targets::tar_test("tar_map2(): combine, columns, static branches", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", group = rep(LETTERS[seq_len(2)], each = nrow(!!.x) / 2), rep_workers = 2 ) }) # manifest out <- targets::tar_manifest(callr_function = NULL) out <- out[order(out$name), ] expect_equal( sort(out$name), sort( paste0("x", c("_i_a", "_i_b", "_ii_a", "_ii_b", "")) ) ) expect_equal( grepl("_i_", out$name), grepl("tar_map2_group", out$command) ) expect_equal( grepl("_ii_", out$name), grepl("tar_map2_run", out$command) ) expect_equal( grepl("^x$|^x_i_", out$name),$pattern) ) expect_equal( grepl("^x_ii", out$name), !$pattern) ) expect_equal( out$name == "x", grepl("bind_rows", out$command) ) # network out <- targets::tar_network(callr_function = NULL)$edges out <- dplyr::arrange(out, from, to) exp <- tibble::tribble( ~from, ~to, "f1", "x_i_a", "f1", "x_i_b", "f2", "x_ii_a", "f2", "x_ii_b", "x_i_a", "x_ii_a", "x_i_b", "x_ii_b", "x_ii_a", "x", "x_ii_b", "x" ) exp <- dplyr::arrange(exp, from, to) expect_equal(out, exp) # downstream output targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load( tidyselect::any_of( c("x", "x_i_a", "x_i_b", "x_ii_a", "x_ii_b") ) ) expect_equal(dim(x), c(8L, 10L)) expect_true(is.numeric(x$tar_batch)) expect_true(is.numeric(x$tar_rep)) expect_true(is.numeric(x$tar_seed)) out <- dplyr::arrange(x, arg1, arg2) expect_equal(out$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L), each = 4L)) out$tar_group <- NULL exp <- dplyr::arrange(dplyr::bind_rows(x_ii_a, x_ii_b), arg1, arg2) exp$tar_group <- NULL expect_equal(out, exp) expect_equal( x$result, c("a 1", "a 2", "a 3", "a 4", "b 1", "b 2", "b 3", "b 4") ) expect_equal(x$length_arg1, rep(1L, 8L)) expect_equal(x$length_arg2, rep(1L, 8L)) expect_equal(x$result, paste(x$arg1, x$arg2)) expect_equal(length(unique(x$random)), nrow(x)) # upstream output expect_equal(dim(x_i_a), c(4L, 3L)) expect_equal(dim(x_i_b), c(4L, 3L)) expect_equal(x_i_a$arg1, rep("a", 4L)) expect_equal(x_i_b$arg1, rep("b", 4L)) expect_equal(x_i_a$arg2, seq_len(4L)) expect_equal(x_i_b$arg2, seq_len(4L)) expect_equal(x_i_a$tar_group, c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L)) expect_equal(x_i_b$tar_group, c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L)) # metadata expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_ii_a)$children)), 2L) expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_ii_b)$children)), 2L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2(): no combine, no columns, static branches", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(6) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, columns1 = NULL, columns2 = NULL, group = rep(LETTERS[seq_len(3)], each = nrow(!!.x) / 3), combine = FALSE, rep_workers = 1 ) }) # manifest out <- targets::tar_manifest(callr_function = NULL) out <- out[order(out$name), ] expect_equal(nrow(out), 4L) expect_equal( sort(out$name), sort( paste0("x", c("_1_a", "_1_b", "_2_a", "_2_b")) ) ) expect_equal( grepl("_1_", out$name), grepl("tar_map2_group", out$command) ) expect_equal( grepl("_2_", out$name), grepl("tar_map2_run", out$command) ) expect_equal( grepl("^x$|^x_1_", out$name),$pattern) ) expect_equal( grepl("^x_2", out$name), !$pattern) ) # network out <- targets::tar_network(callr_function = NULL)$edges out <- dplyr::arrange(out, from, to) exp <- tibble::tribble( ~from, ~to, "f1", "x_1_a", "f1", "x_1_b", "f2", "x_2_a", "f2", "x_2_b", "x_1_a", "x_2_a", "x_1_b", "x_2_b", ) exp <- dplyr::arrange(exp, from, to) expect_equal(out, exp) # upstream output targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load( tidyselect::any_of( c("x_1_a", "x_1_b", "x_2_a", "x_2_b") ) ) expect_equal(dim(x_1_a), c(6L, 3L)) expect_equal(dim(x_1_b), c(6L, 3L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$arg1, rep("a", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$arg1, rep("b", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$arg2, seq_len(6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$arg2, seq_len(6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 2L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 2L)) # downstream output expect_equal(dim(x_2_a), c(6L, 7L)) expect_equal(dim(x_2_b), c(6L, 7L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$result, paste("a", seq_len(6L))) expect_equal(x_2_b$result, paste("b", seq_len(6L))) expect_equal(x_2_a$length_arg1, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$length_arg1, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$length_arg2, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$length_arg2, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(length(unique(x_2_a$random)), 6L) expect_equal(length(unique(x_2_b$random)), 6L) # metadata expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_2_a)$children)), 3L) expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_2_b)$children)), 3L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() columns1", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( value_arg1 = arg1, value_arg2 = seq_len(6) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(value_arg1, value_arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, columns1 = arg1, columns2 = NULL, group = rep(LETTERS[seq_len(3)], each = nrow(!!.x) / 3), combine = FALSE ) }) # upstream output targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load( tidyselect::any_of( c("x_1_a", "x_1_b", "x_2_a", "x_2_b") ) ) expect_equal(dim(x_1_a), c(6L, 4L)) expect_equal(dim(x_1_b), c(6L, 