testthat::skip_if_not_installed("shinytest2") testthat::skip_if_not_installed("rvest") testthat::test_that("e2e: teal app initializes with Show R Code modal", { skip_if_too_deep(5) app <- TealAppDriver$new( data = simple_teal_data(), modules = example_module(label = "Example Module") ) # Check if button exists. button_selector <- app$active_module_element("rcode-button") testthat::expect_equal( app$get_text(button_selector), "Show R code" ) app$click(selector = button_selector) # Check header and title content. testthat::expect_equal( app$get_text("#shiny-modal div.modal-header > h4"), "Example Code" ) # There are two Dismiss buttons with similar id and the same label. testthat::expect_setequal( testthat::expect_length( app$get_text("#shiny-modal button[data-dismiss]"), 2 ), "Dismiss" ) # Check for Copy buttons. testthat::expect_equal( app$get_text(app$active_module_element("rcode-copy_button1")), "Copy to Clipboard" ) testthat::expect_equal( app$get_text(app$active_module_element("rcode-copy_button2")), "Copy to Clipboard" ) # Check R code output. testthat::expect_setequal( strsplit(app$get_text(app$active_module_element("rcode-verbatim_content")), "\n")[[1]], c( "iris <- iris", "mtcars <- mtcars", sprintf('stopifnot(rlang::hash(iris) == "%s") # @linksto iris', rlang::hash(iris)), sprintf('stopifnot(rlang::hash(mtcars) == "%s") # @linksto mtcars', rlang::hash(mtcars)), ".raw_data <- list2env(list(iris = iris, mtcars = mtcars))", "lockEnvironment(.raw_data) # @linksto .raw_data", "object <- iris", "object" ) ) app$stop() })