# NOTE: The EOL data_objects API does not seem to be working anymore and no documentation is available so it might be depreciated. # context("eol_dataobjects") # # test_that("eol_dataobjects with taxonomy TRUE", { # skip_on_cran() # # vcr::use_cassette("eol_dataobjects", { # temp <- sm(eol_dataobjects(id = "7561533", verbose = FALSE)) # }, preserve_exact_body_bytes = TRUE) # # expect_is(temp, "list") # expect_is(temp$taxonconcepts$scientificname, "character") # expect_is(temp$taxonconcepts$identifier, "integer") # expect_is(temp$taxonconcepts, "data.frame") # }) # # test_that("eol_dataobjects with taxonomy FALSE", { # skip_on_cran() # # vcr::use_cassette("eol_dataobjects_taxonomy_param", { # temp2 <- sm(eol_dataobjects(id = "7561533", # taxonomy = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)) # }) # # expect_is(temp2, "list") # expect_null(temp2$taxonconcepts$scientificname) # expect_null(temp2$taxonconcepts$identifier) # }) # # test_that("eol_dataobjects fails well", { # skip_on_cran() # # expect_error(eol_dataobjects(), "argument \"id\" is missing") # })