suppressWarnings({ suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(survey) library(dplyr) library(svrep) library(testthat) }) }) options(survey.lonely.psu = 'certainty') data('library_stsys_sample', package = 'svrep') set.seed(2014) library_stsys_sample <- library_stsys_sample |> mutate( TOTCIR = ifelse(, 0, TOTCIR), TOTSTAFF = ifelse(, 0, TOTSTAFF) ) # Check basic successive-difference quadratic forms ---- successive_diffs <- function(y, type = "SD2") { n <- length(y) sum_of_squares <- sum(diff(y)^2) if (n == 1) { result <- 0 } if (type == "SD1" && (n > 1)) { result <- sum_of_squares * (n/(2*(n-1))) } if (type == "SD2" && (n > 1)) { sum_of_squares <- sum_of_squares + (tail(y, 1) - head(y, 1))^2 result <- sum_of_squares/2 } return(result) } wtd_y <- library_stsys_sample[['TOTCIR']]/library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] wtd_y <- wtd_y[order(library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER']])] test_that( "Helper function for successive difference quadratic forms works correctly", { # Basic results correct expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y) %*% svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = length(wtd_y), type = "SD2") %*% wtd_y), expected = successive_diffs(wtd_y, type = "SD2") |> as.matrix() ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y) %*% svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = length(wtd_y), type = "SD1") %*% wtd_y), expected = successive_diffs(wtd_y, type = "SD1") |> as.matrix() ) # Checks on FPC expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y) %*% svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = length(wtd_y), type = "SD1", f = 0.9) %*% wtd_y), expected = (1-0.9) * successive_diffs(wtd_y, type = "SD1") |> as.matrix() ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y) %*% svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = length(wtd_y), type = "SD2", f = 0.9) %*% wtd_y), expected = (1-0.9) * successive_diffs(wtd_y, type = "SD2") |> as.matrix() ) # Correct result for only a single unit expect_equal( object = svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = 1) |> as.matrix(), expected = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1) ) # Correct result for only two units expect_equal( object = as.matrix(c(99, 16) %*% svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = 2, type = "SD1") %*% c(99,16)), expected = as.matrix(successive_diffs(c(99,16), type = "SD1")) ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(c(99, 16) %*% svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = 2, type = "SD2") %*% c(99,16)), expected = as.matrix(successive_diffs(c(99,16), type = "SD2")) ) # Checks on numeric arguments expect_error( object = svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = 0), regexp = "must be an integer greater than" ) expect_error( object = svrep:::make_sd_matrix(n = 2, f = 1.1), regexp = "must be a single number between" ) }) # Check basic SRSWOR quadratic form ---- wtd_y <- library_stsys_sample[['TOTCIR']]/library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] n <- length(wtd_y) wtd_y_matrix <- as.matrix( library_stsys_sample[,c("TOTCIR", "TOTSTAFF")]/library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] ) test_that( "Helper function for SRSWOR quadratic forms works correctly", { # Basic results correct expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y) %*% svrep:::make_srswor_matrix(n = length(wtd_y)) %*% wtd_y), expected = n * cov(as.matrix(wtd_y)) ) # Matches 'survey' package expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y_matrix) %*% svrep:::make_srswor_matrix(n = length(wtd_y)) %*% wtd_y_matrix), expected = svyrecvar( x = wtd_y_matrix, clusters = as.matrix(seq_len(n)), stratas = as.matrix(rep(1, times = n)), fpcs = list('sampsize' = as.matrix(rep(n, times = n)), 'popsize' = as.matrix(rep(Inf, times = n))), lonely.psu = "remove", one.stage = TRUE ) ) # Checks on FPC expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y) %*% svrep:::make_srswor_matrix(n = length(wtd_y), f = 0.9) %*% wtd_y), expected = (1-0.9) * n * cov(as.matrix(wtd_y)) |> as.matrix() ) # Correct