targets::tar_test("tar_files_input() writes the correct targets", { targets::tar_script({ list( tarchetypes::tar_files_input(x, c("a.txt", "b.txt")) ) }) out <- targets::tar_manifest(x, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$name, "x") expect_equal(out$command, "x_files") expect_equal(out$pattern, "map(x_files)") out <- targets::tar_manifest(x_files, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$name, "x_files") expect_equal(out$command, "list(\"a.txt\", \"b.txt\")") if ("pattern" %in% colnames(out)) { if (all($pattern))) { out$pattern <- NULL } expect_null(out$pattern) } }) targets::tar_test("tar_files_input() writes the correct targets (batched)", { targets::tar_script({ list( tarchetypes::tar_files_input( x, files = c("a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt", "d.txt"), batches = 2 ) ) }) out <- targets::tar_manifest(x, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$name, "x") expect_equal(out$command, "x_files") expect_equal(out$pattern, "map(x_files)") out <- targets::tar_manifest(x_files, callr_function = NULL) expect_equal(out$name, "x_files") expect_equal( out$command, "list(c(\"a.txt\", \"b.txt\"), c(\"c.txt\", \"d.txt\"))" ) if ("pattern" %in% colnames(out)) { if (all($pattern))) { out$pattern <- NULL } expect_null(out$pattern) } }) targets::tar_test("tar_files_input() correctly responds to changes in files", { file.create(c("a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt", "d.txt")) targets::tar_script({ list( tarchetypes::tar_files_input( x, files = c("a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt", "d.txt"), batches = 2 ) ) }) targets::tar_make(callr_function = NULL) # If we change one file, `tar_make()` will only rerun one branch. meta <- targets::tar_meta(starts_with("x_")) meta <- meta[meta$name != "x_files", ] expect_equal(nrow(meta), 2L) expect_equal(length(unique(meta$data)), 1L) progress <- targets::tar_progress(starts_with("x_")) progress <- progress[progress$name != "x_files", ] expect_equal(nrow(progress), 2L) expect_equal(sum(grepl("built", progress$progress)), 2L) writeLines("b", "b.txt") tar_make(callr_function = NULL) meta <- targets::tar_meta(starts_with("x_")) meta <- meta[meta$name != "x_files", ] expect_equal(nrow(meta), 2L) expect_equal(length(unique(meta$data)), 2L) progress <- targets::tar_progress(starts_with("x_")) progress <- progress[progress$name != "x_files", ] progress <- progress[progress$progress != "skipped", ] expect_equal(nrow(progress), 1L) expect_equal(sum(grepl("built", progress$progress)), 1L) # results out <- targets::tar_read(x_files) exp <- list( c("a.txt", "b.txt"), c("c.txt", "d.txt") ) expect_equal(out, exp) out <- targets::tar_read(x, branches = 1) expect_equal(unname(out), c("a.txt", "b.txt")) out <- targets::tar_read(x, branches = 2) expect_equal(unname(out), c("c.txt", "d.txt")) })