fit_mmrm_object <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "unstructured" ) fit_mmrm_no_arms_object <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "unstructured" ) # g_mmrm_diagnostic ---- test_that("g_mmrm_diagnostic works well with defaults", { result <- g_mmrm_diagnostic(fit_mmrm_object) skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_diagnostic with defaults", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_diagnostic works well for Q-Q residuals plot", { result <- g_mmrm_diagnostic(fit_mmrm_object, type = "q-q-residual") skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_diagnostic q-q-residual defaults", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_diagnostic works well for Q-Q residuals plot with z threshold", { result <- g_mmrm_diagnostic(fit_mmrm_object, type = "q-q-residual", z_threshold = 2) skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_diagnostic q-q-residual with z threshold", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_diagnostic works well for Q-Q residuals plot with weights", { dat <- get_version(version = "A") set.seed(123, kind = "Wichmann-Hill") dat$w <- rexp(n = nrow(dat)) mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = "SEX", id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT", weights = "w" ), data = dat, cor_struct = "unstructured" ) result <- g_mmrm_diagnostic(mmrm_results, type = "q-q-residual") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_diagnostic q-q-residual with weighted MMRM", result) }) # g_mmrm_lsmeans ---- test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans works well with default arguments", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans(fit_mmrm_object) skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with defaults", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans can select estimates only", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans(fit_mmrm_object, select = "estimates") skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with estimates", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans can select contrasts only", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans(fit_mmrm_object, select = "contrasts") skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with contrasts", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans works well with constant baseline added", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans(fit_mmrm_object, constant_baseline = c(XYZBSL = 0)) skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with constant baseline", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans works well with lines added", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans(fit_mmrm_object, show_lines = TRUE) skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with lines", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans works well with multiple customizations", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans( fit_mmrm_object, titles = c(estimates = "LS means", contrasts = "LS mean contrasts"), xlab = "visit", ylab = "estimates", width = 0.3, show_pval = FALSE, show_lines = TRUE, constant_baseline = c(BLA = 2) ) skip_if_not_installed("vdiffr") skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with multiple customizations", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans works well with constant baseline and no arms", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans(fit_mmrm_no_arms_object, constant_baseline = c(XYZBSL = 10)) skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with constant baseline and no arms", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans plots stats table for estimates as expected", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans( fit_mmrm_object, select = "estimates", table_stats = c("n", "estimate", "ci", "se") ) skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with estimates stats table", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans plots estimates stats table with custom settings", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans( fit_mmrm_object, select = "estimates", table_stats = c("n", "estimate", "ci", "se"), table_formats = c( n = "xx.xx", estimate = "xx.xxxx", se = "xx.", ci = "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)" ), table_labels = c( n = "N", estimate = "mean", se = "SE", ci = "CI" ), table_font_size = 2, table_rel_height = 1 ) skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with customized estimates stats table", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans plots estimates stats table also without arms", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans( fit_mmrm_no_arms_object, select = "estimates", table_stats = c("n", "se") ) skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans without arms and with table", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans plots estimates stats table also with constant baseline", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans( fit_mmrm_object, select = "estimates", table_stats = c("n", "se"), constant_baseline = c(BSL = 1), n_baseline = c(TRT = 101L, PBO = 100L) ) skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with table and constant baseline", result) }) test_that("g_mmrm_lsmeans plots estimates stats table also with constant baseline and without arms", { result <- g_mmrm_lsmeans( fit_mmrm_no_arms_object, select = "estimates", table_stats = c("n", "se"), constant_baseline = c(BSL = 1), n_baseline = 150L ) skip_on_ci() vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("g_mmrm_lsmeans with table, baseline, no arms", result) })