result for only a single unit expect_equal( object = svrep:::make_srswor_matrix(n = 1) |> as.matrix(), expected = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1) ) # Checks on numeric arguments expect_error( object = svrep:::make_srswor_matrix(n = 0), regexp = "must be an integer greater than" ) expect_error( object = svrep:::make_srswor_matrix(n = 2, f = 1.1), regexp = "must be a single number between" ) }) # Check Horvitz-Thompson results ---- ## Load an example dataset that uses unequal probability sampling data('election', package = 'survey') y_wtd <- election_pps$Bush/diag(election_jointprob) ## Create matrix to represent the Horvitz-Thompson estimator as a quadratic form ## This is the correct result that we expect the 'svrep' package to match n <- nrow(election_pps) pi <- election_jointprob horvitz_thompson_matrix <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n) for (i in seq_len(n)) { for (j in seq_len(n)) { horvitz_thompson_matrix[i,j] <- 1 - (pi[i,i] * pi[j,j])/pi[i,j] } } ## Get the quadratic form using the 'svrep' pacakge ht_quad_form <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Horvitz-Thompson", joint_probs = election_jointprob ) ## Compare quadratic form matrix from 'svrep' to the correct result test_that( "Generates correct quadratic form for Horvitz-Thompson", { expect_equal(object = as.matrix(ht_quad_form), expected = horvitz_thompson_matrix) }) ## Use the 'svrep' package to obtain the Horvitz-Thompson estimate quad_form_result <- t(y_wtd) %*% ht_quad_form %*% y_wtd test_that( "Horvitz-Thompson estimate matches the 'survey' package", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) ## Use the 'survey' package to obtain the Horvitz-Thompson estimate svy_pkg_result <- svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "HT" ) |> svytotal(x = ~ Bush) |> vcov() expect_equal(object = as.matrix(quad_form_result), expected = svy_pkg_result) }) # Check Sen-Yates-Grundy results ---- y_wtd <- election_pps$Bush/diag(election_jointprob) syg_result <- as.matrix(0) for (i in seq_along(y_wtd)) { for (j in seq_along(y_wtd)) { pi_ij <- election_jointprob[i,j] pi_i <- election_jointprob[i,i] pi_j <- election_jointprob[j,j] contribution <- -0.5*(1 - (pi_i*pi_j)/pi_ij) * (y_wtd[i] - y_wtd[j])^2 syg_result <- syg_result + contribution } } yg_quad_form_matrix <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", joint_probs = election_jointprob) quad_form_result <- as.matrix(t(y_wtd) %*% yg_quad_form_matrix %*% y_wtd) test_that( "Generates correct quadratic form for Yates-Grundy", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) svy_pkg_result <- svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "YG" ) |> svytotal(x = ~ Bush) |> vcov() expect_equal(object = quad_form_result, expected = syg_result) expect_equal(object = quad_form_result, expected = svy_pkg_result) }) # Check SD1 and SD2 results ---- ##_ Basic correctness checks sd1_quad_form <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = 'SD1', cluster_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], strata_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = library_stsys_sample[,'STRATUM_POP_SIZE',drop=FALSE], sort_order = library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER']] ) sd2_quad_form <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = 'SD2', cluster_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], strata_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = library_stsys_sample[,'STRATUM_POP_SIZE',drop=FALSE], sort_order = library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER']] ) wtd_y <- as.matrix(library_stsys_sample[['TOTCIR']] / library_stsys_sample$SAMPLING_PROB) expected_results <- library_stsys_sample |> arrange(SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER) |> group_by(SAMPLING_STRATUM) |> summarize( v_h_sd1 = (1 - unique(SAMPLING_PROB)) * successive_diffs(y = TOTCIR/SAMPLING_PROB, type = "SD1"), v_h_sd2 = (1 - unique(SAMPLING_PROB)) * successive_diffs(y = TOTCIR/SAMPLING_PROB, type = "SD2") ) |> summarize( v_sd1 = sum(v_h_sd1), v_sd2 = sum(v_h_sd2) ) |> unlist() test_that( "`make_quad_form_matrix()` works