targets::tar_test("tar_render() works", { skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "---", "", "```{r}", "targets::tar_read(data)", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(data, data.frame(x = seq_len(26L), y = letters)), tar_render(report, "report.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) ) }) # First run. suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) progress <- targets::tar_progress() progress <- progress[progress$progress != "skipped", ] expect_equal(sort(progress$name), sort(c("data", "report"))) out <- targets::tar_read(report) expect_equal(basename(out), c("report.html", "report.Rmd")) # Should not rerun the report. suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) progress <- targets::tar_progress() progress <- progress[progress$progress != "skipped", ] expect_equal(nrow(progress), 0L) targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(data, data.frame(x = rev(seq_len(26L)), y = letters)), tar_render(report, "report.Rmd") ) }) # Should rerun the report. suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal(sort(targets::tar_progress()$name), sort(c("data", "report"))) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render(nested) runs from the project root", { skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "---", "", "```{r}", "file.create(\"here\")", "```" ) dir.create("out_tar_render") writeLines(lines, file.path("out_tar_render", "report.Rmd")) targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list( tar_render(report, file.path("out_tar_render", "report.Rmd")) ) }) expect_false(file.exists("here")) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("out_tar_render", "here"))) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_true(file.exists("here")) expect_false(file.exists(file.path("out_tar_render", "here"))) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render() for parameterized reports", { skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "params:", " param1: \"default\"", " param2: \"default\"", "---", "```{r}", "print(params$param1)", "print(params$param2)", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) value <- "abcd1234verydistinctvalue" list( tar_target(upstream, "anotherverydistinctvalue"), tar_render( report, "report.Rmd", params = list(param1 = !!value, param2 = upstream) ) ) }) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) lines <- readLines("report.html") expect_true(any(grepl("anotherverydistinctvalue", lines))) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render() with a _files/ directory", { skip_rmarkdown() lines <- c( "---", "title: report with a plot", "output_format: html_document", "---", "```{r}", "plot(seq_len(4))", "```" ) writeLines(lines, "report.Rmd") targets::tar_script({ library(tarchetypes) list(tar_render(report, "report.Rmd", clean = FALSE)) }) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal( basename(targets::tar_read(report)), c("report.html", "report.Rmd", "report_files") ) }) targets::tar_test("tar_render() works with child documents", { skip_on_cran() skip_rmarkdown() # Create a main file and a child file in a subdirectory dir.create("report") writeLines( text = c( "---", "title: report", "output_format: html_document", "---", "", "```{r, child = \"report/child.Rmd\"}", "```", "", "```{r}", "targets::tar_read(main)", "```" ), con = "report/main.Rmd" ) writeLines( text = c( "# Child Document", "", "```{r}", "targets::tar_read(child)", "```" ), con = "report/child.Rmd" ) targets::tar_script({ library(targets) library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(main, "value_main_target"), tar_target(child, "value_child_target"), tar_render(report, "report/main.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) ) }) # First run. suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) progress <- targets::tar_progress() progress <- progress[progress$progress != "skipped", ] expect_equal(sort(progress$name), sort(c("child", "main", "report"))) out <- targets::tar_read(report) if (identical(tolower([["sysname"]]), "windows")) { expect_equal(basename(out), c("main.html", "main.Rmd")) } else { expect_equal(out, c("report/main.html", "report/main.Rmd")) } # Should not rerun the report. suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) progress <- targets::tar_progress() progress <- progress[progress$progress != "skipped", ] expect_equal(nrow(progress), 0L) # Should rerun the report. # Only the dependency in the main document is changed. targets::tar_script({ library(targets) library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(main, "value_main_target_changed"), tar_target(child, "value_child_target"), tar_render(report, "report/main.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) ) }) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal( sort(targets::tar_progress()$name), sort(c("child", "main", "report")) ) # Should rerun the report. # Only the dependency in the child document is changed. targets::tar_script({ library(targets) library(tarchetypes) list( tar_target(main, "value_main_target_changed"), tar_target(child, "value_child_target_changed"), tar_render(report, "report/main.Rmd", quiet = TRUE) ) }) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal( sort(targets::tar_progress()$name), sort(c("child", "main", "report")) ) # Should rerun the report. # Change the main file slightly (but not the code) writeLines( text = c( "---", "title: A new report", "output_format: html_document", "---", "", "```{r, child = \"report/child.Rmd\"}", "```", "", "```{r}", "targets::tar_read(main)", "```" ), con = "report/main.Rmd" ) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal( sort(targets::tar_progress()$name), sort(c("child", "main", "report")) ) # Should rerun the report. # Change the child file slightly (but not the code) writeLines( text = c( "# A New Child Document", "", "```{r}", "targets::tar_read(child)", "```" ), con = "report/child.Rmd" ) suppressMessages(targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL)) expect_equal( sort(targets::tar_progress()$name), sort(c("child", "main", "report")) ) # Detect whether `value_main_target_changed` and # `value_child_target_changed` are correctly print in HTML file # (the values should occure once in the HTML file) html_file <- readLines("report/main.html") expect_identical( sum(grepl("value_main_target_changed", html_file, fixed = TRUE)), 1L ) expect_identical( sum(grepl("value_child_target_changed", html_file, fixed = TRUE)), 1L ) # Check that the dependency graph is correct of our targets. `report` should # depend on `main` and `child`. edges <- tar_network(callr_function = NULL)$edges edges <- edges[edges$to == "report",, drop = FALSE] # nolint expect_identical( edges, tibble::tibble( from = c("child", "main"), to = c("report", "report") ) ) })