call_module_server_fun <- function(input, output, session, data) { } module_server_fun <- function(id, data) { } ui_fun1 <- function(id, ...) { tags$p(paste0("id: ", id)) } testthat::test_that("Calling module() does not throw", { testthat::expect_no_error(suppressMessages(module())) }) testthat::test_that("module requires label argument to be a string different than 'global_filters'", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(label = "label")) testthat::expect_error(module(label = NULL), "Assertion on 'label' failed.+'NULL'") testthat::expect_error(module(label = c("label", "label")), "Assertion on 'label' failed: Must have length 1.") testthat::expect_error(module(label = 1L), "Assertion on 'label' failed.+not 'integer'") testthat::expect_error(module(label = "global_filters"), "is reserved in teal") }) testthat::test_that("module warns when server contains datasets argument", { testthat::expect_warning( module(server = function(id, datasets) NULL), "`datasets` argument in the server is deprecated" ) }) testthat::test_that("module expects server being a shiny server module with any argument", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(id) NULL)) testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(id, any_argument) NULL)) testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(input, output, session, any_argument) NULL)) testthat::expect_error( module(server = function(input, output) NULL), "`server` argument requires a function with following arguments" ) testthat::expect_error( module(server = function(any_argument) NULL), "`server` argument requires a function with following arguments" ) }) testthat::test_that("module requires server_args argument to be a list", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(id, a) NULL, server_args = list(a = 1))) testthat::expect_no_error(module(server_args = list())) testthat::expect_no_error(module(server_args = NULL)) testthat::expect_error(module(server_args = ""), "Assertion on 'server_args' failed.+'list'") testthat::expect_error(module(server_args = list(1, 2, 3)), "Must have names") }) testthat::test_that("module expects all server_args being a server arguments or passed through `...`", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(id, arg1) NULL, server_args = list(arg1 = NULL))) testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(id, ...) NULL, server_args = list(arg1 = NULL))) testthat::expect_error( module(server = function(id) NULL, server_args = list(arg1 = NULL)), "Following `server_args` elements have no equivalent in the formals of the server" ) }) testthat::test_that("module requires ui_args argument to be a list", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui = function(id, a) NULL, ui_args = list(a = 1))) testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui_args = list())) testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui_args = NULL)) testthat::expect_error(module(ui_args = ""), "Assertion on 'ui_args' failed.+'list'") testthat::expect_error(module(ui_args = list(1, 2, 3)), "Must have names") }) testthat::test_that("module throws when ui has data or datasets argument", { testthat::expect_error(module(ui = function(id, data) NULL)) testthat::expect_error(module(ui = function(id, datasets) NULL)) }) testthat::test_that("module expects ui being a shiny ui module with any argument", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui = function(id) NULL)) testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui = function(id, any_argument) NULL)) testthat::expect_error( module(ui = function(any_argument) NULL), "`ui` argument requires a function with following arguments" ) }) testthat::test_that("module expects all ui_args being a ui arguments or passed through `...`", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui = function(id, arg1) NULL, ui_args = list(arg1 = NULL))) testthat::expect_no_error(module(ui = function(id, ...) NULL, ui_args = list(arg1 = NULL))) testthat::expect_error( module(ui = function(id) NULL, ui_args = list(arg1 = NULL)), "Following `ui_args` elements have no equivalent in the formals of UI" ) }) testthat::test_that("module requires datanames argument to be a character or NULL", { testthat::expect_no_error(module(datanames = "all")) testthat::expect_no_error(module(datanames = "")) testthat::expect_no_error(module(datanames = NULL)) testthat::expect_error(module(server = function(id, data) NULL, datanames = NA_character_), "Contains missing values") testthat::expect_no_error(module(server = function(id, data) NULL, datanames = NULL)) }) testthat::test_that("module() returns list of class 'teal_module' containing input objects", { test_module <- module( label = "aaa1", server = call_module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "all", server_args = NULL, ui_args = NULL ) testthat::expect_s3_class(test_module, "teal_module") testthat::expect_named( test_module, c("label", "server", "ui", "datanames", "server_args", "ui_args", "transformators") ) testthat::expect_identical(test_module$label, "aaa1") testthat::expect_identical(test_module$server, call_module_server_fun) testthat::expect_identical(test_module$ui, ui_fun1) testthat::expect_identical(test_module$datanames, "all") testthat::expect_identical(test_module$server_args, NULL) testthat::expect_identical(test_module$ui_args, NULL) }) testthat::test_that("modules gives error if no arguments other than label are used", { testthat::expect_error(modules(label = "my label")) testthat::expect_error(modules()) # using default label argument }) testthat::test_that("modules requires label argument to be a string ", { test_module <- module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) testthat::expect_no_error(modules(label = "label", test_module)) testthat::expect_error(modules(label = NULL, test_module), "Assertion on 'label' failed.