testthat::test_that("to_string_matrix works correctly", { tbl <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_rows_by("RACE") %>% split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>% analyze("AGE", mean, format = "xx.xx") %>% build_table(DM) %>% prune_table() # Initial intended use (wrapper of matrix_form(x)$strings) result <- to_string_matrix(tbl, with_spaces = FALSE, print_txt_to_copy = FALSE) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) # Testing with spaces (respecting indentation and alignments) result <- to_string_matrix(tbl, with_spaces = TRUE, print_txt_to_copy = FALSE) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) # Testing print_txt_to_copy with original table print_result <- capture.output( nowhere <- to_string_matrix(tbl, with_spaces = FALSE, print_txt_to_copy = TRUE) ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(print_result) # Testing print_txt_to_copy with spaces print_result <- capture.output( nowhere <- to_string_matrix(tbl, with_spaces = TRUE, print_txt_to_copy = TRUE) ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(print_result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("unlist_and_blank_na works as expected if not all missing", { x <- list(1, 3, 5, NA) result <- unlist_and_blank_na(x) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("unlist_and_blank_na works as expected if all missing", { x <- c(NA, NA) result <- unlist_and_blank_na(x) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("cfun_by_flag works as expected", { result_fun <- cfun_by_flag(analysis_var = "aval", flag_var = "is_result", format = "xx.xxxx") testthat::expect_type(result_fun, "closure") df <- data.frame( aval = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), arm = c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b"), is_result = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) ) result <- result_fun(df = df, labelstr = "bla") res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("labels_or_names works correctly", { res <- testthat::expect_silent(labels_or_names(list(a = 5, b = formatters::with_label(3, "bla")))) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) res <- testthat::expect_silent(labels_or_names(list(5, b = 3))) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) res <- testthat::expect_silent(labels_or_names(list(formatters::with_label(1, "bli"), b = 3))) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) res <- testthat::expect_silent(labels_or_names(list(1, 2))) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("c_label_n works as expected", { result <- c_label_n(data.frame(a = c(1, 2)), "female", .N_row = 4) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("c_label_n_alt works as expected", { result <- c_label_n_alt(data.frame(a = c(1, 2)), "female", .alt_df_row = data.frame(a = 1:10)) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("add_rowcounts works with one row split", { result <- basic_table() %>% split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% add_rowcounts() %>% build_table(DM) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("add_rowcounts works with multiple column and row splits", { result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>% split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% add_rowcounts() %>% split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% add_rowcounts() %>% analyze("AGE", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx") %>% build_table(DM) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("add_rowcounts works with pruning", { result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% add_rowcounts() %>% analyze("RACE") %>% build_table(DM) %>% prune_table() res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) dm_f <- DM %>% dplyr::filter(SEX == "F") result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% add_rowcounts() %>% analyze("RACE") %>% build_table(dm_f) %>% prune_table() res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("add_rowcounts works with alt_counts = TRUE", { DM_alt <- DM[1:100, ] # nolint result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% add_rowcounts(alt_counts = TRUE) %>% analyze("RACE") %>% build_table(DM, alt_counts_df = DM_alt) %>% prune_table() res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("h_col_indices works as expected", { tab <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% build_table(DM) result <- h_col_indices(tab, c("B: Placebo", "C: Combination")) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("as.rtable.data.frame works correctly", { x <- data.frame( a = 1:10, b = seq(from = 10000, to = 20000, length.out = 10) / 1000 ) rownames(x) <- LETTERS[1:10] result <- as.rtable(x, format = "xx.x") res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("as.rtable.data.frame fails when a column is not numeric", { x <- data.frame( a = 1:10, b = LETTERS[1:10] ) testthat::expect_error(as.rtable(x)) }) testthat::test_that("as.rtable.data.frame uses variable labels for column headers when they are available", { x <- data.frame( a = 1:10, b = seq(from = 10000, to = 20000, length.out = 10) / 1000 ) formatters::var_labels(x) <- paste("label for", names(x)) rownames(x) <- LETTERS[1:10] result <- as.rtable(x, format = "xx.x") res <- testthat::expect_silent(names(result)) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("h_split_param divides param values", { f <- list( surv = c("pt_at_risk", "event_free_rate", "rate_se", "rate_ci"), surv_diff = c("rate_diff", "rate_diff_ci", "ztest_pval") ) .stats <- c("pt_at_risk", "rate_diff") result <- h_split_param(.stats, .stats, f = f) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) .formats <- c("pt_at_risk" = "xx", "event_free_rate" = "xxx") result <- h_split_param(.formats, names(.formats), f = f) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("afun_selected_stats works for NULL input", { result <- afun_selected_stats(NULL, "b") res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("afun_selected_stats works for character input", { result <- afun_selected_stats(c("a", "c"), c("b", "c")) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("append_varlabels works as expected", { lyt <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% add_colcounts() %>% split_rows_by("SEX") %>% append_varlabels(DM, "SEX") %>% analyze("AGE", afun = mean) %>% append_varlabels(DM, "AGE", indent = 1L) result <- build_table(lyt, DM) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("append_varlabels correctly concatenates multiple variable labels", { lyt <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% split_rows_by("SEX") %>% analyze("AGE", afun = mean) %>% append_varlabels(DM, c("SEX", "AGE")) result <- build_table(lyt, DM) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("default na_str works properly", { tmp <- tern_ex_adsl[seq_len(10), seq_len(10)] tmp$AGE[1] <- NA df_to_tt(tmp) set_default_na_str("N/A") tbl <- basic_table() %>% split_rows_by("SEX") %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = FALSE), inclNAs = TRUE, format = "xx.", na_str = default_na_str() ) %>% build_table(tmp) testthat::expect_identical(matrix_form(tbl)$strings[5, 2], "N/A") # lets try with some default function set_default_na_str(NULL) dt <- data.frame("VAR" = c(NA, NA_real_)) tbl <- basic_table() %>% analyze_vars(vars = "VAR", .stats = c("n", "mean")) %>% build_table(dt) testthat::expect_identical(matrix_form(tbl)$strings[-1, 2], c("0", "NA")) set_default_na_str("") dt <- data.frame("VAR" = c(NA, NA_real_)) tbl <- basic_table() %>% analyze_vars(vars = "VAR", .stats = c("n", "mean")) %>% build_table(dt) testthat::expect_identical(matrix_form(tbl)$strings[-1, 2], c("0", "")) set_default_na_str(NULL) })