library(dplyr) # h_get_diagnostics ---- test_that("h_get_diagnostics works as expected", { fit <- mmrm::mmrm( formula = FEV1 ~ us(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = mmrm_test_data ) result <- h_get_diagnostics(fit) expected <- list( "REML criterion" = 3700.9, AIC = 3720.9, AICc = 3721.4, BIC = 3753.8 ) expect_equal(result, expected, tolerance = 1e-4) }) # fit_mmrm ---- ## parallelization ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works with parallelization", { expect_no_error(result <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "unstructured", parallel = TRUE )) }) ## optimizer ---- test_that("fit_mmrm can specify multiple optimizers to try", { result <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "unstructured", optimizer = c("nlminb", "CG") ) expect_true(attr(result$fit, "converged")) expect_identical(result$additional$optimizer, c("nlminb", "CG")) }) ## method ---- test_that("fit_mmrm can specify adjustment method", { result <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "unstructured", method = "Kenward-Roger" ) expect_true(attr(result$fit, "converged")) expect_identical(result$additional$method, "Kenward-Roger") expect_identical(mmrm::component(result$fit, "method"), "Kenward-Roger") }) ## character ID ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works with character ID variable", { dat <- mmrm_test_data dat$USUBJID <- as.character(dat$USUBJID) # nolint expect_silent(result <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = dat, cor_struct = "unstructured" )) expected <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "unstructured" ) expect_identical(coef(result$fit), coef(expected$fit)) }) ## unstructured numbers ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works with unstructured covariance matrix and produces same results as SAS", { dat <- get_version(version = "A") mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = dat, cor_struct = "unstructured", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) # Compare vs. SAS results calculated with the following statements: # # PROC MIXED DATA = ana.dat cl method=reml; # CLASS USUBJID ARMCD(ref='ARM B') AVISIT(ref='SCREENING') STRATA1(ref='A') BMRKR2(ref='LOW'); # MODEL AVAL = STRATA1 BMRKR2 ARMCD AVISIT ARMCD*AVISIT / ddfm=satterthwaite solution chisq; # REPEATED AVISIT / subject=USUBJID type=un r rcorr; # LSMEANS AVISIT*ARMCD / pdiff=all cl alpha=0.05 slice=AVISIT; # RUN; # REML criterion value. expect_equal( stats::deviance(mmrm_results$fit), 3429.306, tolerance = 0.0001 ) # Fixed effects estimates. summary_table <- summary(mmrm_results$fit) fixed_effects <-$coefficients[, c("Estimate", "df", "Pr(>|t|)")]) expected_fixed_effects <- data.frame( Estimate = c( 25.721040582, -0.003946099, 0.171675073, 4.664924551, 4.857505880, 10.330361227, 15.371284868, -0.297149896, -1.097545882, 0.347873893 ), df = c( 252.8452, 173.0341, 192.3215, 142.4618, 141.4361, 154.8617, 137.4111, 136.2043, 157.6647, 128.6973 ), "Pr(>|t|)" = c( 3.645436e-41, 9.946610e-01, 4.772246e-07, 3.663454e-05, 1.229094e-08, 8.063096e-25, 2.730408e-22, 7.931854e-01, 3.663117e-01, 8.516917e-01 ), row.names = c( "(Intercept)", "SEXFemale", "FEV1_BL", "ARMCDTRT", "AVISITVIS2", "AVISITVIS3", "AVISITVIS4", "ARMCDTRT:AVISITVIS2", "ARMCDTRT:AVISITVIS3", "ARMCDTRT:AVISITVIS4" ), check.names = FALSE # Necessary to get right p-value column name. ) expect_equal_result_tables( fixed_effects, expected_fixed_effects ) # Now compare LS means and their contrasts. lsmeans_estimates <- mmrm_results$lsmeans$estimates[ c(1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8), c("ARMCD", "AVISIT", "estimate", "lower_cl", "upper_cl") ] expected_lsmeans_estimates <- data.frame( ARMCD = factor( c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L), labels = c("PBO", "TRT"), ), AVISIT = factor( c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L), labels = c("VIS1", "VIS2", "VIS3", "VIS4"), ), estimate = c( 32.62658, 37.29150, 37.48409, 41.85186, 42.95694, 46.52432, 47.99786, 53.01066 ), lower_cl = c( 31.11091, 35.74777, 36.28937, 40.66389, 41.94015, 45.39704, 45.61267, 50.61908 ), upper_cl = c( 34.14225, 38.83523, 38.67881, 43.03983, 43.97373, 47.65160, 50.38305, 55.40224 ) ) expect_equal( lsmeans_estimates, expected_lsmeans_estimates, tolerance = 1e-3, ignore_attr = TRUE ) lsmeans_contrasts <- mmrm_results$lsmeans$contrasts[, c("ARMCD", "AVISIT", "estimate", "df", "lower_cl", "upper_cl", "p_value")] expected_lsmeans_contrasts <- data.frame( ARMCD = factor( c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), labels = c("TRT"), ), AVISIT = factor( c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4), labels = c("VIS1", "VIS2", "VIS3", "VIS4") ), estimate = c(4.664925, 4.367775, 3.567379, 5.012798), df = c(142.4618, 144.9654, 131.2891, 134.3704), lower_cl = c(2.501359, 2.683056, 2.051229, 1.635537), upper_cl = c(6.828490, 6.052493, 5.083528, 8.390059), p_value = c(3.663454e-05, 9.386112e-07, 7.837380e-06, 3.917510e-03) ) expect_equal_result_tables( lsmeans_contrasts, expected_lsmeans_contrasts, pval_name = "p_value" ) # Covariance matrix estimate. cov_estimate <- mmrm_results$cov_estimate expected_cov_estimate <- matrix( c( 42.883581, 15.519333, 8.057128, 16.593116, 15.519333, 26.628885, 4.627223, 10.074424, 8.057128, 4.627223, 19.203109, 7.785749, 16.593116, 10.074424, 7.785749, 99.811086 ), nrow = 4L, ncol = 4L ) expect_equal( cov_estimate, expected_cov_estimate, ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 0.001 ) # Diagnostics. diagnostics <- mmrm_results$diagnostics diagnostics_values <- unlist(diagnostics) expected_diagnostics_values <- c(3429.306, 3449.306, 3449.733, 3482.138) expect_equal( diagnostics_values, expected_diagnostics_values, tolerance = 0.00001, ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) ## missing data ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works also with missing data", { dat <- get_version(version = "B") stopifnot(identical( nrow(stats::na.omit(dat)), 440L )) mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = "FEV1_BL", id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = dat, cor_struct = "unstructured", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) # Compare vs. SAS results calculated with the following statements: # # PROC MIXED DATA = ana.dat cl method=reml; # CLASS USUBJID ARMCD(ref='ARM B') AVISIT(ref='WEEK 1 DAY 8'); # MODEL AVAL = BMRKR1 ARMCD AVISIT ARMCD*AVISIT / ddfm=satterthwaite solution chisq; # REPEATED AVISIT / subject=USUBJID type=un r rcorr; # LSMEANS AVISIT*ARMCD / pdiff=all cl alpha=0.05 slice=AVISIT; # RUN; # REML criterion value. expect_equal( stats::deviance(mmrm_results$fit), 2791.552, tolerance = 0.00001 ) # Fixed effects estimates. summary_table <- summary(mmrm_results$fit) fixed_effects <-$coefficients[, c("Estimate", "df", "Pr(>|t|)")]) expected_fixed_effects <- data.frame( Estimate = c( 25.7381227, 0.1632488, 4.4265387, 4.5699130, 10.8910287, 14.7393256, 0.4212233, -1.0617322, 1.9545650 ), df = c( 231.3171, 173.0245, 120.2030, 126.5597, 132.3372, 125.3761, 124.6140, 127.8502, 111.1961 ), "Pr(>|t|)" = c( 3.446983e-40, 2.491892e-06, 1.811658e-04, 9.441030e-07, 1.087251e-22, 1.244173e-18, 7.409659e-01, 4.202541e-01, 3.297910e-01 ), row.names = c( "(Intercept)", "FEV1_BL", "ARMCDTRT", "AVISITVIS2", "AVISITVIS3", "AVISITVIS4", "ARMCDTRT:AVISITVIS2", "ARMCDTRT:AVISITVIS3", "ARMCDTRT:AVISITVIS4" ), check.names = FALSE # Necessary to get right p-value column name. ) expect_equal_result_tables( fixed_effects, expected_fixed_effects ) # Now compare LS means and their contrasts. lsmeans_estimates <- mmrm_results$lsmeans$estimates[ c("ARMCD", "AVISIT", "estimate", "lower_cl", "upper_cl") ] expected_lsmeans_estimates <- data.frame( ARMCD = factor( c(rep(1L, 4), rep(2L, 4)), labels = c("PBO", "TRT"), ), AVISIT = factor( rep(1:4, 2), labels = c("VIS1", "VIS2", "VIS3", "VIS4"), ), estimate = c( 32.26162, 36.83153, 43.15265, 47.00095, 36.68816, 41.67930, 46.51746, 53.38205 ), lower_cl = c( 30.69289, 35.59335, 41.98076, 44.46010, 35.05131, 40.42744, 45.32000, 50.83683 ), upper_cl = c( 33.83035, 38.06971, 44.32454, 49.54179, 38.32501, 42.93116, 47.71491, 55.92727 ) ) expect_equal( lsmeans_estimates, expected_lsmeans_estimates, tolerance = 1e-3 ) lsmeans_contrasts <- mmrm_results$lsmeans$contrasts[, c("ARMCD", "AVISIT", "estimate", "df", "lower_cl", "upper_cl", "p_value")] expected_lsmeans_contrasts <- data.frame( ARMCD = factor( c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), labels = c("TRT"), ), AVISIT = factor( c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4), labels = c("VIS1", "VIS2", "VIS3", "VIS4") ), estimate = c( 4.426539, 4.847762, 3.364807, 6.381104 ), df = c(120.2030, 117.2153, 102.9251, 112.9055), lower_cl = c( 2.158514, 3.086858, 1.689262, 2.784753 ), upper_cl = c( 6.694563, 6.608666, 5.040351, 9.977455 ), p_value = c( 1.811658e-04, 2.801930e-07, 1.272328e-04, 6.333528e-04 ) ) expect_equal_result_tables( lsmeans_contrasts, expected_lsmeans_contrasts, pval_name = "p_value" ) # Covariance matrix estimate. cov_estimate <- mmrm_results$cov_estimate expected_cov_estimate <- matrix( c( 39.463808, 11.690001, 8.133941, 15.745417, 11.690001, 23.329029, 2.735221, 8.645571, 8.133941, 2.735221, 18.780584, 7.839711, 15.745417, 8.645571, 7.839711, 94.703091 ), nrow = 4L, ncol = 4L ) expect_equal( cov_estimate, expected_cov_estimate, ignore_attr = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-3 ) # Diagnostics. diagnostics <- mmrm_results$diagnostics diagnostics_values <- unlist(diagnostics) expected_diagnostics_values <- c(2791.552, 2811.552, 2812.076, 2844.282) expect_equal( diagnostics_values, expected_diagnostics_values, tolerance = 1e-4, ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) ## singular fit ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works also with rank deficient model matrix", { dat <- get_version(version = "A") dat$SEX2 <- dat$SEX # nolint # We get a message on the nesting structure but that is ok. expect_message(mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("FEV1_BL", "SEX", "SEX2"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = dat, cor_struct = "unstructured", weights_emmeans = "equal" )) mmrm_results$fit }) ## weights ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works also with weights", { dat <- get_version(version = "A") set.seed(123, kind = "Wichmann-Hill") dat$w <- rexp(n = nrow(dat)) mmrm_results <- expect_silent(fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = "SEX", id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT", weights = "w" ), data = dat, cor_struct = "unstructured" )) # Confirm that weights were used in the actual fitting process. expect_equal( mmrm_results$fit$weights, dat$w[!$fit$data$FEV1)], ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) ## different cov structures ---- test_that("fit_mmrm works with homogeneous toeplitz covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "toeplitz", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with heterogeneous toeplitz covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "heterogeneous toeplitz", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with homogeneous ante-dependence covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "ante-dependence", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with heterogeneous ante-dependence covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "heterogeneous ante-dependence", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with homogeneous auto-regressive covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "auto-regressive", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with heterogeneous auto-regressive covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "heterogeneous auto-regressive", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with homogeneous compound symmetry covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "compound symmetry", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") }) test_that("fit_mmrm works with heterogeneous compound symmetry covariance matrix", { mmrm_results <- fit_mmrm( vars = list( response = "FEV1", covariates = c("SEX", "FEV1_BL"), id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARMCD", visit = "AVISIT" ), data = mmrm_test_data, cor_struct = "heterogeneous compound symmetry", weights_emmeans = "equal" ) expect_class(mmrm_results, "tern_mmrm") })