4L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$arg1, rep("a", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$arg1, rep("b", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$value_arg1, rep("a", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$value_arg1, rep("b", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$value_arg2, seq_len(6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$value_arg2, seq_len(6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 2L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 2L)) # downstream output expect_equal(dim(x_2_a), c(6L, 8L)) expect_equal(dim(x_2_b), c(6L, 8L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$arg1, rep("a", 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$arg1, rep("b", 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$result, paste("a", seq_len(6L))) expect_equal(x_2_b$result, paste("b", seq_len(6L))) expect_equal(x_2_a$length_arg1, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$length_arg1, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$length_arg2, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$length_arg2, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(length(unique(x_2_a$random)), 6L) expect_equal(length(unique(x_2_b$random)), 6L) # metadata expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_2_a)$children)), 3L) expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_2_b)$children)), 3L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() columns2", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( value_arg1 = arg1, value_arg2 = seq_len(6) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(value_arg1, value_arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, columns1 = NULL, columns2 = value_arg1, group = rep(LETTERS[seq_len(3)], each = nrow(!!.x) / 3), combine = FALSE ) }) # upstream output targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load( tidyselect::any_of( c("x_1_a", "x_1_b", "x_2_a", "x_2_b") ) ) expect_equal(dim(x_1_a), c(6L, 3L)) expect_equal(dim(x_1_b), c(6L, 3L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$value_arg1, rep("a", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$value_arg1, rep("b", 6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$value_arg2, seq_len(6L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$value_arg2, seq_len(6L)) expect_equal(x_1_a$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 2L)) expect_equal(x_1_b$tar_group, rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 2L)) # downstream output expect_equal(dim(x_2_a), c(6L, 8L)) expect_equal(dim(x_2_b), c(6L, 8L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$value_arg1, rep("a", 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$value_arg1, rep("b", 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$result, paste("a", seq_len(6L))) expect_equal(x_2_b$result, paste("b", seq_len(6L))) expect_equal(x_2_a$length_arg1, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$length_arg1, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_a$length_arg2, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(x_2_b$length_arg2, rep(1L, 6L)) expect_equal(length(unique(x_2_a$random)), 6L) expect_equal(length(unique(x_2_b$random)), 6L) # metadata expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_2_a)$children)), 3L) expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_2_b)$children)), 3L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2(): no static branches", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = letters[seq_len(4)], arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = NULL, names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", combine = TRUE, group = rep(LETTERS[seq_len(2)], each = nrow(!!.x) / 2) ) }) # manifest out <- targets::tar_manifest(callr_function = NULL) out <- out[order(out$name), ] expect_equal(nrow(out), 2L) expect_equal( sort(out$name), sort( paste0("x", c("_i", "_ii")) ) ) expect_equal( grepl("_i$", out$name), grepl("tar_map2_group", out$command) ) expect_equal( grepl("_ii", out$name), grepl("tar_map2_run", out$command) ) expect_equal( grepl("^x_i$", out$name),$pattern) ) expect_equal( grepl("^x_ii", out$name), !$pattern) ) # network out <- targets::tar_network(callr_function = NULL)$edges out <- dplyr::arrange(out, from, to) exp <- tibble::tribble( ~from, ~to, "f1", "x_i", "f2", "x_ii", "x_i", "x_ii" ) exp <- dplyr::arrange(exp, from, to) expect_equal(out, exp) # output targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load(tidyselect::any_of(c("x_i", "x_ii"))) expect_equal(dim(x_i), c(4L, 3L)) expect_equal(x_i$arg1, letters[seq_len(4L)]) expect_equal(x_i$arg2, seq_len(4L)) expect_equal(x_i$tar_group, c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L)) expect_equal(dim(x_ii), c(4L, 10L)) expect_equal(x_ii$result, c("a 1", "b 2", "c 3", "d 4")) expect_equal(x_ii$length_arg1, rep(1L, 4L)) expect_equal(x_ii$length_arg2, rep(1L, 4L)) expect_equal(length(unique(x_ii$random)), 4L) expect_equal(x_ii$arg1, letters[seq_len(4L)]) expect_equal(x_ii$arg2, seq_len(4L)) expect_equal(x_ii$tar_group, c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L)) # metadata expect_equal(length(unlist(tar_meta(x_ii)$children)), 2L) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() column precedence", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun1 = TRUE, fun2 = FALSE ) } f2 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun1 = FALSE, fun2 = TRUE ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(), command2 = f2(), values = tibble::tibble( fun1 = FALSE, fun2 = FALSE ), columns1 = tidyselect::everything(), columns2 = tidyselect::everything(), group = quote(1) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) tar_load(x) expect_equal(x$fun1, FALSE) expect_equal(x$fun2, TRUE) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() column