testthat::test_that("ggplot2_args, no error with empty inputs", { testthat::expect_no_error(ggplot2_args()) testthat::expect_no_error(ggplot2_args(labs = list(), theme = list())) testthat::expect_no_error(ggplot2_args(labs = list())) testthat::expect_no_error(ggplot2_args(theme = list())) testthat::expect_no_error(ggplot2_args(list())) testthat::expect_no_error(ggplot2_args(list(), list())) }) testthat::test_that("ggplot2_args function returns object of ggplot2_args and list classes", { testthat::expect_true(inherits(ggplot2_args(), c("list", "ggplot2_args"))) }) testthat::test_that("ggplot2_args accepts named lists for arguments labs and theme", { testthat::expect_no_error( ggplot2_args( labs = list(title = "SOME TITLE"), theme = list(axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank()) ) ) }) testthat::test_that("ggplot2_args throws error when argument name is not valid.", { testthat::expect_error(ggplot2_args(labs = list(WRONG = "SOME TITLE"))) testthat::expect_error(ggplot2_args(theme = list(WRONG = "STH"))) }) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args accepts empty inputs", { testthat::expect_no_error(resolve_ggplot2_args()) }) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args support NULL inputs", { testthat::expect_identical( resolve_ggplot2_args(), resolve_ggplot2_args( user_plot = NULL, user_default = NULL, module_plot = NULL, app_default = NULL ) ) }) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args throws error with empty list", { testthat::expect_error( resolve_ggplot2_args(list()), "'is.null(user_plot) || inherits(user_plot, \"ggplot2_args\")' failed: Must be TRUE." ) }) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args function returns object of ggplot2_args and list classes", { testthat::expect_true(inherits(resolve_ggplot2_args(ggplot2_args()), c("list", "ggplot2_args"))) }) testthat::test_that("parse_ggplot2_args accepts empty inputs", { testthat::expect_no_error(parse_ggplot2_args(resolve_ggplot2_args())) testthat::expect_no_error(parse_ggplot2_args()) }) testthat::test_that("parse_ggplot2_args throws error with empty list", { testthat::expect_error( parse_ggplot2_args(list()), "'is.null(ggplot2_args) || inherits(ggplot2_args, \"ggplot2_args\")' failed: Must be TRUE." ) }) testthat::test_that("parse_ggplot2_args accepts an empty ggplot2_args as minimum requirement.", { testthat::expect_identical(parse_ggplot2_args(ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args()), list()) }) labs_base <- list( title = "DEFAULT_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT Y", subtitle = "DEFAULT_SUBTITLE" ) labs_plot1 <- list( title = "PLOT1_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT X" ) ggplot2_args_multi <- list( default = ggplot2_args(labs = labs_base), plot1 = ggplot2_args(labs = labs_plot1) ) dev_ggplot2_args <- ggplot2_args( labs = list( x = quote(paste0("Fitted values\nlm(", reg_form, ")")), y = "Residuals", title = "Residuals vs Fitted", caption = "PROJECT Z" ) ) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args uses input from only end user provided ggplot2_args source", { testthat::expect_identical( resolve_ggplot2_args(user_plot = ggplot2_args_multi$plot1), ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "PLOT1_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT X")) ) # If there is only one user provided source, then we could use user_default and user_plot arguments interchangeably testthat::expect_identical( resolve_ggplot2_args(user_default = ggplot2_args_multi$plot1), ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "PLOT1_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT X")) ) testthat::expect_identical( resolve_ggplot2_args(user_default = ggplot2_args_multi$default), ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "DEFAULT_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT Y", subtitle = "DEFAULT_SUBTITLE")) ) }) testthat::test_that( "parse_ggplot2_args, when resolve_ggplot2_args uses input from only end user provided ggplot2_args source", code = { testthat::expect_identical( parse_ggplot2_args(ggplot2_args = resolve_ggplot2_args(user_plot = ggplot2_args_multi$plot1))$labs, quote(ggplot2::labs(title = "PLOT1_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT X")) ) testthat::expect_identical( parse_ggplot2_args(ggplot2_args = resolve_ggplot2_args(user_default = ggplot2_args_multi$default))$labs, quote(ggplot2::labs( title = "DEFAULT_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT Y", subtitle = "DEFAULT_SUBTITLE" )) ) } ) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args prioritizes user_plot input over user_default input.", { testthat::expect_identical( resolve_ggplot2_args( user_plot = ggplot2_args_multi$plot1, user_default = ggplot2_args_multi$default, module_plot = NULL ), ggplot2_args(labs = list( title = "PLOT1_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT X", subtitle = "DEFAULT_SUBTITLE" )) ) }) testthat::test_that( "parse_ggplot2_args, when resolve_ggplot2_args prioritizes user_plot input over user_default input.", code = { testthat::expect_identical( parse_ggplot2_args( resolve_ggplot2_args( user_plot = ggplot2_args_multi$plot1, user_default = ggplot2_args_multi$default ) ), list(labs = quote(ggplot2::labs( title = "PLOT1_TITLE", caption = "PROJECT X", subtitle = "DEFAULT_SUBTITLE" ))) ) } ) testthat::test_that("resolve_ggplot2_args refers to global teal.ggplot2_args options with empty input", { testthat::expect_identical( withr::with_options(list(teal.ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "ENV_TITLE"))), { resolve_ggplot2_args() }), ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "ENV_TITLE")) ) }) testthat::test_that( "parse_ggplot2_args, when resolve_ggplot2_args refers to global teal.ggplot2_args options with empty input", code = { testthat::expect_identical( withr::with_options(list(teal.ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "ENV_TITLE"))), { parse_ggplot2_args( ggplot2_args = resolve_ggplot2_args() ) }), list(labs = quote(ggplot2::labs(title = "ENV_TITLE"))) ) } ) testthat::test_that("parse_ggplot2_args, deparse needed to expand ggplot2 objects like element_blank", { parse_element <- parse_ggplot2_args( resolve_ggplot2_args( module_plot = ggplot2_args( theme = list(axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank()) ) ) ) testthat::expect_true(!identical( parse_element, list(theme = quote(ggplot2::theme(axis.text = list()))) )) testthat::expect_true(identical( deparse(parse_element$theme, 140), deparse( quote(ggplot2::theme(axis.text = structure(list(), class = c("element_blank", "element")))), 140 ) )) }) testthat::test_that( "resolve_ggplot2_args priorotizes input in the order: user_plot, user_default, teal.ggplot2_args and module_plot", code = { testthat::expect_identical( withr::with_options(list(teal.ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "ENV_TITLE"))), { resolve_ggplot2_args( user_plot = ggplot2_args(labs = list(y = "USER_YLAB_DIRECT")), user_default = ggplot2_args(labs = list(x = "USER_XLAB_DEFAULT", y = "USER_YLAB_DEFAULT")), module_plot = ggplot2_args( labs = list(subtitle = "DEVELOPER_SUBTITLE", x = "USER_XLAB_DEV"), theme = list(axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank()) ) ) }), ggplot2_args( labs = list( y = "USER_YLAB_DIRECT", x = "USER_XLAB_DEFAULT", title = "ENV_TITLE", subtitle = "DEVELOPER_SUBTITLE" ), theme = list(axis.text = structure(list(), class = c("element_blank", "element"))) ) ) } ) testthat::test_that( paste0( "parse_ggplot2_args, when resolve_ggplot2_args priorotizes input in the order: ", "user_plot, user_default, teal.ggplot2_args and module_plot" ), code = { parsed_all <- withr::with_options(list(teal.ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args(labs = list(title = "ENV_TITLE"))), { parse_ggplot2_args( resolve_ggplot2_args( user_plot = ggplot2_args(labs = list(y = "USER_YLAB_DIRECT")), user_default = ggplot2_args(labs = list(x = "USER_XLAB_DEFAULT", y = "USER_YLAB_DEFAULT")), module_plot = ggplot2_args( labs = list(subtitle = "DEVELOPER_SUBTITLE", x = "USER_XLAB_DEV"), theme = list(axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank()) ) ), ggtheme = "gray" ) }) testthat::expect_identical( parsed_all$labs, quote(ggplot2::labs( y = "USER_YLAB_DIRECT", x = "USER_XLAB_DEFAULT", title = "ENV_TITLE", subtitle = "DEVELOPER_SUBTITLE" )) ) testthat::expect_identical( parsed_all$ggtheme, quote(ggplot2::theme_gray()) ) # testthat::expect_identical automatically deparse quote for a comparison # Because of element_blank we need to compare it to expanded version testthat::expect_identical( deparse(parsed_all$theme, 500), 'ggplot2::theme(axis.text = structure(list(), class = c("element_blank", "element")))' ) } )