targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() manifest", { targets::tar_script({ list( targets::tar_target(label, "aggregate"), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data1, data.frame(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data2, list(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3, iteration = "list" ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate1, data.frame(x = label, value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate2, list(value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2, iteration = "list" ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate3, data.frame(value = aggregate1$value + aggregate2$value), aggregate1, aggregate2 ) ) }) expect_empty_pattern <- function(out) { if ("pattern" %in% colnames(out)) { if (all($pattern))) { out$pattern <- NULL } expect_null(out$pattern) } } out <- targets::tar_manifest(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(nrow(out), 8L) out <- targets::tar_manifest(label, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$command, "\"aggregate\"") expect_empty_pattern(out) out <- targets::tar_manifest(data1_batch, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$command, "seq_len(2)") expect_empty_pattern(out) out <- targets::tar_manifest(data2_batch, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$command, "seq_len(2)") expect_empty_pattern(out) out <- targets::tar_manifest(data1, callr_function = NULL) expect_true(grepl("tar_rep_run", out$command)) expect_false($pattern)) expect_true(length(out$pattern) > 0L && nzchar(out$pattern) > 0L) out <- targets::tar_manifest(data2, callr_function = NULL) expect_true(grepl("tar_rep_run", out$command)) expect_false($pattern)) expect_true(length(out$pattern) > 0L && nzchar(out$pattern) > 0L) out <- targets::tar_manifest(aggregate1, callr_function = NULL) expect_true(grepl("tar_rep2_run", out$command)) expect_false($pattern)) expect_true(length(out$pattern) > 0L && nzchar(out$pattern) > 0L) out <- targets::tar_manifest(aggregate2, callr_function = NULL) expect_true(grepl("tar_rep2_run", out$command)) expect_false($pattern)) expect_true(length(out$pattern) > 0L && nzchar(out$pattern) > 0L) out <- targets::tar_manifest(aggregate3, callr_function = NULL) expect_true(grepl("tar_rep2_run", out$command)) expect_false($pattern)) expect_true(length(out$pattern) > 0L && nzchar(out$pattern) > 0L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() graph", { targets::tar_script({ list( targets::tar_target(label, "aggregate"), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data1, data.frame(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data2, list(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3, iteration = "list" ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate1, data.frame(x = label, value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate2, list(value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2, iteration = "list" ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate3, data.frame(value = aggregate1$value + aggregate2$value), aggregate1, aggregate2 ) ) }) out <- targets::tar_network(callr_function = NULL) exp <- tibble::tribble( ~from, ~to, "data1", "aggregate1", "data2", "aggregate1", "label", "aggregate1", "data1", "aggregate2", "data2", "aggregate2", "aggregate1", "aggregate3", "aggregate2", "aggregate3", "data1_batch", "data1", "data2_batch", "data2" ) skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") expect_equal(dplyr::arrange(out$edges, from), dplyr::arrange(exp, from)) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() pipeline", { targets::tar_script({ list( targets::tar_target(label, "aggregate"), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data1, data.frame(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data2, list(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3, iteration = "list" ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate1, data.frame(x = label, value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2, rep_workers = 1 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate2, list(value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2, iteration = "list", rep_workers = 2 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate3, data.frame(value = aggregate1$value + aggregate2$value), aggregate1, aggregate2 ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(targets::tar_outdated(callr_function = NULL), character(0)) targets::tar_load(tidyselect::everything()) for (batch in seq_len(2)) { for (rep in seq_len(3)) { out1 <- aggregate1$value[ aggregate1$tar_batch == batch & aggregate1$tar_rep == rep ] exp <- data1$value[data1$tar_batch == batch & data1$tar_rep == rep] + data2[[batch]][[rep]]$value expect_equal(out1, exp) out2 <- aggregate2[[batch]][[rep]]$value expect_equal(out2, exp) out3 <- aggregate3$value[ aggregate3$tar_batch == batch & aggregate3$tar_rep == rep ] expect_equal(out1 + out2, out3) } } out <- tar_read(aggregate1, branches = 2) expect_equal(out$tar_batch, rep(2L, 6L)) expect_equal(out$tar_rep, rep(seq_len(3L), each = 2L)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$tar_seed)) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() runs the command once per