targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep() manifest", { skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " par: \"default value\"", "---", "", "```{r}", "print(params$par)", "print(targets::tar_read(x))", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3", "parval4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), batches = 2 ) ) }) out <- targets::tar_manifest(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(nrow(out), 3L) expect_equal(sort(out$name), sort(c("x", "report_params", "report"))) expect_equal(sum($pattern)), 2L) expect_equal(out$pattern[out$name == "report"], "map(report_params)") }) targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep() graph", { skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " par: \"default value\"", "---", "", "```{r}", "print(params$par)", "print(targets::tar_read(x))", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3", "parval4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), batches = 2 ) ) }) out <- targets::tar_network(callr_function = NULL)$edges expect_equal(nrow(out), 2L) expect_true(any(out$from == "report_params" & out$to == "report")) expect_true(any(out$from == "x" & out$to == "report")) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep() run", { skip_on_cran() skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " par: \"default value\"", "---", "", "```{r}", "print(params$par)", "print(targets::tar_read(x))", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3", "parval4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), batches = 2, rep_workers = 2 ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) # results of params out <- targets::tar_read(report_params) exp <- data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3", "parval4"), tar_group = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_equal(out, exp) # results of branch 1 out <- targets::tar_read(report, branches = 1) out <- grep(pattern = "\\.html$", x = out, value = TRUE) expect_equal(length(out), 2L) expect_true(all(file.exists(out))) skip_if_not_installed("xml2") read_code <- function(path) { file <- xml2::read_html(path) out <- xml2::xml_find_all(file, xpath = ".//code") as.character(unlist(xml2::as_list(out))) } out_file <- read_code(out[1]) expect_true(any(grepl("value_of_x", out_file))) expect_true(any(grepl("parval1", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval2", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval3", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval4", out_file))) out_file <- read_code(out[2]) expect_true(any(grepl("value_of_x", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval1", out_file))) expect_true(any(grepl("parval2", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval3", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval4", out_file))) # results of branch 2 out <- targets::tar_read(report, branches = 2) out <- grep(pattern = "\\.html$", x = out, value = TRUE) expect_equal(length(out), 2L) expect_true(all(file.exists(out))) out_file <- read_code(out[1]) expect_true(any(grepl("value_of_x", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval1", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval2", out_file))) expect_true(any(grepl("parval3", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval4", out_file))) out_file <- read_code(out[2]) expect_true(any(grepl("value_of_x", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval1", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval2", out_file))) expect_false(any(grepl("parval3", out_file))) expect_true(any(grepl("parval4", out_file))) # target invalidation out <- targets::tar_outdated(callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out, character(0)) # change a param targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3-modified", "parval4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), batches = 2, rep_workers = 2 ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out <- targets::tar_progress() out <- out[out$progress != "skipped", ] out <- out[grepl("^report", out$name), ] expect_equal(nrow(out), 3) out <- out$progress[!(out$name %in% c("report", "report_params"))] expect_equal(out, "built") }) targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep() run with output_file specified", { skip_on_cran() skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " par: \"default value\"", "---", "", "```{r}", "print(params$par)", "print(targets::tar_read(x))", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3", "parval4"), output_file = c("f1.html", "f2.html", "f3.html", "f4.html"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), rep_workers = 1 ) ) }) expect_false(any(file.exists(c("f1.html", "f2.html", "f3.html", "f4.html")))) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) expect_true(all(file.exists(c("f1.html", "f2.html", "f3.html", "f4.html")))) out <- unlist(targets::tar_meta(report, children)$children) expect_equal(length(out), 4L) expect_equal(length(unique(out)), 4L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep() with output_file and _files", { skip_on_cran() skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " par: \"default value\"", "---", "", "```{r}", "print(params$par)", "print(targets::tar_read(x))", "plot(, 4))", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( par = c("parval1", "parval2", "parval3", "parval4"), output_file = c("f1.html", "f2.html", "f3.html", "f4.html"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), clean = FALSE ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) for (branch in seq_len(4)) { out <- basename(targets::tar_read_raw("report", branches = branch)) base <- paste0("f", branch) report <- fs::path_ext_set(base, "html") exp <- c(report, "report.Rmd", paste0(base, "_files")) expect_equal(out, exp) } }) targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep_run_params", { params <- tibble::tibble(param1 = letters[seq_len(4)]) out <- tar_render_rep_run_params(params, 1) expect_equal(out$param1, letters[seq_len(4)]) expect_equal(out$tar_group, rep(1, 4)) out <- tar_render_rep_run_params(params, 2) expect_equal(out$param1, letters[seq_len(4)]) expect_equal(out$tar_group, c(1, 1, 2, 2)) out <- tar_render_rep_run_params(params, 3) expect_equal(out$param1, letters[seq_len(4)]) expect_equal(sort(unique(out$tar_group)), sort(c(1, 2, 3))) out <- tar_render_rep_run_params(params, 4) expect_equal(out$param1, letters[seq_len(4)]) expect_equal(out$tar_group, seq_len(4)) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render_rep() seed resilience", { skip_on_cran() skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " index: 1", "---", "", "```{r}", "path <- paste0(\"out_\", params$index, \".txt\")", "writeLines(as.character( = 1e9, size = 1)), path)", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( index = seq_len(4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), batches = 2 ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) files <- list.files(pattern = "^out_") values1 <- as.integer(lapply(files, readLines)) targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(x, "value_of_x"), tar_render_rep( report, "report.Rmd", params = data.frame( index = seq_len(4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), batches = 1 ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) files <- list.files(pattern = "^out_") values2 <- as.integer(lapply(files, readLines)) expect_equal(values1, values2) })