testthat::test_that("h_ancova works with healthy input", { result <- h_ancova( .var = "Sepal.Length", .df_row = iris, variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Petal.Length * Petal.Width", "Sepal.Width")) ) %>% as.data.frame() res <- testthat::expect_silent(broom::tidy(result)) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("h_ancova fails wrong inputs", { testthat::expect_error( h_ancova( .var = "Wrong.Var", .df_row = iris, variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Petal.Length * Petal.Width", "Sepal.Width")) ) ) testthat::expect_error( h_ancova( .var = "Sepal.Length", .df_row = iris, variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Wrong.Var", "Sepal.Width")) ) ) }) testthat::test_that("s_ancova works with healthy input", { df_col <- iris %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "versicolor") df_ref <- iris %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "setosa") result <- s_ancova( df = df_col, .var = "Sepal.Length", .df_row = iris, variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Petal.Length * Petal.Width", "Sepal.Width")), .ref_group = df_ref, .in_ref_col = FALSE, conf_level = 0.99 ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("s_ancova fails wrong inputs", { testthat::expect_error( s_ancova( df = iris, .var = "Sepal.Length", variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Petal.Length * Petal.Width", "Sepal.Width")), .df_row = iris, .in_ref_col = FALSE, conf_level = 0.99 ) ) }) testthat::test_that("s_ancova works with interaction and .in_ref_col = TRUE", { iris_new <- iris %>% dplyr::mutate(p_group = dplyr::case_when( substr(Petal.Width, 3, 3) < 3 ~ "A", substr(Petal.Width, 3, 3) < 5 & substr(Petal.Width, 3, 3) > 2 ~ "B", TRUE ~ "C" )) %>% mutate(p_group = as.factor(p_group)) df_col <- iris_new %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "versicolor") df_ref <- iris_new %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "setosa") result <- s_ancova( df_col, .var = "Petal.Length", variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Sepal.Width", "p_group", "Species*p_group")), .in_ref_col = TRUE, .df_row = iris_new, .ref_group = df_ref, conf_level = 0.95, interaction_y = "B", interaction_item = "p_group" ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("summarize_ancova works with healthy inputs", { result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("Species", ref_group = "setosa") %>% add_colcounts() %>% summarize_ancova( vars = "Sepal.Length", variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = NULL), conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Unadjusted comparison", .labels = c(lsmean = "Mean", lsmean_diff = "Difference in Means"), table_names = "unadjusted" ) %>% summarize_ancova( vars = "Sepal.Length", variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = "Petal.Length"), conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Adjusted comparison (covariates Petal.Length)", table_names = "adjusted" ) %>% build_table(iris) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("summarize_ancova works with interaction", { iris_new <- iris %>% dplyr::mutate(p_group = dplyr::case_when( substr(Petal.Width, 3, 3) < 3 ~ "A", substr(Petal.Width, 3, 3) < 5 & substr(Petal.Width, 3, 3) > 2 ~ "B", TRUE ~ "C" )) %>% mutate(p_group = as.factor(p_group)) result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("Species", ref_group = "setosa") %>% add_colcounts() %>% summarize_ancova( vars = "Petal.Length", variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Sepal.Width", "p_group", "Species*p_group")), conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Petal_B", table_names = "Petal_B", interaction_y = "B", interaction_item = "p_group" ) %>% build_table(iris_new) result_matrix <- to_string_matrix(result, with_spaces = FALSE, print_txt_to_copy = FALSE) lm_fit <- stats::lm(formula = "Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + p_group + Species*p_group + Species", data = iris_new) emmeans_fit <- emmeans::emmeans(lm_fit, specs = c("Species", "p_group"), data = iris_new) emmean <- emmeans_fit %>% as.data.frame() %>% filter(p_group == "B") %>% select(emmean) %>% unlist() %>% round(., 2) testthat::expect_equal(as.numeric(emmean), as.numeric(result_matrix[5, 2:4]), tolerance = 0.0000001) emmeans_contrasts <- emmeans::contrast(emmeans_fit, method = "trt.vs.ctrl", ref = 4) sum_contrasts <- summary(emmeans_contrasts, infer = TRUE, adjust = "none") %>% as.data.frame() %>% filter(contrast %in% c("versicolor B - setosa B", "virginica B - setosa B")) %>% select(estimate, lower.CL, upper.CL) %>% round(., 2) ci_a <- paste0("(", as.numeric(sum_contrasts[1, 2]), ", ", as.numeric(sum_contrasts[1, 3]), ")") ci_b <- paste0("(", as.numeric(sum_contrasts[2, 2]), ", ", as.numeric(sum_contrasts[2, 3]), ")") testthat::expect_identical(result_matrix[7, 3], ci_a) testthat::expect_identical(result_matrix[7, 4], ci_b) }) testthat::test_that("summarize_ancova works with irregular arm levels", { adsl <- tern_ex_adsl adrs <- tern_ex_adrs adsl$ARMCD2 <- factor(adsl$ARMCD, levels = c("ARM A", "ARM B", "ARM C"), labels = c("ARM A", "ARM A Subgroup", "ARM C") ) adrs$ARMCD2 <- factor(adrs$ARMCD, levels = c("ARM A", "ARM B", "ARM C"), labels = c("ARM A", "ARM A Subgroup", "ARM C") ) adsl$ARMCD3 <- factor(adsl$ARMCD, levels = c("ARM A", "ARM B", "ARM C"), labels = c("ARM A", "ARM B (x)", "ARM C") ) adrs$ARMCD3 <- factor(adrs$ARMCD, levels = c("ARM A", "ARM B", "ARM C"), labels = c("ARM A", "ARM B (x)", "ARM C") ) set.seed(1) adrs_single <- adrs %>% mutate(CHG = rnorm(nrow(.))) result1 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARMCD2", ref_group = "ARM C") %>% add_colcounts() %>% summarize_ancova( vars = "CHG", variables = list(arm = "ARMCD2", covariates = NULL), table_names = "unadj", conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Unadjusted comparison", .labels = c(lsmean = "Mean", lsmean_diff = "Difference in Means") ) %>% build_table(adrs_single, alt_counts_df = adsl) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result1) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) result2 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARMCD3", ref_group = "ARM C") %>% add_colcounts() %>% summarize_ancova( vars = "CHG", variables = list(arm = "ARMCD3", covariates = NULL), table_names = "unadj", conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Unadjusted comparison", .labels = c(lsmean = "Mean", lsmean_diff = "Difference in Means") ) %>% build_table(adrs_single, alt_counts_df = adsl) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result2) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) adsl <- adsl %>% mutate( ARMCD = case_match( ARMCD, "ARM A" ~ "10mg/kg", "ARM B" ~ "20mg/kg", "ARM C" ~ "30mg/kg" ) %>% factor(levels = paste0(1:3, "0mg/kg")), ) result3 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARMCD", ref_group = "10mg/kg") %>% summarize_ancova( vars = "BMRKR1", variables = list(arm = "ARMCD"), conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "ARMCD" ) %>% build_table(adsl) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result3) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) })