suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(survey)) # Create example data ---- set.seed(1999) data(api) dclus1 <- svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc) dclus1$variables$response_status <- sample(x = c("Respondent", "Nonrespondent", "Ineligible", "Unknown eligibility"), size = nrow(dclus1), replace = TRUE) orig_rep_design <- as.svrepdesign(dclus1) boot_design <- as.svrepdesign(dclus1, 'bootstrap', replicates = ncol(orig_rep_design$repweights$weights)) boot_design_more_cols <- as.svrepdesign(dclus1, "bootstrap", replicates = ncol(boot_design$repweights$weights) + 1) # Adjust weights for cases with unknown eligibility ue_adjusted_design <- redistribute_weights(design = orig_rep_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("Unknown eligibility"), increase_if = !response_status %in% c("Unknown eligibility"), by = c("stype", "cname")) # Adjust weights for nonresponse nr_adjusted_design <- redistribute_weights(design = ue_adjusted_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("Nonrespondent"), increase_if = response_status == "Respondent", by = c("stype", "cname")) # Test whether different design inputs accepted ---- test_that(desc = "Able to supply list of designs in multiple formats", code = { expect_equal(object = svyby_repwts(rep_designs = list('orig' = orig_rep_design, 'nr-adjusted' = nr_adjusted_design), formula = ~ api00 + api99, FUN = svymean), expected = svyby_repwts(rep_designs = stack_replicate_designs( 'orig' = orig_rep_design, 'nr-adjusted' = nr_adjusted_design), formula = ~ api00 + api99, FUN = svymean) ) }) # Test that point estimates and std errors match results from separate designs ---- sep_estimates <- list( 'orig' = svymean(x = ~ api00, design = orig_rep_design), 'nr-adjusted' = svymean(x = ~ api00, design = nr_adjusted_design) ) stacked_design <- stack_replicate_designs('orig' = orig_rep_design, 'nr-adjusted' = nr_adjusted_design, .id = "Design_Name") combined_estimates <- svyby_repwts(formula = ~ api00, by = ~ Design_Name, FUN = svymean, rep_designs = stacked_design) test_that("Estimates from separate and stacked designs match", code = { expect_equal(expected = coef(combined_estimates)[c("nr-adjusted", "orig")], object = c('nr-adjusted' = unname(coef(sep_estimates[['nr-adjusted']])), 'orig' = unname(coef(sep_estimates[['orig']])))) expect_equal(expected = SE(combined_estimates), object = c(unname(SE(sep_estimates[['nr-adjusted']])), unname(SE(sep_estimates[['orig']])))) }) # Test that covariances are estimated ---- test_that("Covariances are estimated", code = { expect_true(object = ![1,2]) && vcov(combined_estimates)[1,2] > 0) }) # Test that works with svycontrast() ---- test_that("Works with svycontrast()", code = { expect_true(object = "svystat" %in% class(svycontrast(stat = combined_estimates, c(1,-1)))) expect_equal( expected = unname(coef(sep_estimates[['orig']]) - coef(sep_estimates[['nr-adjusted']])), object = unname(coef(svycontrast(stat = combined_estimates, c(-1,1)))) ) }) # Matches results from svyby() ---- test_that("Matches results from svyby()", code = { expect_equal( expected = vcov(svyby(formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean, design = stacked_design, by = ~ Design_Name + stype, covmat = TRUE)), object = vcov(svyby_repwts(formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean, rep_designs = stacked_design, by = ~ stype)) ) }) test_that("Matches results from svyby()", code = { expect_equal( expected = vcov(svyby(formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean, design = stacked_design, by = list('Design_Name'= stacked_design$variables$Design_Name, 'stype' = stacked_design$variables$stype), covmat = TRUE)), object = vcov(svyby_repwts(formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean, rep_designs = stacked_design, by = list('stype' = stacked_design$variables$stype))) ) }) # Test that svyby() arguments are passed correctly ---- test_that("Arguments are correctly passed to svyby()", code = { expect_equal( expected = `attr<-`(svyby(formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean, design = stacked_design, by = ~ Design_Name + stype, covmat = TRUE, deff = TRUE, vartype = c("ci", "cv"), keep.names = FALSE, = TRUE, na.rm.all = TRUE), 'call', NULL), object = `attr<-`(svyby_repwts(formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean, rep_designs = stacked_design, by = ~ stype, deff = TRUE, vartype = c("ci", "cv"), keep.names = FALSE, = TRUE, na.rm.all = TRUE), 'call', NULL) ) }) # Check for error messages ---- test_that("Error message for invalid inputs", code = { expect_error( object = { svyby_repwts(rep_designs = orig_rep_design, formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean) }, regexp = "must be.+list of.+or.+stack" ) })