#' Returns testing depth set by session option or by environmental variable. #' #' @details Looks for the session option `TESTING_DEPTH` first. #' If not set, takes the system environmental variable `TESTING_DEPTH`. #' If neither is set, then returns 3 by default. #' If the value of `TESTING_DEPTH` is not a numeric of length 1, then returns 3. #' #' @return `numeric(1)` the testing depth. #' get_testing_depth <- function() { default_depth <- 3 depth <- getOption("TESTING_DEPTH", Sys.getenv("TESTING_DEPTH", default_depth)) depth <- tryCatch( as.numeric(depth), error = function(error) default_depth, warning = function(warning) default_depth ) if (length(depth) != 1) depth <- default_depth depth } #' Skipping tests in the testthat pipeline under specific scope #' @description This function should be used per each `testthat::test_that` call. #' Each of the call should specify an appropriate depth value. #' The depth value will set the appropriate scope so more/less time consuming tests could be recognized. #' The environment variable `TESTING_DEPTH` is used for changing the scope of `testthat` pipeline. #' `TESTING_DEPTH` interpretation for each possible value: #' \itemize{ #' \item{0}{no tests at all} #' \item{1}{fast - small scope - executed on every commit} #' \item{3}{medium - medium scope - daily integration pipeline} #' \item{5}{slow - all tests - daily package tests} #' } #' @param depth `numeric` the depth of the testing evaluation, #' has opposite interpretation to environment variable `TESTING_DEPTH`. #' So e.g. `0` means run it always and `5` means a heavy test which should be run rarely. #' If the `depth` argument is larger than `TESTING_DEPTH` then the test is skipped. #' @importFrom testthat skip #' @return `NULL` or invoke an error produced by `testthat::skip` #' @note By default `TESTING_DEPTH` is equal to 3 if there is no environment variable for it. #' By default `depth` argument lower or equal to 3 will not be skipped because by default `TESTING_DEPTH` #' is equal to 3. To skip <= 3 depth tests then the environment variable has to be lower than 3 respectively. skip_if_too_deep <- function(depth) { # nolintr checkmate::assert_numeric(depth, len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 5) testing_depth <- get_testing_depth() # by default 3 if there are no env variable if (testing_depth < depth) { testthat::skip(paste("testing depth", testing_depth, "is below current testing specification", depth)) } } default_idle_timeout <- 20000