testthat::test_that("`as_num` as a wide interpretation of input to extract numerics.", { dta <- list( character = c("text10,20.5letter30.!", "!-.40$$-50e5[", NA), factor = factor(c("]+60e-6, 7.7%%8L", "%90sep.100\"1L", NA_character_)), numeric = c(1, -5e+2, NA), logical = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA) ) expected <- list( character = list(c(10, 20.5, 30), c(-.4, -50e5), NA), factor = list(c(60e-6, 7.7, 8), c(90, .1, 1), NA), numeric = c(1, -5e+2, NA), logical = c(1, 0, NA) ) test <- lapply(dta, as_num) test <- lapply( X = list(output = test, reference = expected), FUN = function(x) { y <- unlist(x) y <- y[!is.na(y)] y } ) testthat::expect_equal(test$output, test$reference) })