tar_test("database$get_row()", { out <- database_init() row <- list(name = "abc", string = "run(xyz)", children = list(letters)) out$set_row(row) expect_equal(out$get_row("abc"), row) }) tar_test("database$exists_row()", { out <- database_init() row <- list(name = "abc", string = "run(xyz)", children = list(letters)) expect_false(out$exists_row("abc")) out$set_row(row) expect_true(out$exists_row("abc")) }) tar_test("database$set_row()", { out <- database_init() expect_equal(lookup_list(out$lookup), character(0)) row <- list(name = "abc", string = "run(xyz)", children = list(letters)) out$set_row(row) expect_equal(lookup_list(out$lookup), "abc") expect_equal(lookup_get(out$lookup, "abc"), row) }) tar_test("database$get_data()", { db <- database_init() expect_equal(lookup_list(db$lookup), character(0)) row1 <- list(name = "abc", string = "123") row2 <- list(name = "xyz", string = "456") db$set_row(row1) db$set_row(row2) out <- db$get_data() expect_equal(dim(out), c(2L, 2L)) expect_equal(sort(out$name), sort(c("abc", "xyz"))) expect_equal(sort(out$string), sort(c("123", "456"))) expect_false(file.exists(db$path)) }) tar_test("database$get_data() with list columns", { skip_cran() pipeline <- pipeline_map() algorithm <- local_init(pipeline) algorithm$run() out <- algorithm$meta$database$get_data() expect_true(is.list(out$path)) expect_true(is.list(out$children)) expect_length(out$children[[which(out$name == "map1")]][[1L]], 3L) expect_false(anyNA(out$name)) expect_true(all(nzchar(out$name))) expect_equal(as.integer(anyDuplicated(out$name)), 0L) }) tar_test("database$ensure_storage()", { out <- database_init(header = c("col1", "col2")) path <- out$path expect_false(file.exists(path)) out$ensure_storage() expect_true(file.exists(path)) expect_equal(readLines(out$path), "col1|col2") write("new|line", path, append = TRUE) expect_equal(readLines(out$path), c("col1|col2", "new|line")) out$ensure_storage() expect_equal(readLines(out$path), c("col1|col2", "new|line")) out$reset_storage() expect_equal(readLines(out$path), "col1|col2") }) tar_test("database$produce_line()", { out <- database_init() row <- list( name = "abc", string = "run(xyz)", children = list(c("a", "b")) ) expect_equal(out$produce_line(row), "abc|run(xyz)|a*b") }) tar_test("database$read_data() without rows or header", { db <- database_init(path = tempfile(), header = character(0)) out <- db$read_data() expect_false(file.exists(db$path)) expect_equal(out, data_frame()) }) tar_test("database$read_data() without rows", { db <- database_init(path = tempfile(), header = letters) out <- db$read_data() expect_false(file.exists(db$path)) expect_equal(nrow(out), 0L) expect_equal(colnames(out), letters) }) tar_test("database$read_data()", { path <- tempfile() header <- c("name", "col2", "col3") lines <- c( "name|col2|col3", "e11|e12|e13*e14", "e21|e22|e23*e24*e25" ) writeLines(lines, path) db <- database_init(path, header, list_columns = "col3") out <- db$read_data() exp <- data_frame( name = c("e11", "e21"), col2 = c("e12", "e22") ) exp$col3 <- list(c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25")) expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$overwrite_storage()", { data <- data.table::data.table( name = c("e", "e"), col2 = c("e12", "e22"), col3 = list(c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25")) ) db <- database_init(header = c("name", "col2", "col3")) exp <- c( "name|col2|col3", "e|e12|e13*e14", "e|e22|e23*e24*e25" ) for (index in seq_len(2L)) { db$overwrite_storage(data) out <- readLines(db$path) expect_equal(out, exp) } }) tar_test("database$append_storage()", { data <- data.table::data.table( name = c("e", "e"), col2 = c("e12", "e22"), col3 = list(c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25")) ) db <- database_init(header = c("name", "col2", "col3")) exp <- c( "name|col2|col3", "e|e12|e13*e14", "e|e22|e23*e24*e25", "e|e12|e13*e14", "e|e22|e23*e24*e25" ) for (index in seq_len(2L)) { db$append_storage(data) out <- readLines(db$path) } expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$read_condensed_data()", { lines <- c( "name|col2|col3", "e1|e12|e13*e14", "e2|e22|e23*e24*e25", "e1|e12|e13*e14", "e2|e22|e23*e24*e25" ) tmp <- tempfile() writeLines(lines, tmp) db <- database_init( path = tmp, header = c("name", "col2", "col3"), list_columns = "col3" ) out <- db$read_condensed_data() exp <- data_frame( name = c("e1", "e2"), col2 = c("e12", "e22") ) exp$col3 <- list(c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25")) rownames(out) <- NULL rownames(exp) <- NULL expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$condense_data()", { data <- data.table::data.table( name = c("x", "e", "e", "f"), col2 = c("e02", "e12", "e22", "e32"), col3 = list(c("1", "2"), c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25"), "x") ) db <- database_init() out <- db$condense_data(data) exp <- data.table::data.table( name = c("x", "e", "f"), col2 = c("e02", "e22", "e32"), col3 = list(c("1", "2"), c("e23", "e24", "e25"), "x") ) expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$read_condensed_data()", { data <- data.table::data.table( name = c("x", "e", "e", "f"), col2 = c("e02", "e12", "e22", "e32"), col3 = list(c("1", "2"), c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25"), "x") ) db <- database_init() out <- db$condense_data(data) exp <- data.table::data.table( name = c("x", "e", "f"), col2 = c("e02", "e22", "e32"), col3 = list(c("1", "2"), c("e23", "e24", "e25"), "x") ) expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$set_data()", { data <- data.table::data.table( name = c("x", "e", "e", "f"), col2 = c("e02", "e12", "e22", "e32"), col3 = list(c("1L", "2L"), c("e13", "e14"), c("e23", "e24", "e25"), "x"), col4 = seq_len(4L) ) db <- database_init() db$set_data(data) expect_equal(sort(lookup_list(db$lookup)), sort(c("e", "f", "x"))) exp <- list( name = "e", col2 = "e22", col3 = c("e23", "e24", "e25"), col4 = 3L ) expect_equal(db$get_row("e"), exp) exp <- list(name = "f", col2 = "e32", col3 = "x", col4 = 4L) expect_equal(db$get_row("f"), exp) exp <- list(name = "x", col2 = "e02", col3 = c("1L", "2L"), col4 = 1L) expect_equal(db$get_row("x"), exp) }) tar_test("database$preprocess() on empty data", { db <- database_init( header = c("name", "col3"), list_columns = "col3" ) db$preprocess(write = TRUE) expect_equal(lookup_list(db$lookup), character(0)) expect_equal(readLines(db$path), "name|col3") }) tar_test("database$preprocess() on different column types", { path <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(path)) lines <- c( "name|col2|col3|col4|col5|col6", "x|e02|1*2|1|1|TRUE", "e|e12|e13*e14|2|2|FALSE", "e|e22|e23*e24*e25|3|3|TRUE", "f|e32|x|4|4|FALSE" ) for (repository in c("local", "aws", "gcp")) { writeLines(lines, path) db <- database_init( path = path, header = colnames(data), list_columns = "col3", logical_columns = "col6", integer_columns = "col4", numeric_columns = "col5", repository = repository ) db$preprocess(write = TRUE) out <- readLines(path) expect_equal(out, lines[-3]) expect_equal(sort(lookup_list(db$lookup)), sort(c("e", "f", "x"))) exp <- list( name = "e", col2 = "e22", col3 = c("e23", "e24", "e25"), col4 = 3L, col5 = 3, col6 = TRUE ) expect_equal(db$get_row("e"), exp) exp <- list( name = "f", col2 = "e32", col3 = "x", col4 = 4L, col5 = 4, col6 = FALSE ) expect_equal(db$get_row("f"), exp) exp <- list( name = "x", col2 = "e02", col3 = c("1", "2"), col4 = 1L, col5 = 1, col6 = TRUE ) expect_equal(db$get_row("x"), exp) } }) tar_test("database$write_row()", { db <- database_init( header = c("name", "col2", "col3"), list_columns = "col3" ) row <- list(name = "x", col2 = 1L, col3 = list(c("a", "b"))) db$ensure_storage() db$write_row(row) out <- readLines(db$path) exp <- c("name|col2|col3", "x|1|a*b") expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$insert_row()", { db <- database_init( header = c("name", "col2", "col3"), list_columns = "col3" ) row <- list(name = "x", col2 = 1L, col3 = list(c("a", "b"))) db$ensure_storage() db$insert_row(row) db$insert_row(row) out <- readLines(db$path) exp <- c("name|col2|col3", "x|1|a*b", "x|1|a*b") expect_equal(out, exp) expect_equal(lookup_list(db$lookup), "x") expect_equal(db$get_row("x"), row) }) tar_test("database$select_cols()", { db <- database_init(header = c("name", "col2", "col3")) data <- data_frame(col2 = "b", name = "a") out <- db$select_cols(data) exp <- list(name = "a", col2 = "b", col3 = NA_character_) expect_equal(out, exp) }) tar_test("database$deduplicate_storage()", { lines <- c("name|col", "x|1", "x|2", "y|2", "y|1", "name|y", "name|z") tmp <- tempfile() writeLines(lines, tmp) db <- database_init(path = tmp, header = c("name", "col")) db$deduplicate_storage() out <- readLines(tmp) expect_equal(out, c("name|col", "x|2", "y|1", "name|z")) }) tar_test("database$deduplicate_storage() on non-existent file", { db <- database_init(path = tempfile(), header = c("name", "col")) expect_silent(db$deduplicate_storage()) }) tar_test("database$validate()", { out <- database_init(header = "name") expect_silent(out$validate()) }) tar_test("database$validate() with bad list columns", { out <- database_init(header = c("name", "a"), list_columns = "b") expect_error(out$validate(), class = "tar_condition_validate") }) tar_test("database$validate() without name column", { out <- database_init(header = letters) expect_error(out$validate(), class = "tar_condition_validate") }) tar_test("validate compatible header", { tar_script(list()) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) data <- tar_meta() meta <- meta_init() meta$database$overwrite_storage(data) expect_silent(tar_make(callr_function = NULL, reporter = "silent")) }) tar_test("do not validate header of missing file", { out <- database_init(header = "name") expect_silent(out$validate()) expect_false(file.exists(out$path)) }) tar_test("fail to validate incompatible header", { tar_script(list()) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) data <- tar_meta() data$size <- NULL meta <- meta_init() meta$database$overwrite_storage(data) expect_error( tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) }) tar_test("database buffer", { db <- database_init() expect_true(is.environment(db$buffer)) expect_equal(lookup_list(db$lookup), character(0L)) db$buffer_row(list(name = "x")) expect_equal(lookup_list(db$lookup), "x") db$buffer_row(list(name = "y")) expect_equal(sort(as.character(as.list(db$buffer))), sort(c("x", "y"))) expect_equal(sort(lookup_list(db$lookup)), sort(c("x", "y"))) expect_false(file.exists(db$path)) db$flush_rows() lines <- readLines(db$path) expect_equal(sort(lines), sort(c("x", "y"))) db$flush_rows() lines <- readLines(db$path) expect_equal(sort(lines), sort(c("x", "y"))) }) tar_test("compare_working_directories()", { on.exit(tar_runtime$working_directory <- NULL) tar_runtime$working_directory <- getwd() expect_silent(compare_working_directories()) tar_runtime$working_directory <- ".." expect_error( compare_working_directories(), class = "tar_condition_run" ) }) tar_test("local database cloud methods", { database <- database_init(repository = "local") expect_null(database$download()) expect_null(database$upload()) expect_false(database$head()$exists) expect_null(database$delete_cloud()) }) tar_test("database unknown repository", { expect_error( database_init(repository = "unknown"), class = "tar_condition_validate" ) }) tar_test("mock download", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile()) expect_equal(x$download(), "download") }) tar_test("mock