tar_test("parquet format", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) envir$f <- function() { data.frame(x = 1, y = 2) } x <- target_init( name = "abc", expr = quote(f()), format = "parquet" ) store_update_stage_early(x$store, x$file, "abc", path_store_default()) builder_update_build(x, envir) builder_update_paths(x, path_store_default()) builder_update_object(x) exp <- envir$f() expect_equal( as.data.frame( eval(parse(text = "arrow::read_parquet"))(x$file$path) ), as.data.frame(exp) ) expect_equal( as.data.frame(target_read_value(x)$object), as.data.frame(exp) ) expect_silent(target_validate(x)) }) tar_test("bad compression level throws error (structured resources)", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2), format = "parquet", resources = tar_resources( tar_resources_parquet(compression = "bad") ) ) ) }) expect_error(tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) }) tar_test("bad compression level throws error (unstructured resources)", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2), format = "parquet", resources = list(compression = "bad") ) ) }) expect_warning( tar_target( abc, data.frame(x = 1, y = 2), format = "parquet", resources = list(compression = "bad") ), class = "tar_condition_deprecate" ) suppressWarnings( expect_error(tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) ) }) tar_test("parquet packages", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") x <- tar_target(x, 1, format = "parquet") out <- store_get_packages(x$store) expect_equal(out, "arrow") }) tar_test("parquet format captures error messages", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script(tar_target(x, stop("message123"), format = "parquet")) expect_error( tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_equal(tar_meta(x, error)$error, "message123") }) tar_test("same with error = \"continue\"", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script( tar_target(x, stop("message123"), format = "parquet", error = "continue") ) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_meta(x, error)$error, "message123") }) tar_test("parquet format cannot store non-data-frames", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script(tar_target(x, 1:2, format = "parquet")) expect_error( tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) }) tar_test("same with error = \"continue\"", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script(tar_target(x, 1:2, format = "parquet", error = "continue")) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_true(nchar(tar_meta(x, error)$error[1]) > 5) }) tar_test("does not inherit from tar_external", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") store <- tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "parquet")$store expect_false(inherits(store, "tar_external")) }) tar_test("store_row_path()", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") target <- tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "parquet") store <- target$store file <- target$file file$path <- "path" expect_equal(store_row_path(store, file), NA_character_) }) tar_test("store_path_from_name()", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") store <- tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "parquet")$store out <- store_path_from_name( store, format = store$format, name = "x", path = "path", path_store = path_store_default() ) expect_equal( out, path_objects(path_store_default(), "x") ) }) tar_test("parquet and NULL", { skip_cran() skip_if_not_installed("arrow") tar_script( list( tar_target(x, NULL, format = "parquet", memory = "persistent"), tar_target(y, x, memory = "persistent") ) ) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal( as.data.frame(tar_read(x)), as.data.frame(NULL) ) expect_equal( as.data.frame(tar_read(y)), as.data.frame(NULL) ) })