suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(survey)) # Create example data ---- set.seed(1999) data(api) cluster_sample <- apiclus1 cluster_sample[['response_status']] <- sample(x = c('R', 'NR', 'UE', 'IE'), size = nrow(cluster_sample), replace = TRUE) cluster_design <- svydesign(id=~dnum, data=cluster_sample, weights = ~ pw) cluster_rep_design <- as.svrepdesign(cluster_design, type="JK1") basic_example_output <- redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("NR"), increase_if = response_status %in% c("R") ) reduced_cases <- cluster_rep_design$variables[['response_status']] %in% "NR" increased_cases <- cluster_rep_design$variables[['response_status']] %in% c("R") unchanged_cases <- !reduced_cases & !increased_cases orig_fullsample_wt_sum <- sum(cluster_rep_design$pweights) updated_fullsample_wt_sum <- sum(basic_example_output$pweights) orig_repwt_sums <- apply(weights(cluster_rep_design, 'analysis'), MARGIN = 2, sum) updated_repwt_sums <- apply(weights(basic_example_output, 'analysis'), MARGIN = 2, sum) # Test of expected results from basic example ---- test_that("Full sample weights updated correctly", { expect_equal( object = unique(unname(basic_example_output$pweights[reduced_cases])), expected = 0 ) expect_equal( object = basic_example_output$pweights[unchanged_cases], expected = cluster_rep_design$pweights[unchanged_cases] ) expect_equal(object = updated_fullsample_wt_sum, expected = orig_fullsample_wt_sum) }) test_that("Replicate weights updated correctly", { uncompressed_input_wts <- weights(cluster_rep_design, 'analysis') uncompressed_result_wts <- weights(basic_example_output, 'analysis') dimnames(uncompressed_input_wts) <- NULL dimnames(uncompressed_result_wts) <- NULL expect_equal( object = unique(as.vector(uncompressed_result_wts[reduced_cases,])), expected = 0 ) expect_equal( object = uncompressed_result_wts[unchanged_cases,], expected = uncompressed_input_wts[unchanged_cases,] ) expect_equal(object = updated_repwt_sums, expected = orig_repwt_sums) }) # Test of example with grouping variables ---- cluster_rep_design[['variables']][['stype_E_or_M']] <- ifelse( cluster_rep_design[['variables']][['stype']] %in% c("E", "M"), 1, 0 ) grouped_example_output <- redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("NR"), increase_if = response_status %in% c("R"), by = c("stype_E_or_M", "stype") ) reduced_cases <- cluster_rep_design$variables[['response_status']] %in% "NR" increased_cases <- cluster_rep_design$variables[['response_status']] %in% c("R") unchanged_cases <- !reduced_cases & !increased_cases orig_fullsample_wt_sum <- sum(cluster_rep_design$pweights) updated_fullsample_wt_sum <- sum(grouped_example_output$pweights) orig_repwt_sums <- apply(weights(cluster_rep_design, 'analysis'), MARGIN = 2, sum) updated_repwt_sums <- apply(weights(grouped_example_output, 'analysis'), MARGIN = 2, sum) test_that("With grouping variables, full sample weights updated correctly", { expect_equal( object = unique(unname(grouped_example_output$pweights[reduced_cases])), expected = 0 ) expect_equal( object = grouped_example_output$pweights[unchanged_cases], expected = cluster_rep_design$pweights[unchanged_cases] ) expect_equal(object = updated_fullsample_wt_sum, expected = orig_fullsample_wt_sum) }) test_that("With grouping variables, replicate weights updated correctly", { uncompressed_input_wts <- weights(cluster_rep_design, 'analysis') uncompressed_result_wts <- weights(grouped_example_output, 'analysis') dimnames(uncompressed_input_wts) <- NULL dimnames(uncompressed_result_wts) <- NULL expect_equal( object = unique(as.vector(uncompressed_result_wts[reduced_cases,])), expected = 0 ) expect_equal( object = uncompressed_result_wts[unchanged_cases,], expected = uncompressed_input_wts[unchanged_cases,] ) expect_equal(object = updated_repwt_sums, expected = orig_repwt_sums) }) # Test that works with replicate design created with provided replicate weights ---- standalone_wts <- `colnames<-`(weights(cluster_rep_design, 'analysis'), paste0("Rep_Set_", 1:ncol(cluster_rep_design$repweights$weights))) data_w_repweights <- cbind(cluster_rep_design$variables, hand_created_rep_design <- svrepdesign( data = data_w_repweights, weights = ~ pw, repweights = "Rep_Set_", type = "JK1", scale = (ncol(standalone_wts) - 1)/ncol(standalone_wts), combined = TRUE ) test_that("Works with replicate design created using provided weights in data", { result_autocreated_wts <- weights(redistribute_weights(cluster_rep_design, increase_if = response_status == "R", reduce_if = response_status == "NR"), 'analysis') result_handcreated_wts <- weights(redistribute_weights(hand_created_rep_design, increase_if = response_status == "R", reduce_if = response_status == "NR"), 'analysis') dimnames(result_autocreated_wts) <- NULL dimnames(result_handcreated_wts) <- NULL expect_equal( expected = result_autocreated_wts, object = result_handcreated_wts ) }) # Tests of expected error messages ---- test_that("Throws error if input is not a replicate design object.", { expect_error(redistribute_weights( design = cluster_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("UE"), increase_if = response_status %in% c("R", "NR", "IE") ), regexp = "`design` must be a replicate design object.", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Throws informative error for non-logical results from `reduce_if`/`increase_if`", { expect_error(redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, reduce_if = 2, increase_if = response_status %in% c("R", "NR", "IE") ), regexp = "The expressions supplied to `reduce_if` and `increase_if` must result in logical values of TRUE or FALSE.", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Throws informative error for missing values in `reduce_if`/`increase_if`", { expect_error(redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, reduce_if = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), size = nrow(cluster_rep_design), replace = TRUE), increase_if = response_status %in% c("R", "NR", "IE") ), regexp = "The result of the expressions supplied to `reduce_if` and `increase_if` must be TRUE or FALSE, not NA.", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Throws informative error for conflicting results from `reduce_if`/`increase_if`", { expect_error(redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("NR", "IE"), increase_if = response_status %in% c("R", "NR", "IE") ), regexp = "`reduce_if` and `increase_if` conflict: they imply that some cases should have weights simultaneously reduced and increased.", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Throws informative error for missing `by` variables", { expect_error(redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, reduce_if = response_status %in% c("UE"), increase_if = response_status %in% c("R", "NR", "IE"), by = "nonexistantvar" ), regexp = "The following `by` variables are missing from the data.+nonexistantvar", fixed = FALSE ) }) test_that("Throws informative error for missing `reduce_if`/`increase_if` arguments", { expect_error(redistribute_weights( design = cluster_rep_design, increase_if = response_status %in% c("R", "NR", "IE"), by = "stype" ), regexp = "Must supply expressions", fixed = FALSE ) })