suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings({ library(survey) library(RSQLite) }) }) # Load example data data('api', package = 'survey') suppressWarnings({ dbclus1 <- svydesign( id = ~dnum, weights = ~pw, fpc = ~fpc, data = "apiclus1", dbtype = "SQLite", dbname = system.file("api.db",package="survey") ) }) dclus1 <- svydesign( data = apiclus1, id = ~ dnum, weights = ~ pw, fpc = ~ fpc ) # Test the data frame conversion functionality ---- test_that( "`as_data_frame_with_weights()` works for database-backed designs", { expect_equal( object = suppressWarnings( dbclus1 |> as_data_frame_with_weights( vars_to_keep = c("dnum", "snum"), full_wgt_name = "FULL_SAMPLE_WGT" ) ), expected = dclus1 |> as_data_frame_with_weights( vars_to_keep = c("dnum", "snum"), full_wgt_name = "FULL_SAMPLE_WGT" ) ) } ) # Test the generalized bootstrap functionality ---- test_that( desc = "Generalized bootstrap works for database-backed designs", { # Create generalized bootstrap replicates for database-backed design set.seed(2023) db_result <- dbclus1 |> as_gen_boot_design( replicates = 5, variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster" ) # Create replicates for design in local memory set.seed(2023) non_db_result <- dclus1 |> as_gen_boot_design( replicates = 5, variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster" ) # Compare two sets of replicate weights expect_equal(db_result$repweights, non_db_result$repweights) # Compare estimates expect_equal( svytotal(x = ~ api00, db_result) |> SE(), svytotal(x = ~ api00, non_db_result) |> SE() ) } ) # Test Fay's generalized replication functionality ---- test_that( desc = "Generalized replication works for database-backed designs", { # Averts ATLAS/MKL tests (not supported) skip_if(grepl(x = La_library(), pattern = "atlas|mkl", = TRUE)) skip_if(grepl(x = extSoftVersion()[['BLAS']], pattern = "atlas|mkl", = TRUE)) # Create Fay's generalized replication replicates for database-backed design set.seed(2023) db_result <- dbclus1 |> as_fays_gen_rep_design( max_replicates = 16, variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster" ) # Create replicates for design in local memory set.seed(2023) non_db_result <- dclus1 |> as_fays_gen_rep_design( max_replicates = 16, variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster" ) # Compare two sets of replicate weights expect_equal(db_result$repweights, non_db_result$repweights) # Compare estimates expect_equal( svytotal(x = ~ api00, db_result) |> SE(), svytotal(x = ~ api00, non_db_result) |> SE() ) } ) # Test the basic bootstrap functionality ---- test_that( desc = "`as_bootstrap_design()` works for database-backed designs", { # Create bootstrap replicates for database-backed design set.seed(2023) db_rwyb_result <- dbclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 5, type = "Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont" ) set.seed(2023) db_survey_pkg_boot_result <- dbclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 5, type = "Preston" ) # Create replicates for design in local memory set.seed(2023) nondb_rwyb_result <- dclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 5, type = "Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont" ) set.seed(2023) nondb_survey_pkg_boot_result <- dclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 5, type = "Preston" ) # Compare two sets of replicate weights expect_equal( db_rwyb_result$repweights, nondb_rwyb_result$repweights ) expect_equal( db_survey_pkg_boot_result$repweights, nondb_survey_pkg_boot_result$repweights ) # Compare estimates expect_equal( svytotal(x = ~ api00, db_rwyb_result) |> SE(), svytotal(x = ~ api00, nondb_rwyb_result) |> SE() ) } ) # Test jackknife functionality ---- test_that( desc = "`as_random_group_jackknife_design()` works for database-backed designs", { suppressWarnings({ # Create bootstrap replicates for database-backed design set.seed(2023) db_jk_result <- dbclus1 |> as_random_group_jackknife_design( replicates = 5 ) # Create replicates for design in local memory set.seed(2023) nondb_jk_result <- dclus1 |> as_random_group_jackknife_design( replicates = 5 ) }) # Compare estimates expect_equal( svytotal(x = ~ api00, db_jk_result) |> SE(), svytotal(x = ~ api00, nondb_jk_result) |> SE() ) } ) # Test weight redistribution functionality ---- test_that( desc = "Weight adjustments work for database-backed designs", { # Create replicate designs set.seed(2023) db_rep_design <- dbclus1 |> as_gen_boot_design( replicates = 5, variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster" ) set.seed(2023) nondb_rep_design <- dclus1 |> as_gen_boot_design( replicates = 5, variance_estimator = "Ultimate Cluster" ) # Compare results of weight redistribution db_result <- db_rep_design |> redistribute_weights( reduce_if = (stype == "H"), increase_if = (stype == "M"), by = "sch_wide" ) nondb_result <- nondb_rep_design |> redistribute_weights( reduce_if = (stype == "H"), increase_if = (stype == "M"), by = "sch.wide" ) expect_equal( object = db_result |> weights(type = "analysis"), expected = nondb_result |> weights(type = "analysis") ) expect_equal( object = db_result |> weights(type = "sampling"), expected = nondb_result |> weights(type = "sampling") ) # Check that database-backed result has the expected class expect_true( object = inherits(db_result, "DBIrepdesign") ) } ) # Test sample-based calibration methods ---- test_that( "`calibrate_to_sample()` works for database-backed designs", { set.seed(2023) db_primary_survey <- dbclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 5, mse = TRUE ) set.seed(2023) nondb_primary_survey <- dclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 5, mse = TRUE ) # Load example data for control survey control_survey <- svydesign(id = ~ 1, fpc = ~fpc, data = apisrs) |> as_bootstrap_design(replicates = 5) # Calibrate DB-backed and regular designs suppressMessages({ set.seed(2023) calibrated_db_rep_design <- calibrate_to_sample( primary_rep_design = db_primary_survey, control_rep_design = control_survey, cal_formula = ~ stype + enroll, ) set.seed(2023) calibrated_nondb_rep_design <- calibrate_to_sample( primary_rep_design = nondb_primary_survey, control_rep_design = control_survey, cal_formula = ~ stype + enroll, ) }) # Compare calibrated-estimates expect_equal( object = calibrated_db_rep_design |> svytotal(x = ~ api00), expected = calibrated_nondb_rep_design |> svytotal(x = ~ api00) ) } ) test_that( "`calibrate_to_estimate()` works for database-backed designs", { set.seed(2023) db_primary_survey <- dbclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 10, mse = TRUE ) set.seed(2023) nondb_primary_survey <- dclus1 |> as_bootstrap_design( replicates = 10, mse = TRUE ) # Load example estimates from control survey estimated_controls <- svytotal( x = ~ stype, design = svydesign(id = ~ 1, fpc = ~fpc, data = apisrs) ) control_point_estimates <- coef(estimated_controls) control_vcov_estimate <- vcov(estimated_controls) # Calibrate DB-backed and regular designs suppressMessages({ set.seed(2023) calibrated_db_rep_design <- calibrate_to_estimate( rep_design = db_primary_survey, estimate = control_point_estimates, vcov_estimate = control_vcov_estimate, cal_formula = ~ stype ) set.seed(2023) calibrated_nondb_rep_design <- calibrate_to_estimate( rep_design = nondb_primary_survey, estimate = control_point_estimates, vcov_estimate = control_vcov_estimate, cal_formula = ~ stype ) }) # Compare calibrated-estimates expect_equal( object = calibrated_db_rep_design |> svytotal(x = ~ api00), expected = calibrated_nondb_rep_design |> svytotal(x = ~ api00) ) } ) # Disconnect from the database dbclus1$db$connection |> dbDisconnect() rm(dbclus1)