# teal_slice ---- testthat::test_that("teal_slice checks arguments", { testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var")) testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", extra = "extra")) testthat::expect_no_error( teal_slice( dataname = "data", varname = "var", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, keep_na = NULL, keep_inf = NULL, fixed = FALSE, anchored = FALSE, id = "filter", extra = "extra" ) ) testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = "data"), "Must provide either `expr` or `varname`") testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(varname = "var"), "argument \"dataname\" is missing, with no default") testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = NULL, varname = "var"), "Assertion on 'dataname' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = 1, varname = "var"), "Assertion on 'dataname' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = c("data1", "data2"), varname = "variable"), "Assertion on 'dataname' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = NULL), "Assertion on 'varname' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = 1), "Assertion on 'varname' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = c("var1", "var2")), "Assertion on 'varname' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", choices = list()), "Assertion on 'choices' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", selected = list()), "Assertion on 'selected' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", keep_na = "TRUE"), "Assertion on 'keep_na' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", keep_inf = "TRUE"), "Assertion on 'keep_inf' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", fixed = NULL), "Assertion on 'fixed' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", fixed = "TRUE"), "Assertion on 'fixed' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", anchored = NULL), "Assertion on 'anchored' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", anchored = "TRUE"), "Assertion on 'anchored' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", id = NULL), "Assertion on 'id' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", id = c("a", "b")), "Assertion on 'id' failed" ) testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var", id = 1L), "Assertion on 'id' failed" ) }) testthat::test_that("teal_slice returns `teal_slice`", { shiny::reactiveConsole(TRUE) on.exit(shiny::reactiveConsole(FALSE)) fs1 <- teal_slice(dataname = "data", varname = "var1") testthat::expect_s3_class(fs1, "teal_slice") testthat::expect_s3_class(fs1, "reactivevalues") testthat::expect_failure( testthat::expect_s3_class(fs1, "teal_slices") ) testthat::expect_length(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(fs1), 10L) }) testthat::test_that("is* functions work", { fs1 <- teal_slice("data", "var1") fs2 <- teal_slice("data", "var2") fs <- teal_slices(fs1, fs2) testthat::expect_no_error(is.teal_slice(fs1)) testthat::expect_true(is.teal_slice(fs1)) testthat::expect_false(is.teal_slice(fs)) testthat::expect_no_error(is.teal_slice(fs)) testthat::expect_true(is.teal_slices(fs)) testthat::expect_false(is.teal_slices(fs1)) }) testthat::test_that("format.teal_slice returns a character string", { fs <- teal_slice( dataname = "dataname2", varname = "varname3", choices = 1:10 / 10, selected = 0.2, multiple = TRUE, keep_na = TRUE, extra1 = "extraone", extra2 = "extratwo" ) testthat::expect_true(checkmate::check_string(format(fs))) testthat::expect_true(checkmate::check_string(format(fs, show_all = TRUE))) }) testthat::test_that("format.teal_slice skips empty mandatory fields show_all is FALSE", { shiny::reactiveConsole(TRUE) on.exit(shiny::reactiveConsole(FALSE)) fs <- teal_slice( dataname = "dataname2", varname = "varname3", choices = 1:10 / 10, selected = 0.2, keep_na = TRUE, extra1 = "extraone", extra2 = "extratwo" ) ffs <- strsplit(format(fs, show_all = FALSE), "\n")[[1]] empty <- names(Filter(is.null, shiny::reactiveValuesToList(fs))) lapply(empty, function(x) { testthat::expect_false(any(grepl(sprintf(" \\$ %s.*:", x), ffs))) }) }) testthat::test_that("format.teal_slice prints optional fields", { shiny::reactiveConsole(TRUE) on.exit(shiny::reactiveConsole(FALSE)) fs <- teal_slice( dataname = "dataname2", varname = "varname3", chices = 1:10 / 10, selected = 0.2, multiple = TRUE, keep_na = FALSE, extra1 = "extraone", extra2 = "extratwo" ) ffs <- strsplit(format(fs), "\n")[[1]] optional <- setdiff(names(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(fs)), names(formals(teal_slice))) lapply(optional, function(x) { testthat::expect_true(any(grepl(x, ffs))) }) }) testthat::test_that("teal_slice - expr has to be a string", { testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == FALSE")) testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x <- 1")) # Ouch! testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = "x", expr = TRUE), "Assertion on 'expr' failed" ) }) testthat::test_that("teal_slice id has to be a string when expr is specified", { testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'")) testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = 1, title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'"), "string") testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = NULL, title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'"), "string") testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = character(0), title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'"), "length" ) }) testthat::test_that("teal_slice title has to be a string when expr is specified", { testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'")) testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = 1, expr = "x == 'x'"), "string") testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = NULL, expr = "x == 'x'"), "string") testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = character(0), expr = "x == 'x'"), "length" ) }) testthat::test_that("teal_slice dataname has to be a string when expr is specified", { testthat::expect_no_error(teal_slice(dataname = "x", id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'")) testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = 1, id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'"), "string") testthat::expect_error(teal_slice(dataname = NULL, id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'"), "string") testthat::expect_error( teal_slice(dataname = character(0), id = "x", title = "x", expr = "x == 'x'"), "length" ) }) testthat::test_that( "teal_slice converts factors to characters for 'selected' and 'choices' parameters", { testthat::skip_if_not_installed("withr") slices_path <- withr::local_file("slices.json") tss <- teal_slices( teal_slice( dataname = "ADSL", varname = "EOSDTM", choices = factor(c("a", "b", "c")), selected = factor(c("a", "b")) ) ) testthat::expect_type(shiny::isolate(tss[[1]]$selected), "character") testthat::expect_type(shiny::isolate(tss[[1]]$choices), "character") } ) testthat::test_that("print.teal_slice returns argument", { fs <- teal_slice("data", "var") testthat::expect_identical(print(fs), fs) })