# data ---- testthat::test_that("init data accepts teal_data object", { testthat::expect_no_error( init( data = teal.data::teal_data(iris = iris), modules = modules(example_module()) ) ) }) testthat::test_that("init data accepts teal_data_module", { testthat::expect_no_error( init( data = teal_data_module(ui = function(id) tags$div(), server = function(id) NULL), modules = modules(example_module()) ) ) }) # modules ---- testthat::test_that("init modules accepts a teal_modules object", { mods <- modules(example_module(), example_module()) testthat::expect_no_error(init(data = teal.data::teal_data(iris = iris), modules = mods)) }) testthat::test_that("init modules accepts a list of teal_module elements", { mods <- list(example_module(), example_module()) testthat::expect_no_error(init(data = teal.data::teal_data(iris = iris), modules = mods)) }) testthat::test_that("init modules accepts a teal_module object", { mods <- example_module() testthat::expect_no_error(init(data = teal.data::teal_data(iris = iris), modules = mods)) }) # filter ---- testthat::test_that("init filter accepts `teal_slices`", { fs <- teal.slice::teal_slices( teal.slice::teal_slice(dataname = "iris", varname = "species", selected = "setosa") ) testthat::expect_no_error( init(data = teal.data::teal_data(iris = iris), modules = modules(example_module()), filter = fs) ) testthat::expect_error( init(data = teal.data::teal_data(iris = iris), modules = modules(example_module()), filter = unclass(fs)), "Assertion on 'filter' failed" ) }) # data + modules ---- testthat::test_that("init throws when an empty `data` is used", { testthat::expect_error( init(data = teal.data::teal_data(), modules = list(example_module())), "The environment of `data` is empty." ) }) testthat::test_that( "init throws warning when datanames in modules incompatible w/ datanames in data and there is no transformators", { testthat::expect_warning( init( data = teal.data::teal_data(mtcars = mtcars), modules = list(example_module(datanames = "iris")) ), "Dataset `iris` is missing for module 'example teal module'. Dataset available in data: `mtcars`." ) } ) testthat::test_that( "init throws warning when datanames in modules incompatible w/ datanames in data and there is no transformators", { testthat::expect_warning( init( data = teal.data::teal_data(mtcars = mtcars), modules = list(example_module(datanames = c("a", "b"))) ), "Datasets `a` and `b` are missing for module 'example teal module'. Dataset available in data: `mtcars`." ) } ) testthat::test_that( "init doesn't throw warning when datanames in modules incompatible w/ datanames in data and there are transformators", { testthat::expect_no_warning( init( data = teal.data::teal_data(mtcars = mtcars), modules = list( example_module( datanames = "iris", transformators = list( teal_transform_module( ui = function(id) NULL, server = function(id, data) { moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) { NULL }) } ) ) ) ) ) ) } ) testthat::describe("init throws warning when datanames in modules has reserved name", { testthat::it("`all`", { testthat::expect_warning( init( data = teal.data::teal_data(all = mtcars), modules = list(example_module()) ), "`all` is reserved for internal use\\. Please avoid using it as a dataset name\\." ) }) testthat::it("`.raw_data` and `all`", { td <- testthat::expect_warning( init( data = teal.data::teal_data( all = mtcars, .raw_data = iris, join_keys = teal.data::join_keys(teal.data::join_key(".raw_data", "all", "a_key")) ), modules = list(example_module()) ), "`.raw_data` and `all` are reserved for internal use\\. Please avoid using them as dataset names\\." ) }) }) testthat::test_that("init throws when dataname in filter incompatible w/ datanames in data", { testthat::expect_warning( init( data = teal.data::teal_data(mtcars = mtcars), modules = modules(example_module()), filter = teal_slices(teal_slice(dataname = "iris", varname = "Species")) ), "Filter 'iris Species' refers to dataname not available in 'data'" ) })