library("grid") # Tests requiring manual oversight are registered as such. They # specify files that should be opened with multiple browsers to make # sure the SVG appearance is consistent. Use open_manual_tests() after # running testthat to open them in your default browser. test_that("text has correct dimensions", { register_manual_test("test-scale-text.html") ttf <- fontquiver::font("Liberation", "Sans", "Regular")$ttf w <- systemfonts::string_width("foobar", path = ttf, index = 0L, res = 1e4) * 72 / 1e4 h <- max(vapply(systemfonts::glyph_info("foobar", path = ttf, index = 0L, res = 1e4)$bbox, `[[`, numeric(1), "ymax")) * 72 / 1e4 svglite("test-scale-text.svg", width = w / 72, height = h / 72, user_fonts = fontquiver::font_families("Liberation") ) on.exit( grid.newpage() grid.rect(0, 1, width = unit(w, "bigpts"), height = unit(h, "bigpts"), hjust = 0, vjust = 1, gp = gpar(col = "red", lwd = 1) ) grid.text("foobar", 0, 1, hjust = 0, vjust = 1, gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)) pushViewport(viewport()) }) test_that("lwd has correct dimensions", { x <- xmlSVG({ segments(0, 1, 0, 0, lwd = 96 / 72) }) line <- xml_find_all(x, "//line") expect_equal(xml_attr(line, "style"), "stroke-width: 1.00;") })