test_that(paste0( "update_testex_desc reads and caches options set in Config/testex/options", "warning when version is mismatched and disabling checks" ), { desc <- " Package: example Config/testex/options: list(a = 1) " dir.create(test_dir <- tempfile("testex")) desc_path <- file.path(test_dir, "DESCRIPTION") withr::defer(unlink(test_dir, recursive = TRUE)) writeLines(trimws(desc), desc_path) as_not_r_cmd_check({ expect_warning(testex_options(desc_path), "version") expect_silent(orig <- testex_options("")) }) expect_length(orig, 2) expect_identical(orig$a, 1) expect_identical(orig$check, FALSE) orig_mtime <- .testex_options$.fingerprint$mtime # during R CMD check, process ID is used for fingerprint instead of mtime skip_if(is_r_cmd_check(), "on R CMD check") Sys.sleep(1) # give time for mtime to update # without updating file, cache fingerprint unchanged expect_silent(testex_options(desc_path)) expect_true(.testex_options$.fingerprint$mtime == orig_mtime) desc <- " Package: example Config/testex/options: list(a = 1, b = 2) " # expect invalidation of cached value and new values stored writeLines(trimws(desc), desc_path) as_not_r_cmd_check({ expect_warning(testex_options(desc_path)) expect_silent(updated <- testex_options("")) }) expect_true(.testex_options$.fingerprint$mtime != orig_mtime) expect_length(updated, 3) expect_identical(updated$a, 1) expect_identical(updated$b, 2) })