tar_test("callr_args_default", { skip_cran() expect_message(out <- callr_args_default(callr::r)) expect_equal(out, tar_callr_args_default(callr::r)) }) tar_test("custom error classes forwarded to top level", { skip_cran() tar_script( tar_target(x, rlang::abort("msg", class = c("my_class_1", "my_class_2"))) ) out <- tryCatch( tar_make(callr_function = NULL), error = function(condition) class(condition) ) expect_true("my_class_1" %in% out) expect_true("my_class_2" %in% out) }) tar_test("custom error classes forwarded to top level", { skip_cran() tar_script( tar_target(x, rlang::abort("msg", class = c("my_class_1", "my_class_2"))) ) out <- tryCatch( tar_make(callr_arguments = list(show = FALSE), reporter = "silent"), error = function(condition) class(condition) ) expect_true("my_class_1" %in% out) expect_true("my_class_2" %in% out) }) tar_test("file path caches are correct", { skip_cran() tar_script( list( tar_target(x, 1), tar_target(y, x), tar_target( z, { file.create("z") "z" }, format = "file" ) ) ) tar_make(callr_function = NULL, reporter = "silent") tar_script( list( tar_target(file_info, tar_runtime_object()$file_info), tar_target( file_exist, { file_info sort(names(tar_runtime_object()$file_exist$envir)) } ) ) ) tar_make(callr_function = NULL, reporter = "silent") expect_null(tar_runtime$file_exist) expect_null(tar_runtime$file_info) expect_equal( tar_read(file_exist), sort( c( path_objects(path_store_default(), c("x", "y", "file_info")), path_objects_dir(path_store_default()), path_scratch_dir(path_store_default()) ) ) ) info <- tar_read(file_info) expect_true(is.list(info)) expect_equal( sort(names(info)), sort(c("path", "size", "mtime_numeric", "trust_timestamps")) ) })