correctly for 'SD1' and 'SD2' with stratified single-stage samples", { expect_equal( object = as.numeric(t(wtd_y) %*% sd1_quad_form %*% wtd_y), expected = unname(expected_results['v_sd1']) ) expect_equal( object = as.numeric(t(wtd_y) %*% sd2_quad_form %*% wtd_y), expected = unname(expected_results['v_sd2']) ) }) ##_ Check that works if rows are not in sampling sort order shuffled_data <- library_stsys_sample[sample(nrow(library_stsys_sample), size = nrow(library_stsys_sample)),] sorted_data <- shuffled_data |> arrange(SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER) test_that( "`make_quad_form_matrix()` with 'SD1' and 'SD2' works correctly when data frame isn't sorted", { unsorted_quad_form_matrix <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = 'SD1', cluster_ids = shuffled_data[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], strata_ids = shuffled_data[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = shuffled_data[,'STRATUM_POP_SIZE',drop=FALSE], sort_order = shuffled_data[['SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER']] ) sorted_quad_form_matrix <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = 'SD1', cluster_ids = sorted_data[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], strata_ids = sorted_data[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = sorted_data[,'STRATUM_POP_SIZE',drop=FALSE], sort_order = sorted_data[['SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER']] ) y_wtd_sorted <- sorted_data$TOTCIR/sorted_data$SAMPLING_PROB y_wtd_unsorted <- shuffled_data$TOTCIR/shuffled_data$SAMPLING_PROB sorted_result <- t(y_wtd_sorted) %*% sorted_quad_form_matrix %*% y_wtd_sorted unsorted_result <- t(y_wtd_unsorted) %*% unsorted_quad_form_matrix %*% y_wtd_unsorted expect_equal( object = sorted_result, expected = unsorted_result ) }) test_that( "successive-differences estimate less than ST-SRSWOR approximation, for sys sample from sorted frame", { expect_lt( object = as.numeric(t(wtd_y) %*% sd1_quad_form %*% wtd_y), expected = svydesign( data = library_stsys_sample, strata = ~ SAMPLING_STRATUM, fpc = ~ SAMPLING_PROB, ids = ~ 1 ) |> svytotal(x = ~TOTCIR) |> vcov() ) }) # Check "Ultimate Cluster" results ---- test_that( "Correct results for ultimate cluster", { # Correct result for a single-stage stratified sample wtd_y_matrix <- as.matrix( library_stsys_sample[,c("TOTCIR", "TOTSTAFF")] )/library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] quad_UC <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster", cluster_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], strata_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = library_stsys_sample[,'STRATUM_POP_SIZE',drop=FALSE] ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y_matrix) %*% quad_UC %*% wtd_y_matrix), expected = svydesign( data = library_stsys_sample, ids = ~ FSCSKEY, strata = ~ SAMPLING_STRATUM, fpc = ~ STRATUM_POP_SIZE ) |> svytotal(x = ~ TOTCIR + TOTSTAFF, na.rm = TRUE) |> vcov() ) # Correct result for a multistage cluster sample wtd_y_matrix <- as.matrix( library_multistage_sample[,c("TOTCIR", "TOTSTAFF")] )/library_multistage_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] wtd_y_matrix[rowSums( > 0] <- 0 quad_UC <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster", cluster_ids = library_multistage_sample[,c("PSU_ID", "SSU_ID"),drop=FALSE], strata_ids = data.frame('PSU_STRATUM' = rep(1, times = nrow(library_multistage_sample)), 'SSU_STRATUM' = rep(1, times = nrow(library_multistage_sample))), strata_pop_sizes = library_multistage_sample[,c("PSU_POP_SIZE", "SSU_POP_SIZE"),drop=FALSE] ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y_matrix) %*% quad_UC %*% wtd_y_matrix), expected = svydesign( data = library_multistage_sample |> mutate(SAMPLING_WEIGHT = 1/SAMPLING_PROB), weights = ~ SAMPLING_WEIGHT, ids = ~ PSU_ID, strata = NULL, fpc = ~ PSU_POP_SIZE ) |> svytotal(x = ~ TOTCIR + TOTSTAFF, na.rm = TRUE) |> vcov() ) }) test_that( "Fills in implicit cluster or strata IDs", { wtd_y_matrix <- as.matrix( library_stsys_sample[,c("TOTCIR", "TOTSTAFF")] )/library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] qf <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "SD1", cluster_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], #strata_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = library_stsys_sample |> transmute(N = 50000), sort_order = library_stsys_sample$SAMPLING_SORT_ORDER ) expect_equal(object = dim(qf), expected = c(219, 219)) }) # Check "Stratified Multistage SRS" results ---- test_that( "Correct results for stratified multistage SRS", { # Correct result for a single-stage stratified sample wtd_y_matrix <- as.matrix( library_stsys_sample[,c("TOTCIR", "TOTSTAFF")] )/library_stsys_sample[['SAMPLING_PROB']] quad_UC <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Stratified Multistage SRS", cluster_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'FSCSKEY',drop=FALSE], strata_ids = library_stsys_sample[,'SAMPLING_STRATUM',drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = library_stsys_sample[,'STRATUM_POP_SIZE',drop=FALSE] ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y_matrix) %*% quad_UC %*% wtd_y_matrix), expected = svydesign( data = library_stsys_sample, ids = ~ FSCSKEY, strata = ~ SAMPLING_STRATUM, fpc = ~ STRATUM_POP_SIZE ) |> svytotal(x = ~ TOTCIR + TOTSTAFF, na.rm = TRUE) |> vcov() ) # Correct result for a multistage cluster sample data('mu284', package = 'survey') mu284 <- mu284 |> arrange(id1, id2) mu284_design <- survey::svydesign( data = mu284, ids = ~ id1 + id2, fpc = ~ n1 + n2 ) wtd_y_matrix <- as.matrix( mu284_design$variables$y1 ) * weights(mu284_design) wtd_y_matrix[rowSums( > 0] <- 0 colnames(wtd_y_matrix) <- c("y1") # Use function to produce quadratic form matrix qf_matrix <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Stratified Multistage SRS", cluster_ids = mu284_design$cluster, strata_ids = mu284_design$strata, strata_pop_sizes = mu284_design$fpc$popsize ) # Determine expected correct quadratic form matrix quad_form_UC <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster", cluster_ids = mu284_design$cluster, strata_ids = mu284_design$strata, strata_pop_sizes = mu284_design$fpc$popsize ) later_stage_quad_form <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster", cluster_ids = mu284_design$cluster[,2,drop=FALSE], strata_ids = mu284_design$strata[,2,drop=FALSE], strata_pop_sizes = mu284_design$fpc$popsize[,2,drop=FALSE] ) expected_quad_form <- quad_form_UC + (0.1 * later_stage_quad_form) # Compare to survey package expect_equal( object = as.matrix(t(wtd_y_matrix) %*% qf_matrix %*% wtd_y_matrix), expected = mu284_design |> svytotal(x = ~ y1, na.rm = TRUE) |> vcov() ) }) # Check "Deville-1" and "Deville-2" results ---- test_that( "Correct results for Deville-1 and Deville-2", { # Basic correct form for Deville-1 dev1_quad_form <- svrep:::make_ppswor_approx_matrix( probs = c(1/3, 1/2, 1/4), method = "Deville-1" ) c_i <- (1 - c(1/3, 1/2, 1/4)) * (3/2) exp_dev1_quad_form <- outer( -c_i, c_i ) / sum(c_i) diag(exp_dev1_quad_form) <- c_i * (1 - c_i/sum(c_i)) expect_equal(object = as.matrix(dev1_quad_form), expected = exp_dev1_quad_form) # Basic correct form for Deville-2 dev2_quad_form <- svrep:::make_ppswor_approx_matrix( probs = c(1/3, 1/2, 1/4), method = "Deville-2" ) pi_i <- c(1/3, 1/2, 1/4) c_i <- (1 - pi_i) / ( 1 - sum(((1-pi_i)/sum(1-pi_i))^2) ) exp_dev2_quad_form <- outer( -c_i, c_i ) / sum(c_i) diag(exp_dev2_quad_form) <- c_i * (1 - c_i/sum(c_i)) expect_equal(object = as.matrix(dev2_quad_form), expected = exp_dev2_quad_form) # Works as expected for clusters dev1_quad_form <- make_quad_form_matrix( variance_estimator = "Deville-1", cluster_ids = c(3,3,1,1,2,2) |> as.matrix(), strata_ids = c(1,1,1,1,1,1) |> as.matrix(), probs = c(0.258064516129032, 0.258064516129032, 0.129032258064516, 0.129032258064516, 0.193548387096774, 0.193548387096774) |> as.matrix() ) expect_equal( object = as.matrix(dev1_quad_form), expected = svrep:::make_ppswor_approx_matrix( probs = c(0.258064516129032, 0.129032258064516, 0.193548387096774), method = "Deville-1" ) |> svrep:::distribute_matrix_across_clusters( cluster_ids = c(3,3,1,1,2,2) ) |> as.matrix() ) }) # Check