data("ha.sts") data("salmonella.agona") test_that("toLatex accepts basic input and returns Latex", { control <- list( noPeriods=10,populationBool=FALSE, fitFun="algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible", b=4,w=3,weightsThreshold=2.58, pastWeeksNotIncluded=26, pThresholdTrend=1,trend=TRUE, thresholdMethod="new",alpha=0.01 ) result <- ha.sts result@alarm[,7] <- TRUE result@upperbound[,7] <- 1 laTex <- toLatex(result, subset=(280:290), table.placement="h", size = "scriptsize", sanitize.text.function = identity, NA.string = "-",include.rownames=FALSE) laTex3 <- toLatex(result, subset=(280:290), alarmPrefix = "aaaa", alarmSuffix = "bbbb", table.placement="h", size = "scriptsize", sanitize.text.function = identity, NA.string = "-",include.rownames=FALSE) expect_true(grepl("aaaa", paste(as.character(laTex3), collapse = ' '))) expect_true(grepl("bbbb", paste(as.character(laTex3), collapse = ' '))) expect_inherits(laTex, "Latex") expect_inherits(laTex3, "Latex") }) test_that("caption is incorporated", { testCaption <- "Please print my caption" latex <- toLatex(ha.sts, caption = testCaption) expect_true(grepl(testCaption, paste(as.character(latex), collapse = ' '))) }) test_that("label is incorporated", { testLabel <- "Please print my label" latex <- toLatex(ha.sts, label = testLabel) expect_true(grepl(testLabel, paste(as.character(latex), collapse = ' '))) }) test_that("ubColumnLabel is incorporated", { testUBLabel <- "Upperbound" latex <- toLatex(ha.sts, ubColumnLabel = testUBLabel) expect_true(grepl(testUBLabel, paste(as.character(latex), collapse = ' '))) }) test_that("one can override the default table column labels", { columnLabels <- c("Jahr", "Woche", "chwi1", "UB", "frkr2", "UB", "lich3", "UB", "mahe4", "UB", "mitt5", "UB", "neuk6", "UB", "pank7", "UB", "rein8", "UB", "span9", "UB", "zehl10", "UB", "scho11", "UB", "trko12", "UB") latex <- toLatex(ha.sts, columnLabels = columnLabels) expect_true(all( sapply(columnLabels, function(l) grepl(l, paste(as.character(latex), collapse = ' ')) , USE.NAMES = FALSE) )) }) test_that("toLatex works with output from farringtonFlexible()", { # Create the corresponding sts object from the old disProg object salm <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona) # Farrington with old options control1 <- list(range=(260:312), noPeriods=1,populationOffset=FALSE, fitFun="algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible", b=4,w=3,weightsThreshold=1, pastWeeksNotIncluded=3, pThresholdTrend=0.05,trend=TRUE, thresholdMethod="delta",alpha=0.1) salm1 <- farringtonFlexible(salm,control=control1) expect_inherits(toLatex(salm1), "Latex") }) test_that("toLatex stops if 'subset' is not applicable", { expect_error(toLatex(ha.sts, subset=(-5:290))) expect_error(toLatex(ha.sts, subset=(1:10000))) expect_error(toLatex(ha.sts, subset=(10000:100000))) })