testthat::test_that("h_count_cumulative works with healthy input and default arguments", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") x <- c(sample(1:10, 10), NA) result <- h_count_cumulative( x = x, threshold = 5, .N_col = length(x) ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("h_count_cumulative works with customized arguments", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") rand <- stats::rnorm(10, 5, 5) x <- c(rand[1:5], NA, rand[6:10]) result <- h_count_cumulative( x = x, threshold = 5, lower_tail = FALSE, include_eq = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, .N_col = length(x) ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("s_count_cumulative works with healthy input and default arguments", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") x <- c(sample(1:10, 10), NA) result <- s_count_cumulative( x = x, thresholds = c(4, 7), .N_col = length(x) ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("s_count_cumulative works with customized arguments", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") rand <- stats::rnorm(10, 5, 5) x <- c(rand[1:5], NA, rand[6:10]) result <- s_count_cumulative( x = x, thresholds = c(4, 7), lower_tail = FALSE, include_eq = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, .N_col = length(x) ) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("count_cumulative works with default arguments", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") df <- data.frame( a = c(sample(1:10, 10), NA), grp = factor(c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 6)), levels = c("A", "B")) ) result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("grp") %>% count_cumulative( vars = "a", thresholds = c(3, 7) ) %>% build_table(df) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("count_cumulative works with customized arguments", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") df <- data.frame( a = c(sample(1:10, 10), NA), grp = factor(c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 6)), levels = c("A", "B")) ) result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("grp") %>% count_cumulative( vars = "a", thresholds = c(3, 7), lower_tail = FALSE, include_eq = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE ) %>% build_table(df) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("count_cumulative works with denom argument specified", { set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister") df <- data.frame( a = c(sample(1:10, 10), NA), type = factor(sample(c("x", "y"), 11, replace = TRUE)), grp = factor(c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 6)), levels = c("A", "B")) ) result <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("grp") %>% split_rows_by("type") %>% summarize_row_groups(format = "xx.") %>% count_cumulative( vars = "a", thresholds = c(3, 7), lower_tail = FALSE, include_eq = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, denom = "n" ) %>% build_table(df) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) })