# NOTE: gnr_resolve is depreciated and will be removed in future versions. # context("gnr_resolve") # # test_that("gnr_resolve returns the correct value", { # skip_on_cran() # # tmp <- gnr_resolve(c("Helianthus annuus", "Homo sapiens")) # # expect_equal(NCOL(tmp), 5) # # expect_is(tmp, "data.frame") # expect_is(tmp$matched_name, "character") # }) # # test_that("best_match_only works correctly", { # skip_on_cran() # # x <- "Helianthus annuus" # a <- gnr_resolve(x, best_match_only = TRUE) # b <- gnr_resolve(x, best_match_only = FALSE) # # expect_is(a, "data.frame") # expect_is(b, "data.frame") # expect_equal(NROW(a), 1) # expect_true(all(c("names", "row.names", "class", "not_known") %in% names(attributes(a)))) # expect_is(b$data_source_title, "character") # # ## same order as user supplied # cc <- gnr_resolve(c("Homo sapiens", "Helianthus annuus"), best_match_only = TRUE) # expect_identical(cc$user_supplied_name, c("Homo sapiens", "Helianthus annuus")) # }) # # test_that("canonical works correctly", { # skip_on_cran() # # # x = a canse where no canonical names is found # x <- gnr_resolve("Metzgeria", data_source_ids = c(12), canonical = TRUE) # y <- "Helianthus annuus" # w <- gnr_resolve(y, canonical = TRUE) # z <- gnr_resolve(y, canonical = FALSE) # # expect_is(w, "data.frame") # expect_is(z, "data.frame") # expect_named(w, c("user_supplied_name", "submitted_name", "data_source_title", "score", "matched_name2")) # expect_named(z, c("user_supplied_name", "submitted_name", "matched_name", "data_source_title", "score")) # expect_equal(NROW(x), 1) # expect_true(is.na(x$matched_name2[2])) # }) # # test_that("fields parameter works correctly", { # skip_on_cran() # # tmp1 <- gnr_resolve(c("Asteraceae", "Plantae"), fields = 'all') # tmp2 <- gnr_resolve(c("Asteraceae", "Plantae"), fields = 'minimal') # # expect_is(tmp1, "data.frame") # expect_is(tmp1$matched_name, "character") # expect_true(any(grepl("Asteraceae", tmp1$matched_name))) # expect_is(tmp2, "data.frame") # expect_is(tmp2$matched_name, "character") # expect_true(any(grepl("Asteraceae", tmp2$matched_name))) # expect_false(identical(tmp1$matched_name, tmp2$matched_name)) # # expect_lt(NCOL(tmp2), NCOL(tmp1)) # }) # # test_that("works correctly when no data found for preferred data source", { # skip_on_cran() # # aa <- gnr_resolve("Scabiosa triandra", preferred_data_sources = c(21,24), # best_match_only = TRUE) # # expect_is(aa, "data.frame") # expect_equal(NROW(aa), 0) # expect_equal(length(attributes(aa)$not_known), 1) # })