# Initialization function to create a new TealAppDriver object # # By manipulating the server function as below, we can hint {shinytest2} to load # this package and its "Depends". # Related to https://github.com/rstudio/shinytest2/issues/381 init_teal_app_driver <- function(...) { testthat::with_mocked_bindings( { TealAppDriver <- getFromNamespace("TealAppDriver", "teal") # nolint: object_name. TealAppDriver$new(...) }, shinyApp = function(ui, server, ...) { functionBody(server) <- bquote({ # Hint to shinytest2 that this package should be available (via {globals}) .hint_to_load_package <- tm_g_ci # Hint to shinytest2 when looking for packages in globals .(functionBody(server)) }) shiny::shinyApp(ui, server, ...) }, # The relevant shinyApp call in `TealAppDriver` is being called without prefix, # hence why the package bindings that is changed is in {teal} and not {shiny} .package = "teal" ) } ns_des_input <- function(id, dataname, type) { sprintf("%s-dataset_%s_singleextract-%s", id, dataname, type) }