Deville-Tille results ---- test_that("Deville-Tille quadratic form gives expected estimate", { ## Create input data y <- rnorm(n = 5, mean = 5) aux_vars <- matrix(rnorm(n = 15), nrow = 5, ncol = 3) probs <- c(1/3, 1/2, 1, 1/2, 1/4) ## Calculate the estimator "by hand" c_values <- ((length(probs))/(length(probs) - ncol(aux_vars))) * (1-probs) denom_matrix <- lapply(seq_along(probs), function(k) { c_values[k] * (aux_vars[k,] %*% t(aux_vars[k,])) / (probs[k]^2) }) |> Reduce(f = `+`) inv_denom_matrix <- solve(denom_matrix) right_vector <- lapply(seq_along(probs), function(l) { c_l <- c_values[l] z_l <- aux_vars[l,] y_l <- y[l] pi_l <- probs[l] c_l * (z_l * y_l) / (pi_l^2) }) |> Reduce(f = `+`) hat_matrix <- inv_denom_matrix %*% right_vector y_star <- as.vector(aux_vars %*% hat_matrix) var_est <- sapply(seq_along(probs), function(k) { (c_values[k]/(probs[k]^2)) * (y[k] - y_star[k])^2 }) |> sum() ## Compare the "by-hand" result to the quadratic form result Q <- make_deville_tille_matrix( probs = probs, aux_vars = aux_vars ) Q_var_est <- as.vector(t(y/probs) %*% Q %*% (y/probs)) expect_equal( object = Q_var_est, expected = var_est ) ## If every unit selected with certainty, variance estimate should be 0 expect_equal( object = make_deville_tille_matrix(probs = c(1,1), aux_vars = matrix(c(1,1), 2, 1)), expected = matrix(c(0,0,0,0), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) ) }) # Ensure function checks inputs for issues ---- test_that( "Informative errors for bad inputs", { expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix("made-up"), regexp = "`made-up` is not a supported variance estimator" ) expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(c("Yates-Grundy", "Horvitz-Thompson")), regexp = "Can only specify one" ) # Horvitz-Thompson / Yates-Grundy expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy"), regexp = "must supply a matrix.+joint_probs" ) expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", joint_probs = matrix(NA, 2, 2)), regexp = "must be a matrix.+no missing values" ) # SD1 and SD2 expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "SD1"), regexp = "must supply a matrix or data frame to `cluster_ids`" ) expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "SD1", cluster_ids = data.frame(ID = c(1,2))), regexp = "must supply a vector to `sort_order`" ) # Stratified multistage SRS expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Stratified Multistage SRS", cluster_ids = data.frame(ID = c(1,2))), regexp = "matrix or data frame to both" ) expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Stratified Multistage SRS", cluster_ids = data.frame(ID = c(1,2)), strata_ids = data.frame(STRATUM = c(1,1))), regexp = "matrix or data frame to `strata_pop_sizes`" ) # Deville-1 and Deville-2 expect_error( object = make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Deville-1", cluster_ids = data.frame(ID = c(1,2)), strata_ids = data.frame(STRATUM = c(1,1))), regexp = "must supply a matrix or data frame to `probs`" ) }) # Helper functions work ---- test_that("`distribute_matrix_across_clusters() works", { expect_equal( object = svrep:::distribute_matrix_across_clusters( cluster_level_matrix = matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 5,6), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), cluster_ids = c(1,2,2,3), cols = FALSE ), expected = structure(c(1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 6), dim = c(4L, 2L)) ) expect_equal( object = svrep:::distribute_matrix_across_clusters( cluster_level_matrix = matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 5,6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), cluster_ids = c(1,2,2,3), cols = TRUE, rows = FALSE ), expected = structure(c(1, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3, 6), dim = c(2L, 4L)) ) expect_error( object = svrep:::distribute_matrix_across_clusters( cluster_level_matrix = matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 5,6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), cluster_ids = c(1,2,2,3), cols = FALSE, rows = FALSE ), regexp = "Must set `rows=TRUE` and/or `cols=TRUE`" ) })