library(survival) options(na.action=na.exclude) # preserve missings options(contrasts=c('contr.treatment', 'contr.poly')) #ensure constrast type # # Tests from the appendix of Therneau and Grambsch # b. Data set 1 and Efron estimate # test1 <- data.frame(time= c(9, 3,1,1,6,6,8), status=c(1,NA,1,0,1,1,0), x= c(0, 2,1,1,1,0,0)) byhand <- function(beta, newx=0) { r <- exp(beta) loglik <- 2*beta - (log(3*r +3) + log((r+5)/2) + log(r+3)) u <- (30 + 23*r - r^3)/ ((r+1)*(r+3)*(r+5)) tfun <- function(x) x - x^2 imat <- tfun(r/(r+1)) + tfun(r/(r+5)) + tfun(r/(r+3)) # The matrix of weights, one row per obs, one col per time # Time of 1, 6, 6+0 (second death), and 9 wtmat <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0,1,1,1,1, 0,0,.5, .5, 1,1, 0,0,0,0,0,1), ncol=4) wtmat <- diag(c(r,r,r,1,1,1)) %*% wtmat x <- c(1,1,1,0,0,0) status <- c(1,0,1,1,0,1) xbar <- colSums(wtmat*x)/ colSums(wtmat) haz <- 1/ colSums(wtmat) # one death at each of the times hazmat <- wtmat %*% diag(haz) #each subject's hazard over time mart <- status - rowSums(hazmat) a <- r+1; b<- r+3; d<- r+5 # 'c' in the book, 'd' here score <- c((2*r + 3)/ (3*a^2), -r/ (3*a^2), (675+ r*(1305 +r*(756 + r*(-4 +r*(-79 -13*r)))))/(3*(a*b*d)^2), r*(1/(3*a^2) - a/(2*b^2) - b/(2*d^2)), 2*r*(177 + r*(282 +r*(182 + r*(50 + 5*r)))) /(3*(a*b*d)^2), 2*r*(177 + r*(282 +r*(182 + r*(50 + 5*r)))) /(3*(a*b*d)^2)) # Schoenfeld residual d <- mean(xbar[2:3]) scho <- c(1/(r+1), 1- d, 0- d , 0) surv <- exp(-cumsum(haz)* exp(beta*newx))[c(1,3,4)] varhaz.g <- cumsum(haz^2) # since all numerators are 1 varhaz.d <- cumsum((newx-xbar) * haz) varhaz <- (varhaz.g + varhaz.d^2/ imat) * exp(2*beta*newx) list(loglik=loglik, u=u, imat=imat, xbar=xbar, haz=haz, mart=mart, score=score, var.g=varhaz.g, var.d=varhaz.d, scho=scho, surv=surv, var=varhaz[c(1,3,4)]) } aeq <- function(x,y) all.equal(as.vector(x), as.vector(y)) fit0 <-coxph(Surv(time, status) ~x, test1, iter=0) truth0 <- byhand(0,0) aeq(truth0$loglik, fit0$loglik[1]) aeq(1/truth0$imat, fit0$var) aeq(truth0$mart, fit0$resid[c(2:6,1)]) aeq(resid(fit0), c(-3/4, NA, 5/6, -1/6, 5/12, 5/12, -3/4)) aeq(truth0$scho, resid(fit0, 'schoen')) aeq(truth0$score, resid(fit0, 'score')[c(3:7,1)]) sfit <- survfit(fit0, list(x=0), censor=FALSE) aeq(sfit$std.err^2, truth0$var) aeq(sfit$surv, truth0$surv) fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~x, test1, eps=1e-8, nocenter=NULL) aeq(round(fit$coef,6), 1.676857) truebeta <- log(cos(acos((45/23)*sqrt(3/23))/3) * 2* sqrt(23/3)) truth <- byhand(truebeta, 0) aeq(truth$loglik, fit$loglik[2]) aeq(1/truth$imat, fit$var) aeq(truth$mart, fit$resid[c(2:6,1)]) aeq(truth$scho, resid(fit, 'schoen')) aeq(truth$score, resid(fit, 'score')[c(3:7,1)]) # Per comments in the source code, the below is expected to fail for Efron # at the tied death times. (When predicting for new data, predict # treats a time in the new data set that exactly matches one in the original # as being just after the original, i.e., experiences the full hazard # jump there, in the same way that censors do.) expect <- predict(fit, type='expected', newdata=test1) #force recalc use <- !(test1$time==6 |$status)) aeq(test1$status[use] - resid(fit)[use], expect[use]) sfit <- survfit(fit, list(x=0), censor=FALSE) aeq(sfit$surv, truth$surv) aeq(sfit$std.err^2, truth$var) # # Done with the formal test, now print out lots of bits # resid(fit) resid(fit, 'scor') resid(fit, 'scho') predict(fit, type='lp') predict(fit, type='risk') predict(fit, type='expected') predict(fit, type='terms') predict(fit, type='lp', predict(fit, type='risk', predict(fit, type='expected', predict(fit, type='terms', summary(survfit(fit)) summary(survfit(fit, list(x=2)))