context("praise function") suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("texreg")) test_that("praise gives useful error messages if the fields were not filled out properly", { expect_error(praise(organization = "test")) expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE)) expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = FALSE), "'organization' must be the name of your organization.") expect_error(praise(academic_user = 24), "'academic_user' must be TRUE if you are at a university or research institute and FALSE otherwise.") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", name = 25, general_praise = "test"), "Optional 'name' argument:") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test"), "At least one of the arguments 'general_praise', 'increase_productivity', or 'increase_quality' must be provided") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", general_praise = NA), "'general_praise' is a free-form text argument where you can provide any kind of praise.") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", increase_productivity = NA), "'increase_productivity' argument: Tell us how texreg makes you more productive.") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", increase_quality = NA), "'increase_quality' argument: Tell us how texreg increases the quality of your work or reporting.") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", general_praise = "test", start_using = TRUE), "Optional 'start_using' argument: Tell us when you started using texreg") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", general_praise = "test", where_learn = 25), "Optional 'where_learn' argument: Tell us where or how you learned about texreg") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", general_praise = "test", contact_details = 25), "Optional 'contact_details' argument: How can we reach you if we need to ask for further testimony for our reporting purposes?") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", general_praise = "test", models = 25), "Optional 'models' argument: What kinds of statistical models do you use in your work most often?") expect_error(praise(academic_user = TRUE, organization = "test", general_praise = "test", num_users = TRUE), "Optional 'num_users' argument: How many other texreg users do you know approximately[?] Supply a number or some text.") })