x <- "a,4;5*5 b,4- c4 cgc'e'~4 cgc'e'1 e'4;2 r g;4 c;5 ce'1;51" x <- as_music(x) y <- "a,,4;3*5 b,,4- c,4 c,g,c4 c,g,c1 c4;1 g,;2 c,;3 g,;2 c,c1;31" y <- as_music(y) l <- lyrics_template(y) l[2:3] <- c("some", "lyrics") y <- as_music(y, lyrics = l) outfile1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "out.pdf") outfile2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "out.png") test_that("render functions run as expected", { skip_on_cran() expect_is(render_music(x, outfile1), "NULL") expect_is(render_music(x, outfile2, "treble_8", tab = TRUE), "NULL") expect_is(render_music_tc(x, outfile2), "NULL") expect_is(render_music_bc(x, outfile2), "NULL") expect_is(render_music_tab(x, outfile2), "NULL") expect_is(render_music_guitar(x, outfile2), "NULL") expect_is(render_music_bass(y, outfile2), "NULL") expect_error(render_music_bass(x, outfile1), "String number exceeds number of strings from `tuning`.") unlink(c(outfile1, outfile2), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) }) test_that("plot wrappers run as expected", { skip_on_cran() if(require(png)){ png(outfile2) expect_is(plot_music(x), "NULL") expect_is(plot_music(x, "treble_8", tab = TRUE), "NULL") expect_is(plot_music_tc(x), "NULL") expect_is(plot_music_bc(x), "NULL") expect_is(plot_music_tab(x), "NULL") expect_is(plot_music_guitar(x), "NULL") expect_is(plot_music_bass(y), "NULL") expect_error(plot_music_bass(x), "String number exceeds number of strings from `tuning`.") dev.off() unlink(outfile2, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) } })