second group" = 2), single.row = FALSE),
"\\nFirst group \\n")
expect_match(screenreg(model1, groups = list("First group" = 1, "Second group" = 2), single.row = FALSE),
"\\n Petal\\.Width")
test_that("knitreg function works", {
with_mock(requireNamespace = function (package, ...) {
ifelse(package == "knitr", return(FALSE), return(TRUE))
}, {
expect_error(knitreg(list(model1, model1)), regexp = "knitreg requires the 'knitr' package to be installed")
with_mock(requireNamespace = function (package, ...) {
ifelse(package == "rmarkdown", return(FALSE), return(TRUE))
}, {
expect_error(knitreg(list(model1, model1)), regexp = "knitreg requires the 'rmarkdown' package to be installed")
skip_if_not_installed("knitr", minimum_version = "1.22")
skip_if_not_installed("rmarkdown", minimum_version = "1.12")
expect_match(knitreg(model1), "Petal.Width")
# the following evaluates that knitreg chooses and outputs the expected format
knitr::opts_knit$set(out.format = "markdown")
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"html_document"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), htmlreg(model1, doctype = FALSE)))
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"bookdown::html_document2"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), htmlreg(model1, doctype = FALSE)))
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"pdf_document"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), texreg(model1, use.packages = FALSE)))
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"bookdown::pdf_document2"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), texreg(model1, use.packages = FALSE)))
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"bookdown::pdf_book"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), texreg(model1, use.packages = FALSE)))
# formatting table to test word output in knitreg
mr <- matrixreg(model1, output.type = "ascii", include.attributes = FALSE, trim = TRUE)
colnames(mr) <- mr[1, ]
mr <- mr[-1, ]
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"word_document"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), knitr::kable(mr)))
with_mock("rmarkdown::all_output_formats" = function (input) {"bookdown::word_document2"},
"knitr::current_input" = function () {NULL},
expect_equivalent(knitreg(model1), knitr::kable(mr)))
test_that("matrixreg function works", {
expect_equal(nrow(matrixreg(model1)), 8)
expect_equal(ncol(matrixreg(model1)), 2)
expect_equal(class(matrixreg(model1))[1], "matrix")
expect_error(matrixreg(model1, = list("Intercept" = "My intercept")), "None of the coefficient")
mr <- matrixreg(model1, = list("(Intercept)" = "My intercept"))
expect_equal(nrow(mr), 6)
expect_match(mr[2, 1], "My intercept")
test_that("htmlreg function works", {
# groups
expect_match(htmlreg(model1, groups = list("First group" = 1, "Second group" = 2), single.row = FALSE),
"\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Petal\\.Width")
expect_match(htmlreg(model1, groups = list("First group" = 1, "Second group" = 2), single.row = FALSE),
"Second group")