+'NULL'") testthat::expect_error( modules(label = c("label", "label"), test_module), "Assertion on 'label' failed: Must have length 1" ) }) testthat::test_that("modules accept teal_module in ...", { test_module <- module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) testthat::expect_no_error(modules(label = "label", test_module)) }) testthat::test_that("modules accept multiple teal_module objects in ...", { test_module <- module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) testthat::expect_no_error(modules(label = "label", test_module, test_module)) }) testthat::test_that("modules accept multiple teal_module and teal_modules objects in ...", { test_module <- module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) test_modules <- modules(label = "label", test_module) testthat::expect_no_error(modules(label = "label", test_module, test_modules)) }) testthat::test_that("modules does not accept objects other than teal_module(s) in ...", { testthat::expect_error( modules(label = "label", 5), "the following types: \\{teal_module,teal_modules\\}", ) }) testthat::test_that("modules does not accept objects other than teal_module(s) in ...", { testthat::expect_error( modules(label = "label", "a"), "The only character argument to modules\\(\\) must be 'label'", ) }) testthat::test_that("modules returns teal_modules object with label and children slot", { test_module <- module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) out <- modules(label = "label2", test_module) testthat::expect_s3_class(out, "teal_modules") testthat::expect_named(out, c("label", "children")) }) testthat::test_that("modules returns children as list with list named after label attributes", { test_module <- module( label = "module", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) test_modules <- modules(label = "modules", test_module) out <- modules(label = "tabs", test_module, test_modules)$children testthat::expect_named(out, c("module", "modules")) testthat::expect_identical(out$module, test_module) testthat::expect_identical(out$modules, test_modules) }) testthat::test_that("modules returns useful error message if label argument not explicitly named", { test_module <- module( label = "module", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) testthat::expect_error( modules("module", test_module), "The only character argument to modules\\(\\) must be 'label'" ) }) testthat::test_that("modules returns children as list with unique names if labels are duplicated", { test_module <- module( label = "module", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) test_modules <- modules(label = "module", test_module) out <- modules(label = "tabs", test_module, test_modules)$children testthat::expect_named(out, c("module", "module_1")) testthat::expect_identical(out$module, test_module) testthat::expect_identical(out$module_1, test_modules) }) testthat::test_that("modules_depth accepts depth as integer", { testthat::expect_no_error( modules_depth( module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ), depth = 3L ) ) testthat::expect_error( modules_depth( module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ), depth = "1" ), "Assertion on 'depth' failed.+'character'" ) }) testthat::test_that("modules_depth returns depth=0 by default", { testthat::expect_identical( modules_depth( module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) ), 0L ) }) testthat::test_that("modules_depth accepts modules to be teal_module or teal_modules", { testthat::expect_no_error( modules_depth( module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) ) ) testthat::expect_no_error( modules_depth( modules( label = "tabs", module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) ) ) ) }) testthat::test_that("modules_depth returns depth same as input for teal_module", { testthat::expect_identical( modules_depth( module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) ), 0L ) }) testthat::test_that("modules_depth increases depth by 1 for each teal_modules", { testthat::expect_identical( modules_depth( modules( label = "tabs", module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) ), depth = 1L ), 2L ) testthat::expect_identical( modules_depth( modules( label = "tabs", modules( label = "tabs", module( label = "label", server = module_server_fun, ui = ui_fun1, datanames = "" ) ) ), depth = 1L ), 3L ) }) # is_arg_used ----- get_srv_and_ui <- function() { list( server_fun = function(id, datasets) {}, ui_fun = function(id, ...) { tags$p(paste0("id: ", id)) } ) } testthat::test_that("is_arg_used throws error if object is not teal_module or teal_modules", { testthat::expect_error(is_arg_used(5, "reporter"), "is_arg_used function not implemented for this object") testthat::expect_error(is_arg_used(list(), "reporter"), "is_arg_used function not implemented for this object") }) testthat::test_that("is_arg_used returns true if teal_module has given `arg` in server function args", { testthat::expect_true(is_arg_used(module(server = function(id, data, reporter) NULL), "reporter")) }) testthat::test_that("is_arg_used returns false if teal_module does not