testthat::test_that("unequal length vector gives correct error", { testthat::expect_error(s_bland_altman(x = 1:5, y = 1:6, 0.95)) }) testthat::test_that("infeasible input gives correct error", { testthat::expect_error(s_bland_altman(x = c("a", "b", "c"), y = 1:3, 0.95)) testthat::expect_error(s_bland_altman(x = 1:3, y = 4:6, 2)) }) testthat::test_that("s_bland_altman works with two vectors", { set.seed(1) x <- rnorm(20) y <- rnorm(20) res <- s_bland_altman(x, y, 0.9) average <- (x + y) / 2 difference <- x - y expect <- list( df = data.frame(average, difference), difference_mean = mean(x) - mean(y), ci_mean = c(-0.3414723, 0.7354631), difference_sd = 1.392664, difference_se = 0.3114091, upper_agreement_limit = 2.487724, lower_agreement_limit = -2.093733, agreement_limit_se = 0.5393764, upper_agreement_limit_ci = c(1.555070, 3.420377), lower_agreement_limit_ci = c(-3.026386, -1.161079), t_value = 1.729133, n = 20L ) expect_identical(res, expect, tolerance = 1e-5) }) testthat::test_that("s_bland_altman works with two vectors with NA element in either vectors", { set.seed(1) x <- rnorm(20) y <- rnorm(20) x <- c(NA_real_, 2, x, NA_real_) y <- c(1, NA_real_, y, 2) res <- s_bland_altman(x, y, 0.9) average <- (x + y) / 2 difference <- x - y df <- data.frame(na.omit(data.frame(average, difference)), row.names = NULL) expect <- list( df = df, difference_mean = 0.1969954, ci_mean = c(-0.3414723, 0.7354631), difference_sd = 1.392664, difference_se = 0.3114091, upper_agreement_limit = 2.487724, lower_agreement_limit = -2.093733, agreement_limit_se = 0.5393764, upper_agreement_limit_ci = c(1.555070, 3.420377), lower_agreement_limit_ci = c(-3.026386, -1.161079), t_value = 1.729133, n = 20L ) expect_identical(res, expect, tolerance = 1e-5) }) testthat::test_that("s_bland_altman works with default settings", { x <- c( -0.62645381, 0.18364332, -0.83562861, 1.59528080, 0.32950777, -0.82046838, 0.48742905, 0.73832471, 0.57578135, -0.30538839, 1.51178117, 0.38984324, -0.62124058, -2.21469989, 1.12493092, -0.04493361, -0.01619026, 0.94383621, 0.82122120, 0.59390132 ) y <- c( 0.91897737, 0.78213630, 0.07456498, -1.98935170, 0.61982575, -0.05612874, -0.15579551, -1.47075238, -0.47815006, 0.41794156, 1.35867955, -0.10278773, 0.38767161, -0.05380504, -1.37705956, -0.41499456, -0.39428995, -0.05931340, 1.10002537, 0.76317575 ) result <- s_bland_altman(x, y, 0.9) res <- testthat::expect_silent(result) testthat::expect_snapshot(res) }) testthat::test_that("g_bland_altman works with default settings", { x <- c( -0.62645381, 0.18364332, -0.83562861, 1.59528080, 0.32950777, -0.82046838, 0.48742905, 0.73832471, 0.57578135, -0.30538839, 1.51178117, 0.38984324, -0.62124058, -2.21469989, 1.12493092, -0.04493361, -0.01619026, 0.94383621, 0.82122120, 0.59390132 ) y <- c( 0.91897737, 0.78213630, 0.07456498, -1.98935170, 0.61982575, -0.05612874, -0.15579551, -1.47075238, -0.47815006, 0.41794156, 1.35867955, -0.10278773, 0.38767161, -0.05380504, -1.37705956, -0.41499456, -0.39428995, -0.05931340, 1.10002537, 0.76317575 ) conf_level <- 0.9 testthat::expect_silent(g_bland_altman_res <- withr::with_options( opts_partial_match_old, g_bland_altman(x, y, conf_level = conf_level) )) expect_snapshot_ggplot(title = "g_bland_altman", fig = g_bland_altman_res, width = 10, height = 8) })