library(targets) tar_script({ sleep_run <- function(...) Sys.sleep(10) list( tar_target(data1, sleep_run()), tar_target(data2, sleep_run()), tar_target(model1, sleep_run(data1)), tar_target(model2, sleep_run(data2)), tar_target(conclusions, sleep_run(c(model1, model2))) ) }) # Should just launch the app in a blocking process: tar_watch(background = FALSE) # Should exclude data1 in the graph. tar_watch(background = FALSE, exclude = "data1") # Should exclude sleep_run() and data2 in the graph. px <- tar_watch(background = TRUE, exclude = c("sleep_run", "data2")) px$kill() # Should not block the main process: tar_watch( seconds = 10, outdated = FALSE, targets_only = TRUE, height = "450px" ) # The main process should be free to run the pipeline. tar_make() # Run it again and see skipped targets. tar_make() # Restarting the session should terminate the app. rstudioapi::restartSession() tar_destroy() unlink("_targets.R") # View the progress tables. Should see some of each status except dispatched. library(targets) tar_script({ list( tar_target(x, seq_len(2)), tar_target(y, stop("error message"), pattern = map(x), error = "continue"), tar_target(z, tar_cancel(), pattern = map(x)), tar_target(w, x, pattern = map(x)), # nolint start tar_target( forever, { Sys.sleep(Inf) c(x, y, z, w) }) # nolint end ) }) tar_make() # Stop early. tar_watch(background = FALSE) # Should see dispatched branches in the table. library(targets) tar_destroy() tar_script({ tar_option_set(error = "continue") sleep_run <- function(...) Sys.sleep(10) list( tar_target(batch, seq_len(4)), tar_target(data1, sleep_run(batch), pattern = map(batch)) ) }) # Select the "branches" box: tar_watch( seconds = 10, outdated = FALSE, targets_only = TRUE, height = "450px" ) # The main process should be free to run the pipeline. tar_make() # Run it again to see skipped branches. tar_make() # Look at the canceled branches in the "branches" view. tar_script({ list( tar_target(batch, seq_len(4)), tar_target(data1, tar_cancel(), pattern = map(batch)) ) }) tar_make() # Restarting the session should terminate the app. rstudioapi::restartSession() tar_destroy() unlink("_targets.R") # Launch using different config settings. tar_script({ sleep_run <- function(...) Sys.sleep(0.5) list( tar_target(x, seq_len(2)), tar_target(y, x, pattern = map(x)), tar_target(data1, sleep_run()), tar_target(data2, sleep_run()), tar_target(model1, sleep_run(data1)), tar_target(model2, sleep_run(data2)), tar_target(conclusions, sleep_run(c(model1, model2))) ) }, script = "example/script.R") tar_config_set( script = "example/script.R", store = "example/store", config = "example/config.yaml" ) px <- tar_watch( seconds = 5, targets_only = TRUE, height = "450px", config = "example/config.yaml" ) # Should show pipeline progress in app. tar_make( script = "example/script.R", store = "example/store" ) # Files should go in the correct places. library(testthat) expect_false(file.exists("_targets")) expect_false(file.exists("_targets.R")) expect_true(file.exists("example/config.yaml")) expect_true(file.exists("example/script.R")) expect_true(file.exists("example/store")) # Switching the config affects the app. tar_config_set( script = tempfile(), store = tempfile(), config = "example/config.yaml" ) px$kill() # No targets file should be detected. px <- tar_watch( seconds = 5, targets_only = TRUE, height = "450px" ) px$kill() unlink("example", recursive = TRUE)