tar_test("tar_timestamp() for URLs", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("curl") skip_if_offline() url <- "https://github.com/ropensci/targets" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://github.com/ropensci/targets", 2), format = "url" ) ) }) expect_equal(as.numeric(tar_timestamp(abc)), as.numeric(file_time_reference)) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) # correctly parsed posix object out <- tar_timestamp(abc) expect_length(out, 1L) expect_true(inherits(out, "POSIXct")) expect_false(anyNA(out)) }) tar_test("dynamic urls work", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = tar_resources( network = tar_resources_network( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 20, max_tries = 100 ) ) ) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) exp <- tibble::tibble( name = "abc", type = "stem", parent = "abc", branches = 0L, progress = "completed" ) expect_equal(tar_progress(fields = NULL), exp) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_progress()$progress, "skipped") meta <- tar_meta(abc) expect_equal(nchar(meta$data), 16) out <- meta$path[[1]] exp <- rep(url, 2) expect_equal(out, exp) expect_equal(tar_read(abc), exp) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("_targets", "objects", "abc"))) expect_true(inherits(tar_timestamp(abc), "POSIXct")) expect_gt(tar_timestamp(abc), tar_timestamp(nope)) }) tar_test("dynamic urls have non-NULL default resources", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", ) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) exp <- tibble::tibble( name = "abc", type = "stem", parent = "abc", branches = 0L, progress = "completed" ) expect_equal(tar_progress(fields = NULL), exp) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_progress()$progress, "skipped") meta <- tar_meta(abc) expect_equal(nchar(meta$data), 16) out <- meta$path[[1]] exp <- rep(url, 2) expect_equal(out, exp) expect_equal(tar_read(abc), exp) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("_targets", "objects", "abc"))) expect_true(inherits(tar_timestamp(abc), "POSIXct")) expect_gt(tar_timestamp(abc), tar_timestamp(nope)) }) tar_test("dynamic urls in dynamic branches work", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target(x, 1), tar_target( abc, "https://httpbin.org/etag/test", format = "url", pattern = map(x), resources = tar_resources( network = tar_resources_network( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 20 ) ) ) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) branch <- tar_branch_names(abc, 1) expect_equal(tar_progress(fields = NULL)$progress, rep("completed", 3)) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_progress(fields = NULL)$progress, rep("skipped", 3)) meta <- tar_meta() meta <- meta[meta$name == branch, ] expect_equal(nchar(meta$data), 16) out <- meta$path[[1]] expect_equal(out, url) expect_equal(tar_read_raw(branch), url) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("_targets", "objects", "abc"))) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("_targets", "objects", branch))) expect_true(inherits(tar_timestamp_raw(branch), "POSIXct")) expect_gt(tar_timestamp_raw(branch), tar_timestamp(nope)) }) tar_test("dynamic urls work from a custom data store", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = tar_resources( network = tar_resources_network( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 20 ) ) ) ) }) path <- tempfile() writeLines(paste("main:\n store:", path), "_targets.yaml") tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_true(dir.exists(path)) expect_false(file.exists(path_store_default())) exp <- tibble::tibble( name = "abc", type = "stem", parent = "abc", branches = 0L, progress = "completed" ) expect_equal(tar_progress(fields = NULL), exp) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_progress()$progress, "skipped") meta <- tar_meta(abc) expect_equal(nchar(meta$data), 16) out <- meta$path[[1]] exp <- rep(url, 2) expect_equal(out, exp) expect_equal(tar_read(abc), exp) expect_false(file.exists(file.path(path, "objects", "abc"))) expect_false(file.exists(file.path(path_store_default(), "objects", "abc"))) expect_true(dir.exists(path)) expect_false(file.exists(path_store_default())) # Move the data store and verify that the targets are still up to date. unlink("_targets.yaml") file.rename(path, path_store_default()) expect_false(dir.exists(path)) expect_true(file.exists(path_store_default())) expect_equal(tar_outdated(callr_function = NULL), character(0)) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(unique(tar_progress()$progress), "skipped") }) tar_test("tar_condition_run error on 404 URL", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() tar_script( tar_target( abc, "https://httpbin.org/status/404", format = "url", resources = tar_resources( url = tar_resources_url( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = 2, verbose = TRUE ) ) ) ) expect_error(tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run") }) tar_test("tar_condition_run error on 502 URL", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() tar_script( tar_target( abc, "https://httpbin.org/status/502", format = "url", resources = tar_resources( url = tar_resources_url( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = 2, verbose = TRUE ) ) ) ) expect_error(tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run") }) tar_test("custom handle without error (unstructured resources)", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = list(handle = curl::new_handle()) ) ) }) expect_warning( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = list(handle = curl::new_handle()) ), class = "tar_condition_deprecate" ) suppressWarnings(tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal(tar_read(abc), rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2)) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("_targets", "objects", "abc"))) }) tar_test("dynamic urls must return characters", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() x <- target_init( name = "abc", expr = quote(list(list("illegal"))), format = "url", resources = tar_resources( network = tar_resources_network( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 0 ) ) ) pipeline <- pipeline_init(list(x)) local <- local_init(pipeline = pipeline) expect_error(local$run(), class = "tar_condition_run") }) tar_test("url target gets custom curl handle (structured resources)", { skip_cran() x <- tar_target_raw( name = "abc", command = quote(list(list("illegal"))), format = "url", resources = tar_resources( url = tar_resources_url(handle = curl::new_handle()) ) ) handle <- x$store$resources$url$handle expect_true(inherits(handle, "curl_handle")) }) tar_test("url target gets custom curl handle (unstructured resources)", { skip_cran() expect_warning( x <- tar_target_raw( name = "abc", command = quote(list(list("illegal"))), format = "url", resources = list(handle = curl::new_handle()) ), class = "tar_condition_deprecate" ) handle <- x$store$resources$handle expect_true(inherits(handle, "curl_handle")) }) tar_test("bad curl handle throws an error (structrued resources)", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = tar_resources( url = tar_resources_url(handle = "invalid"), network = tar_resources_network( seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 0 ) ) ) ) }) expect_error( tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) }) tar_test("bad curl handle throws an error (unstructrued resources)", { skip_cran() skip_if_offline() url <- "https://httpbin.org/etag/test" skip_if( !url_exists( url, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 10, max_tries = Inf, verbose = TRUE ) ) tar_script({ list( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = list(handle = "invalid") ) ) }) expect_warning( tar_target( abc, rep("https://httpbin.org/etag/test", 2), format = "url", resources = list(handle = "invalid") ), class = "tar_condition_deprecate" ) suppressWarnings( expect_error( tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) ) }) tar_test("inherits from tar_external", { store <- tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "url")$store expect_true(inherits(store, "tar_external")) }) tar_test("store_row_path()", { target <- tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "url") store <- target$store file <- target$file file$path <- "path" expect_equal(store_row_path(store, file), "path") }) tar_test("store_path_from_name()", { store <- tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "url")$store expect_equal( store_path_from_name( store, format = store$format, name = "x", path = "path", path_store = path_store_default() ), "path" ) }) tar_test("url packages", { x <- tar_target(x, 1, format = "url") out <- store_get_packages(x$store) expect_equal(out, "curl") }) tar_test("validate url format", { tar_script(list(tar_target(x, "x_value", format = "url"))) expect_silent(tar_validate(callr_function = NULL)) }) tar_test("url and NULL", { skip_cran() tar_script(tar_target(x, NULL, format = "url", memory = "persistent")) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(tar_read(x), character(0)) })