tar_test("tar_source()", { skip_cran() dir.create("x") dir.create("y") dir.create(file.path("y", "z")) writeLines("f <- function(x) x + 1L", file.path("x", "f.R")) writeLines("g <- function(x) x + 1L", file.path("x", "g.r")) writeLines("h <- function(x) x + 1L", file.path("y", "h.R")) writeLines("i <- function(x) x + 1L", file.path("y", "z", "i.R")) writeLines("j <- function(x) x + 1L", "j.r") writeLines("import numpy as np", file.path("x", "k.py")) writeLines("import numpy as np", "l.py") expect_silent(tar_source("y")) expect_message(tar_source("l.py"), class = "tar_condition_validate") expect_message(tar_source("nope.R"), class = "tar_condition_validate") tar_script({ suppressWarnings(tar_source(c("x", "y", "j.r", "l.py"))) tar_target(x, f(g(h(i(j(0L)))))) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_read(x), 5L) }) tar_test("tar_source() with the change_directory argument", { skip_cran() wd <- getwd() dir.create("y") dir.create(file.path("y", "z")) writeLines("wd <- getwd()", file.path("y", "z", "i.R")) envir <- new.env() expect_equal(getwd(), wd) tar_source("y", envir = envir) expect_equal(getwd(), wd) expect_equal(envir$wd, getwd()) tar_source("y", change_directory = TRUE, envir = envir) expect_equal(getwd(), wd) expect_equal(envir$wd, file.path(getwd(), "y", "z")) })