precedence 2", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun1 = TRUE, fun2 = FALSE ) } f2 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun2 = TRUE ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(), command2 = f2(), values = tibble::tibble( fun1 = FALSE, scenario = 1 ), columns1 = tidyselect::everything(), columns2 = tidyselect::everything(), group = quote(1) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) tar_load(x) expect_equal(x$fun1, FALSE) expect_equal(x$fun2, TRUE) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() column precedence 3", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun1 = TRUE, fun2 = FALSE ) } f2 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun2 = TRUE ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(), command2 = f2(), values = tibble::tibble( scenario = 1 ), columns1 = tidyselect::everything(), columns2 = tidyselect::everything(), group = quote(1) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) tar_load(x) expect_equal(x$fun1, TRUE) expect_equal(x$fun2, TRUE) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() list columns from values", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun1 = TRUE, fun2 = FALSE ) } f2 <- function() { tibble::tibble( fun2 = TRUE ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(), command2 = f2(), values = tibble::tibble( index = c(1L, 2L), example = list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d")) ), columns1 = tidyselect::everything(), columns2 = tidyselect::everything(), group = quote(1) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) tar_load(x) expect_equal(x$index, c(1L, 2L)) expect_equal(x$example, list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d"))) }) targets::tar_test("list column elements from values are selected", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(example) { tibble::tibble(length1 = length(example)) } f2 <- function(example) { tibble::tibble(length2 = length(example)) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(example), command2 = f2(example), values = tibble::tibble( index = c(1L, 2L), example = list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d")) ), columns1 = tidyselect::everything(), columns2 = tidyselect::everything(), group = quote(1) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load(x) expect_equal(x$length1, c(2L, 2L)) expect_equal(x$length2, c(2L, 2L)) }) targets::tar_test("list column elements from command1 are selected", { skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(example) { tibble::tibble(example2 = list(example)) } f2 <- function(example2) { tibble::tibble(length2 = length(example2)) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(example), command2 = f2(example2), values = tibble::tibble( index = c(1L, 2L), example = list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d")) ), columns1 = tidyselect::everything(), columns2 = tidyselect::everything(), group = quote(1) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) targets::tar_load(x) expect_equal(x$length2, c(2L, 2L)) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() seed resilience", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("dplyr") targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", group = rep(LETTERS[seq_len(2)], each = nrow(!!.x) / 2) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out1 <- tar_read(x) out1$tar_batch <- NULL out1$tar_rep <- NULL out1$tar_group <- NULL targets::tar_script({ f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", group = rep(1L, nrow(!!.x)) ) }) tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out2 <- tar_read(x) out2$tar_batch <- NULL out2$tar_rep <- NULL out2$tar_group <- NULL expect_equal(out1, out2) }) targets::tar_test("tar_map2() seeds change with the seed option", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(!("seed" %in% names(formals(targets::tar_option_set)))) targets::tar_script({ tar_option_set(seed = 1L) f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", group = rep(1L, nrow(!!.x)) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out1 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(x)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_destroy() targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out2 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(x)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_script({ tar_option_set(seed = 2L) f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", group = rep(1L, nrow(!!.x)) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out3 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(x)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_script({ tar_option_set(seed = NA) f1 <- function(arg1) { tibble::tibble( arg1 = arg1, arg2 = seq_len(4) ) } f2 <- function(arg1, arg2) { tibble::tibble( result = paste(arg1, arg2), length_arg1 = length(arg1), length_arg2 = length(arg2), random =, size = 1L) ) } tarchetypes::tar_map2( x, command1 = f1(arg1), command2 = f2(arg1, arg2), values = tibble::tibble(arg1 = letters[seq_len(2)]), names = arg1, suffix1 = "i", suffix2 = "ii", group = rep(1L, nrow(!!.x)) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out4 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(x)), collapse = " ") targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) out5 <- paste(unname(targets::tar_read(x)), collapse = " ") expect_equal(out1, out2) expect_false(out1 == out3) expect_false(out1 == out4) expect_false(out1 == out5) expect_false(out1 == out3) expect_false(out3 == out4) expect_false(out3 == out5) expect_false(out4 == out5) })