context("genbank2uid") test_that("genbank2uid - with accession numbers", { skip_on_cran() # uses secrets vcr::use_cassette("genbank2uid", { aa <- genbank2uid(id = 'AJ748748') bb <- genbank2uid(c('X78312','KM495596')) }) expect_is(aa, "list") expect_is(aa[[1]], "uid") expect_is(unclass(aa[[1]]), "character") expect_is(attr(aa[[1]], "match"), "character") expect_false(attr(aa[[1]], "multiple_matches")) expect_false(attr(aa[[1]], "pattern_match")) expect_is(attr(aa[[1]], "uri"), "character") expect_match(attr(aa[[1]], "uri"), "http") expect_is(bb, "list") expect_is(bb[[1]], "uid") expect_is(unclass(bb[[1]]), "character") expect_is(attr(bb[[1]], "match"), "character") expect_equal(vapply(bb, attr, TRUE, which = "multiple_matches"), c(FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(vapply(bb, attr, TRUE, which = "pattern_match"), c(FALSE, FALSE)) expect_is(attr(bb[[1]], "uri"), "character") expect_match(attr(bb[[1]], "uri"), "http") }) test_that("genbank2uid - with gi numbers", { skip_on_cran() # uses secrets vcr::use_cassette("genbank2uid_gi_numbers", { aa <- genbank2uid(id = 62689767) bb <- genbank2uid(c(62689767,156446673)) }) expect_is(aa, "list") expect_is(aa[[1]], "uid") expect_is(unclass(aa[[1]]), "character") expect_is(attr(aa[[1]], "match"), "character") expect_false(attr(aa[[1]], "multiple_matches")) expect_false(attr(aa[[1]], "pattern_match")) expect_is(attr(aa[[1]], "uri"), "character") expect_match(attr(aa[[1]], "uri"), "http") expect_is(bb, "list") expect_is(bb[[1]], "uid") expect_is(unclass(bb[[1]]), "character") expect_is(attr(bb[[2]], "match"), "character") expect_equal(vapply(bb, attr, TRUE, which = "multiple_matches"), c(FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(vapply(bb, attr, TRUE, which = "pattern_match"), c(FALSE, FALSE)) expect_is(attr(bb[[1]], "uri"), "character") expect_match(attr(bb[[1]], "uri"), "http") }) ### THIS ONLY RETURNS 1 RESULT NOW # test_that("genbank2uid - where ID has more than one taxon associated", { # skip_on_cran() # # aa <- genbank2uid(id = "AM420293") # # expect_is(aa, "list") # expect_is(aa[[1]], "uid") # expect_is(aa[[2]], "uid") # expect_is(aa[[3]], "uid") # expect_match(attr(aa[[1]], "name"), "Saccharopolyspora") # expect_match(attr(aa[[2]], "name"), "Saccharopolyspora") # expect_match(attr(aa[[3]], "name"), "Saccharopolyspora") # }) test_that("genbank2uid - fails well", { skip_on_cran() # uses secrets vcr::use_cassette("genbank2uid_fails", { # one Id not found expect_warning(genbank2uid(id = "gwa2_scaffold_1731_16S_1"), "The following 1 of 1 queries could not be found") aa <- suppressWarnings(genbank2uid(id = "gwa2_scaffold_1731_16S_1")) expect_is(aa[[1]], "uid") expect_true([[1]]))) # many Ids not found expect_warning(genbank2uid(id = c("gwa2_scaffold_1731_16S_1", "asdfadfs")), "The following 2 of 2 queries could not be found") expect_warning(genbank2uid(id = c("gwa2_scaffold_1731_16S_1", "asdfadfs")), "The following 2 of 2 queries could not be found") }) skip_on_cran() aa <- suppressWarnings(genbank2uid(id = c("gwa2_scaffold_1731_16S_1", "asdfadfs"))) expect_is(aa[[1]], "uid") expect_true(all([[1]])))) # id not given expect_error(genbank2uid(), "argument \"id\" is missing") # id not given expect_error(genbank2uid("Asdfdf", batch_size = "Asdf"), "batch_size must be of class integer, numeric") })