library(nestcolor) df <- tern_ex_adtte %>% filter(PARAMCD == "OS") %>% mutate(is_event = CNSR == 0) variables <- list(tte = "AVAL", is_event = "is_event", arm = "ARMCD") testthat::test_that("g_km default plot works", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_default <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_default", g_km_default, width = 8, height = 5) }) testthat::test_that("g_km works with title/footnotes and annotation", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_title_footer <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, title = "KM Plot", footnotes = "footnotes" ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_title_footer", g_km_title_footer, width = 8, height = 5) }) testthat::test_that("g_km default plot witch ci_ribbon = TRUE works", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_ci_ribbon <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, ci_ribbon = TRUE ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_ci_ribbon", g_km_ci_ribbon, width = 8, height = 5) }) testthat::test_that("g_km plot with < = > in group labels works", { df <- tern_ex_adtte %>% df_explicit_na() %>% dplyr::filter(PARAMCD == "OS", ARM == "A: Drug X") %>% dplyr::mutate( is_event = CNSR == 0, group = as.factor(ifelse(AGE > 34, ">Median", "<=Median")) ) variables <- list(tte = "AVAL", is_event = "is_event", arm = "group") testthat::expect_silent(g_km_eq_lbls <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, annot_surv_med = FALSE ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_eq_lbls", g_km_eq_lbls, width = 8, height = 5) }) testthat::test_that("g_km ylim parameter works as expected", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_crop_ylim <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, annot_surv_med = FALSE, annot_at_risk = FALSE, max_time = 1000, legend_pos = c(0.9, 0.8) ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_crop_ylim", g_km_crop_ylim, width = 8, height = 5) testthat::expect_silent(g_km_crop_ylim_failure <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, yval = "Failure", annot_surv_med = FALSE, annot_at_risk = FALSE, max_time = 1000 ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_crop_ylim_failure", g_km_crop_ylim_failure, width = 8, height = 4) testthat::expect_silent(g_km_custom_ylim <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, annot_surv_med = FALSE, annot_at_risk = FALSE, ylim = c(0.25, 0.75) ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_custom_ylim", g_km_custom_ylim, width = 8, height = 4) }) testthat::test_that("annot_at_risk_title parameter works as expected", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_at_risk_title <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, annot_at_risk_title = TRUE ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_at_risk_title", g_km_at_risk_title, width = 8, height = 5) }) testthat::test_that("ref_group_coxph parameter works as expected", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_ref_group_coxph <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, annot_coxph = TRUE, ref_group_coxph = "ARM B", control_annot_coxph = control_coxph_annot(x = 0.25, y = 0.44, w = 0.35, ref_lbls = TRUE) ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_ref_group_coxph", g_km_ref_group_coxph, width = 10, height = 8) }) testthat::test_that("g_km works with custom arguments", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_custom <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, pch = "?", size = 4, lty = c("solid", "dotted", "dashed"), lwd = 2, rel_height_plot = 0.6, legend_pos = c(0.5, 0.7), font_size = 12, col = c("red", "green", "purple") ) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_custom", g_km_custom, width = 10, height = 5) }) testthat::test_that("g_km as_list argument works", { testthat::expect_silent(g_km_list <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, as_list = TRUE ) )) g_km_plot_only <- g_km_list$plot g_km_table_only <- g_km_list$table expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_plot_only", g_km_plot_only, width = 10, height = 4) expect_snapshot_ggplot("g_km_table_only", g_km_table_only, width = 9, height = 3) }) testthat::test_that("g_km argument deprecation warnings work", { lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( lifecycle::expect_deprecated( withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_km( df = df, variables = variables, draw = "test_warning", newpage = "test_warning", gp = "test_warning", vp = "test_warning", name = "test_warning", annot_coxph_ref_lbls = FALSE, position_coxph = c(0.29, 0.51), position_surv_med = c(0.8, 0.85), width_annots = list(surv_med = 0.32, coxph = 0.4) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) })