context("ncbi_downstream") test_that("ncbi_downstream returns correct structure", { skip_on_cran() # uses secrets vcr::use_cassette("ncbi_downstream", { tt <- ncbi_downstream(id = 7459, downto="species") }) expect_is(tt, "data.frame") expect_equal(NCOL(tt), 3) for (i in seq_along(tt)) expect_is(tt[[i]], "character") }) test_that("ncbi_downstream does remove some ambiguous taxa", { skip_on_cran() # 590 = "Salmonella" ## DOES remove "subsp." vcr::use_cassette("ncbi_downstream_ambiguous_false", { amb_no <- ncbi_downstream(id = '590', downto = "species", ambiguous = FALSE) }) ## DOES NOT remove "subsp." vcr::use_cassette("ncbi_downstream_ambiguous_true", { amb_yes <- ncbi_downstream(id = '590', downto = "species", ambiguous = TRUE) }) expect_is(amb_no, "data.frame") expect_is(amb_yes, "data.frame") expect_gt(NROW(amb_yes), NROW(amb_no)) }) test_that("ncbi_downstream handles when taxa searches return themselves", { skip_on_cran() # uses secrets # eg.., with `Euchloe` ncbi_downstream was fetching 2 subgenus rank children # which return data that had the ids from those subgenera within it # fix for to remove "self ids" # and remove any duplicate records resulting vcr::use_cassette("ncbi_downstream_handles_self_ids", { tt <- downstream("Euchloe", downto = "species", db = "ncbi", row = 2, messages = FALSE) }) expect_named(tt, "Euchloe") expect_is(tt, "downstream") expect_is(tt[[1]], "data.frame") expect_equal(attr(tt, "db"), "ncbi") }) test_that("ncbi_downstream doesn't fail on no intermediate data", { skip_on_cran() # uses secrets vcr::use_cassette("ncbi_downstream_intermediate", { tt <- ncbi_downstream(1398485, downto = "no rank", intermediate = TRUE) }) expect_is(tt, "list") expect_is(tt$target, "data.frame") expect_equal(NROW(tt$target), 0) expect_is(tt$intermediate, "list") expect_length(tt$intermediate, 0) })