tar_test("outdated$outdated", { skip_cran() out <- outdated_init(pipeline_init()) expect_silent(counter_validate(out$outdated)) }) tar_test("outdated$is_outdated()", { skip_cran() out <- outdated_init(pipeline_init(), reporter = "silent") expect_equal(out$is_outdated("x"), FALSE) }) tar_test("outdated$register_outdated()", { skip_cran() out <- outdated_init(pipeline_init(), reporter = "silent") out$register_outdated("x") expect_equal(out$is_outdated("x"), TRUE) }) tar_test("counter_validate(outdated)", { skip_cran() out <- outdated_init(pipeline_init(), reporter = "silent") expect_silent(counter_validate(out$outdated)) }) tar_test("full non-branching run", { skip_cran() out <- outdated_init(pipeline_order(), reporter = "silent") out$run() exp <- sort(pipeline_get_names(pipeline_order())) expect_equal(sort(counter_get_names(out$outdated)), exp) local <- local_init(pipeline_order()) local$run() out <- outdated_init(pipeline_order(), reporter = "silent") out$run() expect_equal(sort(counter_get_names(out$outdated)), character(0)) }) tar_test("full branching run with forecast reporter", { skip_cran() out <- outdated_init( pipeline_map(), queue = "sequential", reporter = "forecast" ) out$run() exp <- sort(pipeline_get_names(pipeline_map())) expect_equal(sort(counter_get_names(out$outdated)), exp) local <- local_init(pipeline_map(), reporter = "silent") local$run() out <- outdated_init( pipeline_map(), queue = "sequential", reporter = "forecast" ) out$run() expect_equal(sort(counter_get_names(out$outdated)), character(0)) }) tar_test("Outdated is idempotent (no overwriting imports)", { skip_cran() envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) envir$f <- function(x) x tar_option_set(envir = envir) x <- target_init("x", quote(f(1L))) local_init(pipeline_init(list(x)))$run() envir$f <- function(x) x + 1L for (index in seq_len(2L)) { x <- target_init("x", quote(f(1L))) out <- outdated_init( pipeline_init(list(x)), queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) out$run() expect_equal(counter_get_names(out$outdated), "x") } }) tar_test("Update the command of a stem", { skip_cran() x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z)) local <- local_init(pipeline) local$run() x <- target_init("x", quote(c(1L, 5L, 3L))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z)) outdated <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) outdated$run() out <- counter_get_names(outdated$outdated) expect_true(all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% out)) }) tar_test("Update the file of a branch", { skip_cran() x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z), clone_targets = FALSE) local <- local_init(pipeline) local$run() child_y <- target_get_children(y)[1] child_z <- target_get_children(z)[1] path <- file.path("_targets", "objects", child_y) object <- readRDS(path) saveRDS(object + 100, path) x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z)) outdated <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) outdated$run() out <- sort(counter_get_names(outdated$outdated)) exp <- sort(c("y", "z", child_y, child_z)) expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("Update the file of a branch and aggregate", { skip_cran() x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y)) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z), clone_targets = FALSE) local <- local_init(pipeline) local$run() child_y <- target_get_children(y)[1] path <- file.path("_targets", "objects", child_y) object <- readRDS(path) saveRDS(object + 100, path) x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y)) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z)) outdated <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) outdated$run() out <- sort(counter_get_names(outdated$outdated)) exp <- sort(c("y", "z", child_y)) expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("Corrupt a branch", { skip_cran() x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z), clone_targets = FALSE) local <- local_init(pipeline) local$run() branch_y <- target_get_children(y)[2] branch_z <- target_get_children(z)[2] unlink(file.path("_targets", "objects", branch_y)) x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z), clone_targets = FALSE) outdated <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) outdated$run() out <- counter_get_names(outdated$outdated) expect_equal(sort(out), sort(c("y", "z", branch_y, branch_z))) }) tar_test("Corrupt a branch but turn off the depend cue", { skip_cran() x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) w <- target_init("w", quote(y)) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z, w), clone_targets = FALSE) local <- local_init(pipeline) local$run() branch_y <- target_get_children(y)[2] unlink(file.path("_targets", "objects", branch_y)) x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) cue <- cue_init(depend = FALSE) z <- target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y)), cue = cue) w <- target_init("w", quote(y), cue = cue) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z, w)) outdated <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) outdated$run() out <- counter_get_names(outdated$outdated) expect_equal(sort(out), sort(c("y", branch_y))) }) tar_test("Depend on all branches", { skip_cran() x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y)) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z), clone_targets = FALSE) local <- local_init(pipeline) local$run() branch <- target_get_children(y)[2] unlink(file.path("_targets", "objects", branch)) x <- target_init("x", quote(seq_len(3))) y <- target_init("y", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) z <- target_init("z", quote(y)) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x, y, z)) outdated <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) outdated$run() out <- counter_get_names(outdated$outdated) expect_equal(sort(out), sort(c("y", "z", branch))) }) tar_test("map over a stem with no branches previously", { skip_cran() pipeline <- pipeline_init( list( target_init("x", quote(seq_len(2))), target_init("y", quote(seq_len(2))), target_init("z", quote(x), pattern = quote(map(x))) ), clone_targets = FALSE ) local_init(pipeline = pipeline)$run() pipeline <- pipeline_init( list( target_init("x", quote(seq_len(2))), target_init("y", quote(seq_len(2))), target_init("z", quote(y), pattern = quote(map(y))) ) ) out <- outdated_init( pipeline, queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" ) out$run() names <- counter_get_names(out$outdated) expect_true("z" %in% names) expect_equal(length(names), 3L) expect_equal(sum(grepl("^z_", names)), 2L) }) tar_test("outdated$validate()", { expect_silent( outdated_init( pipeline_map(), queue = "sequential", reporter = "silent" )$validate() ) })