upload", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile()) expect_equal(x$upload(), "upload") }) tar_test("mock head non-existent file", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile()) out <- x$head() expect_false(out$exists) expect_equal(out$time, file_time(info = list(mtime_numeric = 0))) }) tar_test("mock head", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile()) file.create("path_cloud") out <- x$head() expect_true(out$exists) }) tar_test("mock sync no action", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") expect_null(x$sync(verbose = TRUE)) }) tar_test("mock sync only cloud", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") file.create("path_cloud") expect_equal(x$sync(verbose = TRUE), "download") }) tar_test("mock sync only local", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") file.create(x$path) expect_equal(x$sync(verbose = TRUE), "upload") }) tar_test("mock sync only local", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") file.create(x$path) expect_equal(x$sync(verbose = TRUE), "upload") }) tar_test("mock sync no action on agreement", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile()) writeLines("lines", x$path) file.copy(x$path, "path_cloud") expect_null(x$sync(verbose = TRUE)) }) tar_test("mock sync cloud file more recent", { old <- system.file("CITATION", package = "targets", mustWork = TRUE) x <- database_class$new(path = old, key = "x") writeLines("lines", "path_cloud") expect_equal(x$sync(verbose = TRUE), "download") }) tar_test("mock sync local file more recent", { skip_cran() x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") writeLines("lines", x$path) old <- system.file("CITATION", package = "targets", mustWork = TRUE) file.copy( from = old, to = "path_cloud", copy.date = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE ) expect_equal(x$sync(verbose = TRUE), "upload") }) tar_test("mock failed nice_upload()", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") expect_silent(tmp <- x$nice_upload(verbose = FALSE, strict = FALSE)) expect_null(tmp) expect_message( tmp <- x$nice_upload(verbose = TRUE, strict = FALSE), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_null(tmp) expect_error( tmp <- x$nice_upload(verbose = TRUE, strict = TRUE), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_null(tmp) expect_error( tmp <- x$nice_upload(verbose = FALSE, strict = TRUE), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_null(tmp) }) tar_test("mock succeeded nice_upload()", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") file.create(x$path) for (strict in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { expect_silent(tmp <- x$nice_upload(verbose = FALSE, strict = strict)) expect_equal(tmp, "upload") expect_message( tmp <- x$nice_upload(verbose = TRUE, strict = strict), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_equal(tmp, "upload") } }) tar_test("mock failed nice_download()", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") expect_silent(tmp <- x$nice_download(verbose = FALSE, strict = FALSE)) expect_null(tmp) expect_message( tmp <- x$nice_download(verbose = TRUE, strict = FALSE), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_null(tmp) expect_error( tmp <- x$nice_download(verbose = TRUE, strict = TRUE), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_null(tmp) expect_error( tmp <- x$nice_download(verbose = FALSE, strict = TRUE), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_null(tmp) }) tar_test("mock succeeded nice_download()", { x <- database_class$new(path = tempfile(), key = "x") file.create("path_cloud") for (strict in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { expect_silent(tmp <- x$nice_download(verbose = FALSE, strict = strict)) expect_equal(tmp, "download") expect_message( tmp <- x$nice_download(verbose = TRUE, strict = strict), class = "tar_condition_run" ) expect_equal(tmp, "download") } })