# this test requires a `man` directory in the `tests/testthat` directory # (presumably symlinked to the package root `man` directory to avoid duplication) # this also requires `devtools::document()` to be run before running the tests rd_files <- function() { man_path <- if (testthat::is_checking()) { testthat::test_path("..", "..", "00_pkg_src", testthat::testing_package(), "man") } else { testthat::test_path("..", "..", "man") } list.files( man_path, pattern = "\\.[Rr]d$", full.names = TRUE ) } suppress_warnings <- function(expr, pattern = "*", ...) { withCallingHandlers( expr, warning = function(w) { if (grepl(pattern, conditionMessage(w))) { invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } } ) } with_mocked_app_bindings <- function(code) { shiny__shinyApp <- shiny::shinyApp # nolint object_name_linter. # workaround of https://github.com/rstudio/shinytest2/issues/381 # change to `print(shiny__shinyApp(...))` and remove allow warning once fixed mocked_shinyApp <- function(ui, server, ...) { # nolint object_name_linter. functionBody(server) <- bquote({ pkgload::load_all( .(normalizePath(file.path(testthat::test_path(), "..", ".."))), export_all = FALSE, attach_testthat = FALSE, warn_conflicts = FALSE ) .(functionBody(server)) }) print(do.call(shiny__shinyApp, append(x = list(ui = ui, server = server), list(...)))) } mocked_runApp <- function(x, ...) { # nolint object_name_linter. args <- list(...) args[["launch.browser"]] <- FALSE # needed for RStudio app_driver <- tryCatch( shinytest2::AppDriver$new( x, shiny_args = args, check_names = FALSE, # explicit check below options = options() # https://github.com/rstudio/shinytest2/issues/377 ), error = function(e) { e$app$stop() # Ensure the R instance is stopped stop(e) } ) on.exit(app_driver$stop(), add = TRUE) app_driver$wait_for_idle(timeout = 20000) # Simple testing ## warning in the app does not invoke a warning in the test ## https://github.com/rstudio/shinytest2/issues/378 app_logs <- subset(app_driver$get_logs(), location == "shiny")[["message"]] # allow `Warning in file(con, "r")` warning coming from pkgload::load_all() if (any(grepl("Warning in.*", app_logs) & !grepl("Warning in file\\(con, \"r\"\\)", app_logs))) { warning( sprintf( "Detected a warning in the application logs:\n%s", paste0(app_logs, collapse = "\n") ) ) } ## Throw an error instead of a warning (default `AppDriver$new(..., check_names = TRUE)` throws a warning) app_driver$expect_unique_names() ## shinytest2 captures app crash but teal continues on error inside the module ## we need to use a different way to check if there are errors if (!is.null(err_el <- app_driver$get_html(".shiny-output-error"))) { stop(sprintf("Module error is observed:\n%s", err_el)) } ## validation errors from shinyvalidate - added by default to assure the examples are "clean" if (!is.null(err_el <- app_driver$get_html(".shiny-input-container.has-error:not(.shiny-output-error-validation)"))) { # nolint line_length_linter. stop(sprintf("shinyvalidate error is observed:\n%s", err_el)) } } # support both `shinyApp(...)` as well as prefixed `shiny::shinyApp(...)` calls # mock `shinyApp` to `shiny::shinyApp` and `shiny::shinyApp` to custom function # same for `runApp(...)` and `shiny::runApp` # additionally mock `interactive()` testthat::with_mocked_bindings( testthat::with_mocked_bindings( code, shinyApp = shiny::shinyApp, runApp = shiny::runApp, interactive = function() TRUE ), shinyApp = mocked_shinyApp, runApp = mocked_runApp, .package = "shiny" ) } strict_exceptions <- c( # https://github.com/r-lib/gtable/pull/94 "tm_g_barchart_simple.Rd", "tm_g_ci.Rd", "tm_g_ipp.Rd", "tm_g_pp_adverse_events.Rd", "tm_g_pp_vitals.Rd" ) for (i in rd_files()) { testthat::test_that( paste0("example-", basename(i)), { testthat::skip_on_cran() skip_if_too_deep(5) if (basename(i) %in% strict_exceptions) { op <- options() withr::local_options(opts_partial_match_old) withr::defer(options(op)) } with_mocked_app_bindings( # suppress warnings coming from saving qenv https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal.code/issues/194 suppress_warnings( testthat::expect_no_error( pkgload::run_example(i, run_donttest = TRUE, run_dontrun = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) ), "may not be available when loading" ) ) } ) }