testthat::test_that("add_card_button_srv - add a Card to the Reporter", { card_fun <- function(card = ReportCard$new(), comment = NULL) { card$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2") card$append_text("A paragraph of default text", "header2") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun()$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(comment = "Comment Body") session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) }) testthat::test_that("add_card_button_ui - returns a tagList", { testthat::expect_true( inherits(add_card_button_ui("sth"), c("shiny.tag.list", "list")) ) }) testthat::test_that("add_card_button_srv supports custom ReportCard classes", { custom_card <- R6::R6Class( classname = "CustomCard", inherit = ReportCard ) card_fun <- function(card = custom_card$new()) { card$append_text("Test") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun()$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) }) testthat::test_that("add_card_button_srv supports passing no default object to the card", { card_fun <- function(card) { card$append_text("Test") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun(ReportCard$new())$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) }) testthat::test_that("add_card_button_srv try the card_fun", { card_fun <- function(card) { stop("ARTIFICIAL ERROR") } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) expect_warning(session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0)) } ) card_fun <- function(card, comment) { stop("ARTIFICIAL ERROR") } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) expect_warning(session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0)) } ) card_fun <- function() { stop("ARTIFICIAL ERROR") } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) expect_warning(session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0)) } ) }) testthat::test_that("add_card_button_srv supports passing card_fun with any of the 2 available arguments", { card_fun <- function() { card <- ReportCard$new() card$append_text("Test") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun()$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) card_fun <- function(card) { card <- ReportCard$new() card$append_text("Test") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun(ReportCard$new())$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) card_fun <- function(comment) { card <- ReportCard$new() card$append_text("Test") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun("")$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) card_fun <- function(comment, card) { card <- ReportCard$new() card$append_text("Test") card } shiny::testServer( add_card_button_srv, args = list(reporter = Reporter$new(), card_fun = card_fun), expr = { card_len <- length(card_fun("", ReportCard$new())$get_content()) session$setInputs(`add_report_card_button` = 0) session$setInputs(`add_card_ok` = 0) testthat::expect_identical( length(reporter$get_blocks()), card_len ) } ) })