context("get_tsn") test_that("get_tsn returns the correct value", { skip_on_cran() vcr::use_cassette("get_tsn", { x <- get_tsn("asdfasdf", messages=FALSE)[[1]] z <- get_tsn("Chironomus riparius", messages=FALSE) }) expect_true( expect_is(z, "tsn") }) test_that("get_tsn accepts ask and verbose arguments", { skip_on_cran() vcr::use_cassette("get_tsn_ask_verbose_args", { # expect_message(sw(get_tsn('Dugesia', messages=TRUE, ask = FALSE))) expect_true(all('black bear', searchtype="common", ask=FALSE, messages=FALSE))))) }) }) test_that("get_tsn fails as expected", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(get_tsn(), "argument \"sci_com\" is missing") expect_error(get_tsn("Arni", ask = 4, messages = FALSE), "ask must be of class logical") expect_error( get_tsn(sci_com="black bear", searchtype=5, messages = FALSE), "searchtype must be of class character") expect_error( get_tsn("Arni", accepted = 34, messages = FALSE), "accepted must be of class logical") # searchtype values expect_error( get_tsn(sci_com="black bear", searchtype="asdfadf", messages = FALSE), "'arg' should be one of") # rows param expect_error(get_tsn("Achlya", rows = "foobar", messages = FALSE), "rows must be of class numeric, integer") expect_error(get_tsn("Achlya", rows = 0, messages = FALSE), "all\\(rows > 0\\) is not TRUE") })