rep", { targets::tar_script({ list( tarchetypes::tar_rep( x, data.frame(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( y, data.frame(value = rnorm(1)), x ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out <- targets::tar_read(y) expect_equal(nrow(out), 6L) expect_false(as.logical(anyDuplicated(out$value))) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() errors without correct list aggregation", { targets::tar_script({ list( targets::tar_target(label, "aggregate"), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data1, data.frame(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data2, list(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate1, data.frame(x = label, value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2 ) ) }) expect_error( targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) out <- targets::tar_meta(starts_with("aggregate1"), error) expect_false(all( expect_true(any(grepl("batch", out))) expect_true(any(grepl("iteration", out))) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() errors if bad upstream data type", { targets::tar_script({ list( targets::tar_target(label, "aggregate"), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data1, data.frame(value = rnorm(2)), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep( data2, rnorm(2), batches = 2, reps = 3 ), tarchetypes::tar_rep2( aggregate1, data.frame(x = label, value = data1$value + data2$value), data1, data2 ) ) }) expect_error( targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL), class = "tar_condition_run" ) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() seeds are resilient to re-batching", { skip_on_cran() targets::tar_script({ f <- function() { tibble::tibble( x = digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) } g <- function(x) { x$x <- paste0( x$x, digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) x } list( tarchetypes::tar_rep(x, f(), batches = 1, reps = 4), tarchetypes::tar_rep2(y, g(x), targets = "x") ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out1 <- targets::tar_read(y) out1$tar_batch <- NULL out1$tar_rep <- NULL targets::tar_script({ f <- function() { tibble::tibble( x = digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) } g <- function(x) { x$x <- paste0( x$x, digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) x } list( tarchetypes::tar_rep(x, f(), batches = 2, reps = 2), tarchetypes::tar_rep2(y, g(x), targets = "x") ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out2 <- targets::tar_read(y) out2$tar_batch <- NULL out2$tar_rep <- NULL targets::tar_script({ f <- function() { tibble::tibble( x = digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) } g <- function(x) { x$x <- paste0( x$x, digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) x } list( tarchetypes::tar_rep(x, f(), batches = 4, reps = 1), tarchetypes::tar_rep2(y, g(x), targets = "x") ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out3 <- targets::tar_read(y) out3$tar_batch <- NULL out3$tar_rep <- NULL expect_equal(out1, out2) expect_equal(out1, out3) }) targets::tar_test("tar_rep2() seeds change with the seed option", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(!("seed" %in% names(formals(targets::tar_option_set)))) targets::tar_script({ tar_option_set(seed = 1L) f <- function() { tibble::tibble( x = digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) } g <- function(x) { x$x <- paste0( x$x, digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) x } list( tarchetypes::tar_rep(x, f(), batches = 2, reps = 2), tarchetypes::tar_rep2(y, g(x), targets = "x") ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out1 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(y)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_destroy() targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out2 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(y)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_script({ tar_option_set(seed = 2L) f <- function() { tibble::tibble( x = digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) } g <- function(x) { x$x <- paste0( x$x, digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) x } list( tarchetypes::tar_rep(x, f(), batches = 2, reps = 2), tarchetypes::tar_rep2(y, g(x), targets = "x") ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out3 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(y)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_script({ tar_option_set(seed = NA) f <- function() { tibble::tibble( x = digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) } g <- function(x) { x$x <- paste0( x$x, digest::digest( paste( = 1e9, size = 1000), collapse = "_") ) ) x } list( tarchetypes::tar_rep(x, f(), batches = 2, reps = 2), tarchetypes::tar_rep2(y, g(x), targets = "x") ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out4 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(y)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out5 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(y)), collapse = " ") expect_equal(out1, out2) expect_false(out1 == out3) expect_false(out1 == out4) expect_false(out1 == out5) expect_false(out1 == out3) expect_false(out3 == out4) expect_false(out3 == out5) expect_false(out4 == out5) })