suppressWarnings({ suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(survey) library(dplyr) library(svrep) library(testthat) }) }) data('library_stsys_sample', package = 'svrep') set.seed(2014) library_stsys_sample <- library_stsys_sample |> mutate( TOTCIR = ifelse(, 0, TOTCIR), TOTSTAFF = ifelse(, 0, TOTSTAFF) ) data('mu284', package = 'survey') mu284$phase2 <- mu284$id1 %in% c(19,31,45) mu284 <- mu284[order(mu284$id1),] twophase_design <- twophase( data = mu284, id = list(~id1, ~id1), fpc = list(~n1, NULL), subset = ~ phase2 ) # Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch ---- set.seed(2014) data('election', package = 'survey') test_that( "Horvitz-Thompson: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) ## Create survey design object pps_design_ht <- svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "HT" ) ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- pps_design_ht |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "Horvitz-Thompson", replicates = 5, tau = "auto") |> weights(type = "replication") set.seed(2014) orig_result <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Horvitz-Thompson", joint_probs = election_jointprob) |> make_gen_boot_factors(num_replicates = 5, tau = "auto") expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = orig_result ) }) test_that( "Yates-Grundy: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) ## Create survey design object pps_design_yg <- svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "YG" ) ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- pps_design_yg |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", replicates = 5, tau = "auto") |> weights(type = "replication") set.seed(2014) orig_result <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", joint_probs = election_jointprob) |> make_gen_boot_factors(num_replicates = 5, tau = "auto") expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = orig_result ) }) test_that( "Ultimate Cluster: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { ## Create survey design object multistage_survey_design <- svydesign( data = svrep::library_multistage_sample |> mutate(WT = 1/SAMPLING_PROB), weights = ~ WT, ids = ~ PSU_ID + SSU_ID, fpc = ~ PSU_POP_SIZE + SSU_POP_SIZE ) ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- multistage_survey_design |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster", replicates = 5, tau = "auto") |> weights(type = "replication") set.seed(2014) orig_result <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster", strata_ids = multistage_survey_design$strata, cluster_ids = multistage_survey_design$cluster, strata_pop_sizes = multistage_survey_design$fpc$popsize) |> make_gen_boot_factors(num_replicates = 5, tau = "auto") expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = orig_result ) }) test_that( "Multistage Stratified SRS: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { ## Create survey design object multistage_survey_design <- svydesign( data = svrep::library_multistage_sample |> mutate(WT = 1/SAMPLING_PROB), weights = ~ WT, ids = ~ PSU_ID + SSU_ID, fpc = ~ PSU_POP_SIZE + SSU_POP_SIZE ) ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- multistage_survey_design |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "Stratified Multistage SRS", replicates = 5, tau = "auto") |> weights(type = "replication") set.seed(2014) orig_result <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "Stratified Multistage SRS", strata_ids = multistage_survey_design$strata, cluster_ids = multistage_survey_design$cluster, strata_pop_sizes = multistage_survey_design$fpc$popsize) |> make_gen_boot_factors(num_replicates = 5, tau = "auto") expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = orig_result ) }) test_that( "SD1: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { ## Create survey design object multistage_survey_design <- svydesign( data = svrep::library_multistage_sample |> mutate(WT = 1/SAMPLING_PROB), weights = ~ WT, ids = ~ PSU_ID + SSU_ID, fpc = ~ PSU_POP_SIZE + SSU_POP_SIZE ) suppressMessages({ ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- multistage_survey_design |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "SD1", replicates = 5, tau = "auto") |> weights(type = "replication") set.seed(2014) orig_result <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "SD1", strata_ids = multistage_survey_design$strata, cluster_ids = multistage_survey_design$cluster, strata_pop_sizes = multistage_survey_design$fpc$popsize, sort_order = seq_len(nrow(multistage_survey_design))) |> make_gen_boot_factors(num_replicates = 5, tau = "auto") }) expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = orig_result ) }) test_that( "SD2: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { ## Create survey design object multistage_survey_design <- svydesign( data = svrep::library_multistage_sample |> mutate(WT = 1/SAMPLING_PROB), weights = ~ WT, ids = ~ PSU_ID + SSU_ID, fpc = ~ PSU_POP_SIZE + SSU_POP_SIZE ) suppressMessages({ ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- multistage_survey_design |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "SD2", replicates = 5, tau = "auto") |> weights(type = "replication") set.seed(2014) orig_result <- make_quad_form_matrix(variance_estimator = "SD2", strata_ids = multistage_survey_design$strata, cluster_ids = multistage_survey_design$cluster, strata_pop_sizes = multistage_survey_design$fpc$popsize, sort_order = seq_len(nrow(multistage_survey_design))) |> make_gen_boot_factors(num_replicates = 5, tau = "auto") }) expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = orig_result ) }) test_that( "Two-phase Design: Same results from conversion vs. creating from scratch", { suppressMessages({ expect_warning( regexp = "The sample quadratic form matrix for this design and variance estimator is not positive semidefinite.", object = { set.seed(2023) twophase_gen_boot <- twophase_design |> as_gen_boot_design( replicates = 5, tau = 1, variance_estimator = list('SD2', 'Ultimate Cluster'), psd_option = "warn" ) } ) }) suppressMessages({ suppressWarnings({ set.seed(2023) gen_boot_reps <- twophase_design |> get_design_quad_form( variance_estimator = list('SD2', 'Ultimate Cluster') ) |> get_nearest_psd_matrix() |> make_gen_boot_factors( num_replicates = 5, tau = 1 ) expect_equal( object = twophase_gen_boot$repweights, expected = gen_boot_reps ) }) }) }) # Rescaling functions work as expected ---- test_that( "Rescaling functions work as expected", { suppressMessages({ suppressWarnings({ twophase_gen_boot <- twophase_design |> as_gen_boot_design( variance_estimator = list( 'SD2', 'Ultimate Cluster' ), replicates = 5, tau = 1 ) }) }) rescaled_design <- twophase_gen_boot |> rescale_reps(tau = NULL, min_wgt = 0.05) rescaled_matrix <- twophase_gen_boot |> weights(type = "replication") |> rescale_reps(tau = NULL, min_wgt = 0.05) expect_equal( object = rescaled_design |> weights(type = "replication"), expected = rescaled_matrix ) expect_gte( object = min(rescaled_matrix), expected = 0.05 ) expect_equal( object = matrix(c(1,0.3,0.02,2,3,4), ncol = 3) |> rescale_reps(min_wgt = 0.02) |> `attr<-`('tau', NULL), expected = matrix(c(1,0.3,0.02,2,3,4), ncol = 3) ) }) # Testing the `exact_vcov` option ---- test_that( desc = "`exact_vcov = TRUE` gives exact variance estimate for totals", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) pps_design_yg <- svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "YG" ) gen_boot_est <- as_gen_boot_design( pps_design_yg, "Yates-Grundy", replicates = 40, exact_vcov = TRUE ) |> svytotal(x = ~ Bush + Kerry) |> vcov() |> `attr<-`('means', NULL) exact_est <- pps_design_yg |> svytotal(x = ~ Bush + Kerry) |> vcov() |> `attr<-`('means', NULL) expect_equal(object = gen_boot_est, expected = exact_est) } ) test_that( desc = "`exact_vcov = TRUE` throws informative error message if there too few replicates", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) expect_error( regexp = "only works if.+39", object = { svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "YG" ) |> as_gen_boot_design( variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", exact_vcov = TRUE, replicates = 39 ) } ) } ) # Sanity check results ---- test_that( "Bootstrap estimate with many replicates close to expected value", { # Disable test until the Matrix package adapts to change in R 4.3.2 # (`crossprod()` becomes primitive and S3 generic in R 4.3.2) skip_if_not("crossprod" %in% ls(getNamespaceInfo("Matrix", "exports"))) ## Create survey design object pps_design_yg <- svydesign( data = election_pps, id = ~1, fpc = ~p, pps = ppsmat(election_jointprob), variance = "YG" ) exp_value <- svytotal(x = ~ Bush, design = pps_design_yg) |> vcov() |> as.numeric() ## Convert to generalized bootstrap replicate design set.seed(2014) conversion_result <- pps_design_yg |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", replicates = 50000, tau = "auto") |> svytotal(x = ~ Bush) |> vcov() |> as.numeric() ## Check that variance estimate from bootstrap is similar to expected value expect_equal( object = conversion_result, expected = exp_value, tolerance = 0.01 ) ## Check that the average replicate's estimate is similar to expected value expect_gt( object = pps_design_yg |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = "Yates-Grundy", replicates = 50000, tau = "auto") |> svytotal(x = ~ Bush, return.replicates = TRUE) |> getElement("replicates") |> t.test(mu = coef(svytotal(x = ~ Bush, design = pps_design_yg))) |> getElement("p.value"), expected = 0.01 ) }) # Works for more specialized classes of survey designs ---- test_that( desc = "Returns `tbl_svy` if the input is a `tbl_svy` and 'srvyr' is loaded", { library(srvyr) expect_true( twophase_design |> as_survey() |> as_gen_boot_design(variance_estimator = list( 'Ultimate Cluster', 'Ultimate Cluster' ), replicates = 1, tau = 1) |> inherits('tbl_svy') ) } )