have reporter in server function args", { testthat::expect_false(is_arg_used(module(), "reporter")) }) testthat::test_that("is_arg_used returns false if teal_modules has no children using given `arg`", { mod <- module() mods <- modules(label = "lab", mod, mod) testthat::expect_false(is_arg_used(mods, "reporter")) mods <- modules(label = "lab", mods, mod, mod) testthat::expect_false(is_arg_used(mods, "reporter")) }) testthat::test_that("is_arg_used returns true if teal_modules has at least one child using given `arg`", { server_fun_with_reporter <- function(id, data, reporter) NULL mod <- module() mod_with_reporter <- module(server = server_fun_with_reporter) mods <- modules(label = "lab", mod, mod_with_reporter) testthat::expect_true(is_arg_used(mods, "reporter")) mods_2 <- modules(label = "lab", mods, mod, mod) testthat::expect_true(is_arg_used(mods_2, "reporter")) mods_3 <- modules(label = "lab", modules(label = "lab", mod, mod), mod_with_reporter, mod) testthat::expect_true(is_arg_used(mods_3, "reporter")) }) testthat::test_that("is_arg_used returns TRUE/FALSE when the `arg` is in function formals", { testthat::expect_true(is_arg_used(function(x) NULL, "x")) testthat::expect_false(is_arg_used(function(x) NULL, "y")) }) testthat::test_that("is_arg_used accepts `arg` to be a string only", { testthat::expect_error(is_arg_used(function(x) NULL, c("x", "y"))) testthat::expect_error(is_arg_used(function(x) NULL, 1)) testthat::expect_error(is_arg_used(function(x) NULL, NULL)) }) # ---- append_module testthat::test_that("append_module throws error when modules is not inherited from teal_modules", { testthat::expect_error( append_module(module(), module()), "Assertion on 'modules' failed: Must inherit from class 'teal_modules'" ) testthat::expect_error( append_module(module(), list(module())), "Assertion on 'modules' failed: Must inherit from class 'teal_modules'" ) }) testthat::test_that("append_module throws error is module is not inherited from teal_module", { mod <- module() mods <- modules(label = "A", mod) testthat::expect_error( append_module(mods, mods), "Assertion on 'module' failed: Must inherit from class 'teal_module'" ) testthat::expect_error( append_module(mods, list(mod)), "Assertion on 'module' failed: Must inherit from class 'teal_module'" ) }) testthat::test_that("append_module appends a module to children of not nested teal_modules", { mod <- module(label = "a") mod2 <- module(label = "b") mods <- modules(label = "c", mod, mod2) mod3 <- module(label = "d") appended_mods <- append_module(mods, mod3) testthat::expect_equal(appended_mods$children, list(a = mod, b = mod2, d = mod3)) }) testthat::test_that("append_module appends a module to children of nested teal_modules", { mod <- module(label = "a") mod2 <- module(label = "b") mods <- modules(label = "c", mod) mods2 <- modules(label = "e", mods, mod2) mod3 <- module(label = "d") appended_mods <- append_module(mods2, mod3) testthat::expect_equal(appended_mods$children, list(c = mods, b = mod2, d = mod3)) }) testthat::test_that("append_module produces teal_modules with unique named children", { mod <- module(label = "a") mod2 <- module(label = "c") mods <- modules(label = "c", mod, mod2) mod3 <- module(label = "c") appended_mods <- append_module(mods, mod3) mod_names <- names(appended_mods$children) testthat::expect_equal(mod_names, unique(mod_names)) }) # format ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testthat::test_that("format.teal_modules returns proper structure", { mod <- module(label = "a") mod2 <- module(label = "c") mods <- modules(label = "c", mod, mod2) mod3 <- module(label = "c") appended_mods <- append_module(mods, mod3) testthat::expect_setequal( strsplit(cli::ansi_strip(format(appended_mods)), "\n")[[1]], c( "TEAL ROOT", " |- a", " | |- Datasets : all", " | |- Properties:", " | | |- Bookmarkable : FALSE", " | | L- Reportable : FALSE", " | |- UI Arguments : ", " | |- Server Arguments : ", " | |- Decorators : ", " | L- Transformators : ", " |- c", " | |- Datasets : all", " | |- Properties:", " | | |- Bookmarkable : FALSE", " | | L- Reportable : FALSE", " | |- UI Arguments : ", " | |- Server Arguments : ", " | |- Decorators : ", " | L- Transformators : ", " L- c", " |- Datasets : all", " |- Properties:", " | |- Bookmarkable : FALSE", " | L- Reportable : FALSE", " |- UI Arguments : ", " |- Server Arguments : ", " |- Decorators : ", " L- Transformators : " ) ) }) testthat::test_that("module datanames is appended by its transformators datanames", { transformator_w_datanames <- teal_transform_module( ui = function(id) NULL, server = function(id, data) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { reactive({ new_data <- within(data(), { new_dataset <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 4:6) }) new_data }) }) }, datanames = c("a", "b") ) out <- module(datanames = "c", transformators = list(transformator_w_datanames)) testthat::expect_identical(out$datanames, c("c", "a", "b")) }) testthat::test_that("module datanames stays 'all' regardless of transformators", { transformator_w_datanames <- teal_transform_module( ui = function(id) NULL, server = function(id, data) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { reactive({ new_data <- within(data(), { new_dataset <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 4:6) }) new_data }) }) }, datanames = c("a", "b") ) out <- module(datanames = "all", transformators = list(transformator_w_datanames)) testthat::expect_identical(out$datanames, "all") })